— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132179
(after the local comic festival, writer with artist)

xxx> have you sold anything? I pushed a collection for a student for 200 rubles.
yyy> well for postcards smaller rubles.)
xxx and gt; standard
yyy> yes yours
yyy> I'm going to go icy
yyy> Dive in the Champagne
xxx> ah, I remembered from the time when I was still watching all this, the episode of Our Rush about how Rabshana and Jamshuta paid 200 rubles for two and how they celebrate their return to Tajikistan

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №132178
What was the biggest pleasure that a girl gave you?
What did she do that you liked the most?? to
I was silent...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132177
And what, really there are such single-celled men who want "just a truck and that I have nothing for it"?
They were both fucking, and the whole responsibility to the woman.
I don’t want to fuck, I don’t want to protect myself, I’m afraid of perforated condoms and I don’t know about other methods of male protection. Give me the opportunity to refuse food.
I don’t want any responsibility, let her hide herself, I want to fuck and all!!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132176
Serega invited me to marry and wants to come to meet his parents.
Tagged with: o_o
Further worse... Cyril, obeying some collective unconscious, also called me to marry. Probably all should be brought to parents at once, so that they do not ride twice.
Larisa Guseeva from “Let’s get married”
The stubborn spider: and Vasilis Volodyn. The horoscope will not be too much.
And the enemy!
You can make a selfie with him.
He must be an out-of-marriage son.! to
The stubborn spider: Who? I will help nothing here.
Sandwiches and cold drinks
A stubborn spider: wanting... you can say that you are pregnant and by a reliable method of dialogue and controversy to find out from whom)
Sandy : No! It is better for the out-of-marriage son to be 12 years old! We need more drama. People get bored in 5 minutes.
A stubborn man: Yes. Take a young boy. And my unmarried son, whom I do not know!
Sandy : Of course. And no one knows. But! Enoch is him!
A stubborn man: Great! It seems to have to be sent on Ren TV, they will push out of this at least the season.
Or the TV3. They need a flying plate.
A stubborn man: This is for the enot. He is a secret messenger from space. He raised his son for 12 years.
Sandy : Yes. An out-of-marriage son raised by an uncle )))
I’m not going to tell you anything anymore. (

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132175
Dick is just busy, probably, and comes to the theater to fuck on the balcony. Hence is her holy confidence that those who do not have their companion are eager to fuck someone else - and the fact that people go to watch the kind of spectacle is a myth to cover up)))

By the way, it is not such a non-existent thinking. There are a couple of relatives for whom "going to the cinema" is the encryption "going on a date". They are also very surprised every time they try to get to their consciousness - no one's company is needed to watch the movie. And some are mistakenly insulted "you don’t want to – don’t tell". Apparently, the legacy of the Soviet past, when there were no clubs for corruption and people shamefully masked corruption as cultural leisure.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №132174
I noticed that people generally tend to be surprised when someone’s leisure is going wrong. You say that at eight in the morning went for a walk in the park - they chicked and called an unusual. To explain that I woke up at five in the morning, as the body has been accustomed to this regime for many years, and until eight had time to eat, read, watch a movie, is useless. I went for a walk in the capital alone and immediately asked: who did you meet? Explaining that the raid in parks and museums that I arranged for myself does not require a partner because of the great physical and emotional stress is useless. and stamp stamps.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132173
On the wave of posts about school interruptions. One day, a friend and I talked about the school past, and she tells me so eagerly:

- In our boys several girls in the sixth-seventh grade were constantly striking the shirts, then all kinds of places were touched. I had dreamed that if I were in their place, I would smell eggs for such things. Well, or at least a heels with the whole foot or bone of the ankle.

and breath.

But for some reason no one touched me.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132172
Makdaka workers do not spit you in food, they are physically not enough on all saliva and dumb body movement is unnecessary.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132171
Mother: Welcome to you! What happened to the keyboard?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132170
Because of the fact that I often smoke naked on the balcony, the apartments in the house opposite were expensive.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132169
n00btype: wanted to buy a book, spent three books, in the end, the whistleblower took

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132168
It is useless to argue with the vast majority of smokers. Even realizing the wrongness of their position, they will stand on their own, protecting themselves and their habits. It is very difficult for a person to admit that he is doing something wrong. Therefore, we will always hear "Achotakov?". Smoked at the stop? Ashotaka? go away Smoked all the entrance so that as people climbed to their floor, they crawled in cough attacks?Nuachotakova? This is all nonsense, they are fooling. I am not coughing. and etc.
Same as the moms who bring their children to restaurants. Either they feed their uncovered breasts on the bus, or they take their children to the toilet in the middle of the street. of Nuachotakova?
Just like people who fall under their feet with cigarettes, fantasies, bottles, banks. Which are so dumb and powerless that they cannot bring all this to the urna, which stands 10 meters away. Everyone is doing it, I am not the first.
Everyone is comfortable, and that’s the main thing.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132167
What did you say on Friday?
Canakau: Go to the bar, then to me... I woke up naked on the balcony on Sunday.
You do not have a balcony.
Canakau: This is exactly
Diamond: Understood, well noted means

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132166
My daughter went to the disco. I went to sleep safely. Somewhere at 4 in the morning! I wake up! It is early in the morning, and the child is still walking somewhere! I call her number, no one takes it. Then I pick up, and there they drop. Well, I’m generally in panic, I call again, I hear a sleepy voice, “Mom, what are you doing? “”

Of course, “Where are you? ! to “”

Mom, you are the worst. I sleep in the neighboring room.

We understand in the morning.

“You,” I ask, “why didn’t you pick up the phone?

So I hear the phone call that you are calling me, and I know that I am sleeping at home, what to do.

Okay well. Why dropped it later? ! to

Hm is. I decided to look around to see if I was really at home.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132165
I was driving in a plateau from the sea, and my mother and son (4-5 years old) were driving in the neighborhood on the side shelf. The boy was very active and was carrying the car all day. When it came time to put him to sleep, the guy decided not to give up without a fight, but his mother laid him on the lower shelf, lay next to him, pressed him to the wall, got A.S. Pushkin's book "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and began to read. It was a gesture. She not only read absolutely without intonation, as instructions to the vacuum cleaner, but also not noticing signs of interpenetration.

- Three girls under the window coveted late in the evening if I was a queen says one girl then for the whole baptized world I would prepare a feast if I was a queen.

The child quickly gave up and cried:

Mom, please don’t read it. I will sleep myself!

His mother was silent, and he immediately fell asleep.

The guy saved the whole car, for which we forgave him a whole day of running.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132164
Ironforge: Mushun, I need you as a woman.
Humming bird: I don’t know how to cook borst.))) I agree with the rest.
Ironforge: I am now on a different issue. and :)
Humming bird, say it now!
Ironforge: My colleague and I have been struggling. It was so, without fanaticism. She told me that she would not marry me. I am too elegant. What did she mean?! to
Humming bird: I knew I wasn’t one!! to
Humming bird: Overall, you have a very good taste.
Humming bird: and when a guy looks more beautiful than a girl, it’s angry. It always seems to be directed.
Ironforge I understand. thank you. and :)
Humming bird: and if any other goat will tell you about marriage, come to me her address, I'll give her a pathlet :angel:

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132163
My aunt worked as a psychologist in a kindergarten. Following her words.

One day I called a teacher to the director. After the "call on the carpet" the teacher comes to me all pale and with turning tears. As it turned out, to the head came the parents of one of the children with the fact that their child complained about beating her teacher. They demanded an immediate dismissal of an incompetent employee. By the way, the teacher was a calm intelligent woman and this could not happen. The parents were invited to discuss the situation, where I was already present. They found out that when the parents took the child from the kindergarten, this conversation took place (R-parents, D-child):

Q: How did the day go, okay?

D is UGU.

R: Oh, what kind of blue on your hand, are you beaten? ! to

D is UGU.

Q: Who was the teacher?

D is UGU.

I offered to invite the child and talk to him, which the parents at first stunned, say, about which you can talk here in general, but then agreed. When the child was brought (hereinafter I - I, the child - D):

I am: Hi, the light. What is your beautiful dress and where did you get it from?

My mom bought it! : )

I: Oh, what a good mom you have... Well, turn in it... Oh, beauty... Oh, and where do you get the blue on your pen?

D: Yes, we were playing on the street, and Sascha ran to me, took it on his shoulders and let’s shake!

With all the words of my beloved chicken, wow! It turns out that the child after the kindergarten, was in his thoughts, and answered the parents unambiguously, without thinking about it. They are useful and misunderstandings can be avoided.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132162
I go on the route. There is a mother and her son (a boy 5 years old). There is the following dialogue between them:

C: Mom, why do people grow up?

M: Well, that is how life is arranged. You will grow too.

C: But I don’t want to be an adult.

Being an adult is interesting.

C: I can’t see my dad.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №132161
I go to the theater quite often. Sometimes with a husband, sometimes with a daughter, often with friends. And what I can say is that the horror of the 90 percent hall is full of disgraceful women.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132160
Fucking about smokers.
I remember an old joke:

Two priests are talking.

1C: Well, and the youth now, daddy, gone! I am standing on the bus station,
I see a boy with a childhood in front of everyone's eyes!
2C: It’s still a thing, daddy! Hoping to eat in the electric car, I went out to the tampon to smoke.
and there! Drinking is natural!! to
He wiped out his shame on my servant and said:
"And smoking, daddy, in the tambour is not allowed!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna