— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142714
Evgeny B.: Prodaction is like sex. No matter how much you read and even look at it, it’s actually quite different.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142713
This is what we went through:

The raven on the lawn is trying to take off. They take off vertically and then sit down vertically.

Note: if the birds fly their tail forward, it means that there is a strong wind on the street.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142712
Chapter 3 of 1487

Which one of us is in the midst of the earth, and who is in the midst of the earth?

1) Construction of an atomic power plant in this dangerous region

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142711
- Some are surprised how a man in a sober mind can go to study at a urologist. Are you not bothered by such rough questions?

As the ancients said, “Urination is the only act of pleasure that can be obtained for free.” Therefore, my teachers said that everyone wants to urinate well. And this profession has a certain popularity precisely because of this.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142710
Going to the bottom is equally bad on a chic yacht and on a sluggish boat.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142709
The neighbor fought for two years with a large topol that grew next to his garage (it was uncomfortable to go in). At night, he poured acid from the battery under the tree, struck the bark, specially brought a barrel of salt from somewhere.
Yesterday, during the rain, the tree finally fell. Garage with car.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №142708
Two men are talking about politics.
Why do terrorists blow up airplanes, subways, buses? Why don’t they blow up presidents, politicians, ministers?
“You understand, Izza, a terrorist attack should cause fear and horror in ordinary people, not a sense of profound satisfaction.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142707
Dialogue between future client and host:
What is the customer usually dissatisfied with?
The previous hosts

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142706
I am the leader of a group of hired workers and I often have to correct my subordinates. And I was overwhelmed by the fact that I can’t really punish those who work badly. (A complaint for insufficient authority)

You can punish your employers for not giving you authority. Just write a statement of refusal to work as a manager, and switch to the same cool hired workers. Get off and go to your competitors. Eggs are not worth eating. For a long time, the temporary-premium system of wages, and CTU, and other wisdom of the organization of production have been invented. Just your management is reluctant to shake up with motivating and stimulating employees – and so it’s okay, right? And you continue to naively blame those you see every day, not those in whose power to decide. After all, if an employee "takes a holiday", does someone give it?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142705
According to statistics, 98% of men with the name Fedot die from a rupture of the diaphragm. They were a little more lucky - only 48%

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142704
Scif-Yars: First of all, I would like to thank the three superheroes who have saved the mind: Jack Daniels, Johnny Walker, and John Jameson.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142703
Gennady: You appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Please evaluate the quality of the services provided by sending a free SMS with a rating from 1 to 5.
Gennady: O how
Vladimir: And what assessment did Gene send?
Gennady: Very polite right selected, 5 points

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142702
And we’re running the whole department. Anything happens, love is there. Prostate massage, a fashionable husband. So why in the anus of my husband to squeeze the controller from the TV? The pult. From the TV. And it does not pull out. Well still would.
"Fuck it’s your TV!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142701
Bishop - The Reader
I recommend reading "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rational Thinking" by E. Yudkovsky. Fanfic, which was written for 5 years as a specialist in artificial intelligence. I think it is much better than the original. Harry is a wanderkind (in the usual sense), a fan of science and books, raised in the family of an Oxford professor. After getting to Hogwarts, he applies rationalism and a scientific approach to everything. My wife and I couldn’t get away for two weeks. Search for the full version of 122 chapters, approximately 900 standard pages.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142700
Football commentators remind me of cats in front of a closed door, who whisper but go out and don’t intend to. You do your business, you hear – oret, oret, oret!!! You go to see who scored a goal and who is not.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142699
A colleague really loves jokes about his mortgage and the diet of the brokers. I have to say that for the third month it is already quite uniform. The other colleague did not stand, to the next blatant statement answered in the spirit of "you are an aristocrat! We can not afford this with a mortgage, we eat ordinary pasta, sometimes on holidays - "rollons"!"... In the department there is silence, interrupted only by clicking on the keyboard. Good as well!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142698
XX: It is not what tax is important, but how the money from these taxes is used. In the country, this is done irrationally, although the tax is high. In Denmark, for example, the tax is also high, but the standard of living is also high.

yy: > irrational
This is the most discreet statement about corruption in our country.

Colonel only irrationally distributed 9 billion in his apartment, so he was jailed.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142697
What kind of fashion has gone to arrange online broadcasts and fuck-piss-piss for an hour instead of creating a detailed post with links (if necessary) and a forum? Half an hour spoke about nothing, another 20 minutes answered questions online and only then went on to the essence. I hate online broadcasting.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142696
XXX: The Doctor
ууу: prescribed rectal candles to raise immunity(( i.e., technically, ordered candles for health to put

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142695
What a wonderful example.

corruption and in general.
The Kirov region. The Yaransk-Kirov bus, as you understand, goes from Yaransk to Kirov (220 km approximately). On the road he travels through many settlements (through Pižanka, for example). Passengers travelling from Yaransk buy a ticket there at the bus station. Passengers who sit on the road must buy a ticket from the driver. But drivers are not stupid - they take the money from passengers and put it in their pockets. N months pass, the management looks at the statistics and sees that on this route they only travel from Yaransk, and no one sits on the road at all. And they conclude: why chase a big bus for the sake of 10-20 people who sit in Yaransk? So the bus they clean up and let Gazelle, who from Yaransk is already full and on the road does not take anyone. As a result, those who sit on the road (for example, in Pižanka) sit and scratch their tails - as if they were to go to Kirov.

Drivers are to blame, but people curse mythical officials

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna