— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132419
Recently, in a commentary to the movie on one of the distant trackers:
My friend Anton highly recommended. Let us see.
2: O_o... well if Anton himself polemized then I download without any doubts
Everyone knows that Antha has a great taste. I need to push, for sure.
4 is fucking. I know Antoine too. I go.
5 The Comrades! Anton insisted not to mention his name. :)
6 of O! I am not the only one who knows Anton.
I liked the movie, someone find out from Anton what else is good to see.
I also have Anton.
9: I don’t know Anton, but I’m happy to jump and watch for the third time!!! to
I don’t know Anton!! But... I also jump because it intrigued the resume of the film....
11: Bl..y, why doesn't anyone say that Anton recommended the film? and? That changes everything!See all of them!!! to
12: I don't know how to push or not, someone give an anton number I want to clarify what
13: Maybe Antonha will also get up for the distribution, or there is no speed (
14: I read all the comments and in the process I only download the film from Antonhi. Don’t fool Anton.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132418
I am well. He feeds well, he scratches. Yes, the ticks fled, although the worms still remain. One problem: it doesn’t make you cry at night. In other words, the norm.
by Martin.

Hold on, Martin - show the worms who is the principal here! Yes, by the way: this is a good remedy for night trouble. As your sleep, look for her navel, they say, somewhere in the middle.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132417
Love those you live with if you can’t live with those you love.
This was stated by D. Nagiev in one of the programs “Windows” in 2002. A worthy phrase, a dish.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132416
On the GT about the new bionic prosthesis:
XXX: Holy Jay, it’s just as cool to shrink!
Looking at such things, you start to believe at least a little more that the world is moving in the right direction.
YYY: Yes it is. Properly placed bionic prostheses can help the mass of people whose hands are not growing from that place since birth. and :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132415
Anyone who has not yet found the pup in the cat - put the cat with the surface examined (pudge) up.

Cat protested using four legs equipped with fishing hooks and teeth

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132414
All wives work on their own, ready to help in case of illness, injury and depression. Yes Yes Yes.
Most will try to get rid of such a husband as soon as possible, as he "washes her best years".

Just husbands run away from the illness of their wives, referring to the saying that a husband loves a healthy wife.
And many examples when a woman wears pot
husband, and he goes to find a young man.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132413
Description of vacancy:
"The official hard device."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132412

Fans of Ren-TV and other things who believe that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens, simply do not realize the human strength and determination that arises from obtaining the nutritious %#$duels or simply in the presence of “third-party” energy in the body.
Once at the end of the 90-x in the lower part of the mountain on the path found a battery. Ordinary Soviet iron part of central heating, sections edak 10. The path is already in the mountain, narrow, to the nearest home is 6 kilometers. The path is such that even if you used some car or sailing in the winter, it would have to be very difficult.
But my intuition suggested that it was done manually.
And I still hope that the inscription “Asya and Olya 1996” scratched on the battery paint was made either before or after other people picked up this object.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132411
His money goes to pay for a mortgage and an eternally broken car. They eat for their money and everything else. Also, she fully provides the daily life - washing, cleaning, cooking. Is this not an equal contribution? Is she a survivor? But it will be boring to him - he will go out, and she, according to the law, must make a bunch of movements to prove that she also has the right to this apartment, because of the fact. His money was also included in the family budget.

In that case, she will get nothing. The families are not. If she had made a mortgage contribution on her own behalf... then no one would know who fed this crazed fool. Maybe my mom and daddy, and the caretaker came to him. If a person takes a mortgage, lives on your account and even after that does not rush to acknowledge that you have a family, you need to run away from him as soon as possible, you will lose less.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132410
Dear colleagues! Until you stop calling the contracts contracts, dressing each morning a shift, celebrating a middle-class birthday and writing the word "nothing" separately, I will not accept any adjustments, except meaningful, from you.
P.S If you have any questions about this point, let us organize a rally, at which I will explain it again in a language you understand. To completely eliminate any miscommunication and misunderstanding.
with respect
Technical writer of the department.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132409
and Martin! In short, are you still a real cat?

Real cats are real cats.
As the nurse at the veterinarian told my cat, who resisted violently taking blood for analysis: "Terrapi, you're a man! Even without eggs."

Veterinarians, they are doctors too, and their humor is medical.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132408
"Bolt after winning in the final said that he will not go to the Olympics anymore".

In short, I put my name on your Olympics.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132407
I met a guy for five years. He proudly said that we are modern people and we do not need marriage. These are those who are not sure about the feelings of running to the ZAGS, and we will love each other forever and without marriage. I agreed that marriage was not the goal in life, I did not tell the guy about the stamp.
But here is my father's late diagnosed cancer. After his death, I will have an apartment in the capital, several plots in our city, and a profit from my father’s business. Riddled at the guy on his shoulder when he learned about his father’s illness, and he at that moment asked what we would do with the Moscow apartment.
In the same month, the guy for whom the main feelings, not the stamp, began to drop on the brain that now he wants to get married. All my life re-thought and without a stamp we are a minor couple, long wanted to make an offer, but could not decide. All the talk was about marriage and ideas where he wanted to invest my inheritance money.
Of course, I broke up with the guy. Now to everyone who categorically does not want a stamp with distrust. The principle of living without marriage before the first opportunity to earn as it turned out.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132406
D'Artagnan is a drive development?
It is simple.
Do what you want.
Those who disagree with the

And I ride.

And you scream "channel"?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132405
If there are faithful husbands somewhere, then there must be wives without requests.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132404
From the forum:
A three-year-old daughter asked, “How did I come up?” I told her that I came to the pharmacy, selected the best girl from the catalogue, I was given a pill, and then you came out of my stomach.
He comes from the garden, crying. She says I cheated her. “Seroja (the boy from the group) said that I came out of the pitch.” I proudly showed her a scarring from Caesarean and said, “This is Serjoja from the scratch, and you from the belly.”
The next day Serjozh cried for the injustice of this world.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132403
Why under a healthy lifestyle is understood to give up smoking and alcohol, why about constant lack of sleep, life from salary to salary and neurosis tactically silenced? Is this type very beneficial for health?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №132402
>>>and the money that a man invested in the house and wife will turn into dust. The children will be taken away from him, or even mounted against him. But you can put money on a deposit and not worry about old age.
Why does it make sense for a man to rush to the ZAGS? Life is automated, sex is available, the future is protected, and love is unreliable.

And now a bunch of women who earn if not more, then on the same level as a man. My friend’s wife even with a newborn child has time to spend two hours a day on remote work. So about "patriarchal investments in the family" you can not flood. How would it be that the woman brought more than that "extractor" money to the family.
Well, if you have chosen a typical wife, which you needed exclusively for the sake of sex, children, and family life - well, this is your choice, but you do not need to speak for everyone then. In the world, thank God, there are plenty of people who choose a personality for their partners, not a set of factions.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132401
On Friday in our country you can find out from the news:
At Kemerovo airport, workers crashed and broke the plane in half.
A Kaliningrader drowned an excavator with which he tried to catch fish.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №132400
You don’t want to get married, it’s your right. Then find your aunt who agrees to live just like that. It is not a problem now.
And women oriented to marriage, leave them alone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna