— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19034
Ferym: Do you go to the links and banners between the quotes in BORE? Those who are always cheating on them.)

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №19033
Sasha worries once, Vanya worries two, Petya worries three, Masha goes to the ultrasound!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №19032
Thirteen (17:01) :
I see, the guy has the status "I want a girl.I wish with brains". The next conversation:
Hi to you!
and hello.
I have brains. What do you think of pultuous glass plastic?
The guy does not respond and writes status:"I want a girl. Preferably with cries".

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №19031
My wife told me.
As a child, when she was with her grandmother in the country, they were attacked by crops. They usually came at night, when everyone was asleep, and the nights in that area were, to say, very dark. The men, unfortunately, were not with the family at this time, the father and grandfather left for earnings, so the women were afraid to give the thieves resistance. So, one evening, the grandmother admired the sunset - fell asleep on the street, she woke up from strange noises in the middle of a deep night. As it turned out, the thieves were a few meters away. From horror, she was even afraid to shake up, not to reveal her presence, until she felt someone's hand on her leg. From shock, she could say only one phrase: “I was waiting for you here, fucks!” and “Not going to steal any more.”

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №19030
And in general, when I am called a cat, I want to remind this man in his shoes.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №19029

14 degrees on the street (what to wear)

yyy (16:32:53 8/08/2009)
In the summer, wear a coat and don’t fall.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №19028
If I jump in the subway, will I land in the same place?

He will be taken immediately. Don’t fuck at the peak hour! :e is

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №19027
Funny Kirill wrote:
Two-headed birds will eat you.

Alexander -Static+ Khalitov wrote:
You are funny)

Funny Kirill wrote:
You are Khalid.

[ + 115 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19026
Stop drinking people. Weakly seeing a young boy with a buckle to pick up and lull to give. Hardly seeing that they are selling bullshit to minors - to catch a claim? This fucking is not propaganda. This is a way not to die out. Is it hard to give up a couple of bottles of beer at night? Is it bad to quit smoking and take cigarettes from minors?

I’m just scared for us... The war is already ongoing, but without explosions.

The Rebel.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №19025
I sat with my brother at the computer. Showed how to move the mouse, how to press the buttons... Brother carefully took the mouse, entered the Start-Programs and launched a torrent... I am afraid for his future...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №19024
I’m here when I see an expensive car with some simple number... well there... s482hz, so immediately a little more respect for the owner.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №19023
I work in the IT department. As is the case, 90% of all applications I do do not lift the ass from the chair through remote access, but the majority of employees are persistently calling and asking to approach them when the technology offends them. I always explain that for this I do not have to approach, I drive everything remotely. Those who see this for the first time will be amazed by the fact that the mouse itself slips through the screen!
Recently a consultant calls, such as changing the cartridge bla bla bla. I go, change, approach, and he just explains something to the client (from the company left). I change the cartridge and leave. After 15 minutes call:
Will you change my cartridge?
I have already changed.
and when? I did not see!
So I was away (I wasn’t confused :-)
- O_o (long pause, and with words) fuck, I fuck out of these айтишников, - hangs the telephone

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №19022
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on board a mini-submarine descended to the bottom of Lake Baikal in Siberia.

...and held official talks with Ktolhu. According to the results of the negotiations, a joint communiqué was issued, which noted the mutual understanding of the parties and the readiness for further cooperation.

The Forum

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19021
xxx: Well you know, I’ve had a lot of girls, you know)) They’re all crazy about me and all that... But she’s whole! The date is scheduled for tomorrow. She will be overwhelmed and entirely delighted when she sees my penis and all that, but you know, this evening will not bring me any pleasure! Hate me this?
You have a problem, you have a problem 😉
XXX: No, what a problem. You know, I’ve had a lot of women)) just me the fact that she’s a bit stressed.
YYY: Well tell her that I should exercise.) I want to start doing it tomorrow.)
xxx for what?? to
YYY: on the cucumbers XD
XXX: there are no such sizes of cucumbers!!! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №19020
The Male Decision

I sit in the park, drink beer. A young couple sits in front of him, and she says something lively to him. I unwillingly start listening, from the conversation I understand that the guy recently received a prize of 45 pieces.
The Tarot Girl:
- Well, look, the garment cabinet is XXX thousand, then, you need a new cup of tea, this is XXX thousand, I have a coat for autumn, you have a jacket, it will cost about XXX thousand...
I understand that she deliberately distributes the guy’s unexpected income.
- and a new mixer in the bathroom, - continues the girl, - and I have long dreamed of making a hairstyle in the XX (called a cool salon), you don't mind, right, it's okay?
For the guy, this is the last drop. He gets a cell phone and calls the number:
“Hello Serena, listen, you haven’t sold your bastard yet? How much do you want? Do you pay for 45? Okay, I take... yeah, I don’t know, I’ve long wanted to learn... I’ll go in the evening, wait.
In the rounded eyes of the girl appears BSOD, she "hangs" with an open mouth. The guy hides his cell phone and looks at it with what Putin looked at Medvedev during the inauguration.
I look at the guy, smile and start applauding loudly.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №19019
Comments on the tracker to the erotic film:

Why watch people have sex?
User2 is interesting.
Moderator: <user1, and then why do you scroll "Monstrous Holes 2"?? to

[ + 45 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19018
and Torvalds:
I watched the UFO last night. I sat down last night and watched it again. Even a scratch. I will watch again tonight.

and Torvalds:
This is what I do not understand. Three days in a row to fly... And why did all the galaxies in the universe need the Svyblovo region?? to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №19017
The Children’s Forum. Topic "The most unpleasant phrase from your trick".

XXX is:
We can only remain friends.
It looks like he broke.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №19016
During the lunch day, I saw the following picture:
I'm going to buy to eat.Congress to Leningrad.The crowd of the people is filming something on the mobile and wild.I think, blink, they shot anyone?
I have to, I think, look.I approach the road, I see a picture: a man in a rabbit costume slips on the road. I think shit.
I come to the office, I tell my colleagues.The girl with a stone face says: yeah, I go out of the subway, a rabbit is sitting.Well, he is talking, a puppy like that.He is crying.Before him a hat and a sign:"Help feed 2800 of my children".In the hat, a half, a hundred, a dozen.

I love my country 😉

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №19015
DPZ wrote:
The actual cost of lunch:
> Dozhyrak - 17 rubles
Hunting sausages - a couple of pieces - 25 rubles
Maionese small - 12 rubles
> Hotdog bull - 9 rubles
> This is free of charge ;)
> Coffee office - free of charge ;)
> and
Total of: 63 rubles.

rko wrote:
Gastroenterologist reception - 500 rubles
Gastroscopy - 500 rubles
The cost of drugs in the course of treatment of ulcers - 200 - 300 dollars.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna