— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102534
So I see a man going to work in the morning: standing in front of the mirror and choosing - today with a bite I will go... although not, better with the smell of sweat. Takes the necessary bottle and watered abundantly from it his powerful hairy cheeks. He smells happy and goes to work.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102533
Photo of parade. Poroshenko stands, behind him a par-troika of the highest military ranks, all in orders, medals...

The comments:

Where has Ukraine fought in the last 23 years?

WOW: on the Internet

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №102532
here here :

The basement cat says:

Alka found somewhere a video where a large leopard is smoothed, and the one is cheering from pleasure. I decided to watch this video with the sound. Included the columns.

How does a leopard mourn? Right, very loud and impressive, like a tank.

As soon as the columns began to spread the uterine murmuring of a giant cat, the cat Klaus sprinkled onto the smoothboard and depicted a frog in the style of "I am not a frog, I am a branch." Kitty Tsingch signed with a coup to the nearest shelter - under the laundry dryer and covered himself with a blanket, shaking his eyes from there.

From the corridor came the sound of a hurried lightning - Risechka simultaneously tried to close a bag filled with a beat, put on shoes and at the same time said something on the phone to the taxi operator. It was heard only a fraction: “Urgency... Airport... Moon sugar... So that my feet...”.

I don't know how I'll go to the kitchen now, it seems that Herka barricaded from the inside and holds the door under the target, equipping a fire point on the refrigerator.

The fuck, the leopard.

However, when the video ended and the danger went away, each member of the cat band came to his knees and demonstrated that he was also able to murmur. Oh oh how! Wherever there are leopards.
I wanted to check. The video was found, turned on to the loud. The cat sat closer and washed peacefully. But here’s the package, so I’m running out of the kitchen, it’s terrible! And you say, leopard... The package is a terrible thing!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102531
Genre: fantasy, drama, family, short film, detective
Yozik in the Mist (1975)

Why "detective" when is this a psychological thriller?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №102530
Tammy said at the wedding:
We will raise a toast for the wonderful feeling that brought the newlyweds to this hall! This feeling is...
The direction! Talk from a distant table.

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102529
From a closed blog:

A: In general, it seems to me lately that all the problems of the historical image of Russia are that it has grown into neighboring territories. If we had colonies, we would be a very respected European power.
B: I would fly to Sri Lanka.
C: And the Hindus would think that the Tajiks went to their native laundry.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102528
to this
"Electric Safety Lectures
XX: Switches must be installed in such a way that they are turned off by the movement of the hand from the top down. To freely falling under the action of the force of gravity the body of the affected current electrician switched off the voltage, rather than turn it on.

It’s right, as cynical it may sound.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102527
I sit at work, forging an old video recorder, hoping it will suddenly come to life. He enters the girl’s office. For the prehistory, its job is to increase debt to the company.
So here comes this girl in this dress, alla porn star + woman vampire. I crossed a couple of times, advised Parang. She said that I was arrested...
I met a guy on a dating site, he owed us money, communicated, flirted, played in love, and eventually appointed a date.. he bought wine..
The wine and compliments were useless, because behind her back there were two court stalls.
From the quarter brought almost everything, a guy will never believe a woman again

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102526
I work in an advertising newspaper, there are different copies in the team, but one of the advertising sales managers is pleased, who approaches the main editor and the following dialogue occurs:
Q. Can I go home?? to
(Gl of R – What is the problem?
(m) - Well, I got to cook borst and I can't work anymore.
Then the curtain.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102525
(Talk about the children)

X: My went to Aikido. Today is the second training.
Y: We’re also learning...Today we’re going to go to 2nd Karate training.
X is :)
Y: let them train...then we’ll be drunk to organize battles and bet))

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №102524
I am a girl and I am a programmer
>I was tempted to somehow arrange for a company with a sysadmin.

Here’s a generation of enikeys who think they’re programmers.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102523
Tagged with: hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair hair
On the hair - hair - a long mouse in a reservoir or in a stream.
cutting the seed
Curved Instruments
Own the hair tool.
Hair is raised. drunkenly
Cossy - vision defect (cossy with the eye)
A species of rabbit
The real name of the rabbit.
with hair - hair

On a long head, a drunk one-eyed rabbit (because with a cushion) harvested seed with a crooked curve.

Do you smoke this?! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102522
I don’t know where it came from about the unkillability of the 3310, but when it came out, it was really considered a cracking shit compared to the 3210.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102521
Did ten or fifteen years ago the American teenage comics think that very soon almost all the blockbusters will be about superheroes? Probably not. Are they happy today?
I have the feeling that these same fools run the film studios today.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102520
Because sometimes it is just a pity that F-1 is not in your pocket - to star a fever in the forehead, gasping on the courtyard road!

He could have starred, and the brick would have starred. But you can only star with the language on the keyboard. God does not give horns to a cow.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102519
by Mikhail
Why is?

If you ask me why, I’ll take you to CS.

by Mikhail
Why Why?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102518

“Alexey, hello, we got a strange email here with a file in the attachment, we thought it was a virus.
Well guys, you thought right.
This is a virus!? to
What did you do?? to
Launched him

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102517
xxx: Please tell me if the studio works on the territory of the university and how to enroll there?

YYY: It is working. During the session many such performances are played)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102516
She spoke cleverly and asked, “If the monitor doesn’t radiate, how will we see it?”

Pump the demagogy, brother. We appeal to the fact that her magical computer cactus she also sees - so it also radiates. Then we give the threads for sewing the pattern.

You should have said, "I will go away from you, I see you - it means you also hurt."
Never argue with idiots.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №102515
You don’t know anything about people’s weirdnesses unless you’ve communicated with modern holidaymakers.
In the spring they are worn with seeds, all the weekends torch in the garden, water, water, experience, as if it did not dry. Then they experience, as if it wasn’t frozen and sprinkled, still fighting with droughts, collecting all the harvest, dragging on their hill into the city.
xhh: to one day come to work with the words "take cucumbers (pomodras, zucchini, etc.)I have nine of them somewhere.
When do you ask – and why? They are offended.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna