— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132139
here here :

I smoked for eight years, a year as I quit, so there is something to compare with. I can say one thing - in order for your clothes to flush, you need to spend a couple of hours in a closed room with smoke. When it was possible to smoke in cockroaches, it was very relevant. And the fact that you have to wash your clothes after a little smoke hit you out on the street is, sorry, a shit.

It was enough for me to go through the smoking company at the entrance, so that my long hair became tobacco, and my acquaintances asked, “Do you smoke?”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132138
Do you know who is missing? Weapons with their pair is 95% less harmful than smoke, and smells pleasant" and those who will respond to them "weapons - pydors". Looking forward to your exit!

Viper for two years. The feeling that I do not smoke: well there is the color of the face, cough, smell... But I smoke either at home or in the car. Until no one complained. Smokers are angry too. When I smoked, I did not notice it. I also tried not to disturb anyone.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132137
The Batman Apollo

It is better to run drunk on a horse.
How to fuck the sheep, fuck the sheep.

seems to be true. But there is some disadvantage.
The first strofe is a cliché depicting the lively and beautiful life of the Jigita.
It seems dull and glossy-liveless, because it is not revived by the exact detail that would allow the reader to experience this adventure together with the storyteller. But in the second strange there is such a detail - it feels the presence of a concrete practical experience, about which a smart person should be silent.

On a conceptual level, we are not facing a pearl of life’s wisdom, but the author’s lamentation that he lives incorrectly. Someone else’s heart would probably have touched this option:

It is better to be drunk than to fuck a sheep.
As far as he is concerned, jumping on a horse.

This is at least the philosophy of the fat penguin hiding among the rocks with Tommy Murakami.
And in the original considered above, there is nothing but false beauty - and the finding of its own fall.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132136
Question: How do non-smokers deal with cars? Who goes to church? There smokers smoke, and what about the law "on smoking in public places";The smell of smoke impedes?Do you do humiliation in cities with a million inhabitants where there is a whole smog?? to

Do you know what your position sounds like in other words? "There are so many different shit around that if I do a little bit, it will not get worse"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132135
here here :

The trouble of Moscow is that it is surrounded by Russia on all sides.

I don't understand something, someone was frozen out there a few days ago, or were the kids getting to the golden bayans of the internet?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132134
Hostess, people just don’t know how to get along with each other in principle. It does not matter if you are a smoker or not.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132133
My friend is a biologist and a very intelligent person. Because of all kinds of animals and specific substances that he regularly collects in the woods, his house has broken out with cockroaches. So, recently I heard in his performance very original phrases:

"In my mouth the church"
"I controlled your number" ("I prepared your mandibula")
"Your feet in the shoe area"
"Hitinous prostitute" (relates to pregnant females)
"Who are you lining on"
"Splitters" (relates to the accumulation of small cockroaches)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132132
The Forest - Fish
Watermerks are silent... but the whirlwind, as it turns out, is not like a carpenter at all! And when at night a whisper broke out in the sorting, and by searching for a sound in the semi-darkness, a feeding cockroach was found (well, it looks like in the darkness from an unsuccessful perspective, a creature like that) - here all the yellowish stories about the Chernobyl monsters flew before their eyes...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132131
My husband often frightened me, pretending to be asleep, or just hiding behind the corner. I decided to take revenge. I went to "sleep" first. I hear that he goes to bed too, I wait for him to be more comfortable, to relax, I wait... And here is the morning.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №132130
Congratulations to the local team on the final transformation into two. Only the pictures are not, well, and it is not important for the outdoors.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132129
The next day after drinking, we go to a workout with a friend. He is silent all the way and sad at all.
I: What has happened? Or don’t you want to exercise?
I think I am a glass. I am afraid to break up at any moment.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132128
If you look at a beautiful girl for a long time, you can see her getting married.
“Oh, and if you keep looking at her even longer, you can see her getting married for the second time.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132127
Have you watched the suicide group?
Gaw: I did not watch.
Ivan: How about you? and :)
Gaw: Approximately the same as everything else I haven’t watched :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132126
How could you have solved such a mess in an empty apartment in three months?
Talent, vocation, the spark of God.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №132125
In the kindergarten, I was always a quiet and obedient boy. I can hardly remember anything about it, only the fragments. I remember one episode very well.

I sat quietly and ate borst thinking of my own, and the teacher walked between the rows of solitary tables. She approached me from behind and with the words, "We need to eat, not talk," just knocked me in the borst. A face in a hot borst. A little boy. The face in the border. I pulled my face out of the soup and sat in complete confusion for a while, my child’s brain was trying to understand what happened and why it happened to me. As she went on, she turned around and disregardingly said, “Go wash! “” I wasn’t crying, but I was disappointed and terribly sad. At home, I told my mother, and she told my dad. The next day, for the first and last time, Dad took me to the kindergarten, took me to the other children and left the room. In 10 to 15 minutes the teacher arrived. Although we were all five years old, we even noticed that she was wildly frightened. She stood at the door and licked my eyes, and I looked at her, it lasted a couple of minutes. And for the rest of the year in childhood, she tried not even to look at me and circumvent me. I don’t know what my dad said to her, but I know I would have done the same in his place. And the fact that my father advocated for me helped me quickly forget the outrage. And in my not the happiest childhood, it has remained a happy memory.

Thank you Dad. I remember

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №132124
The fact is that in high school we were an experimental class, that is, we were sent for a couple of specialized subjects to another school, namely history and literature.

Strange, and well okay. I went there and took exams. Then he went on, with problems, troubles and loss of faith in humanity, but he went on to the istfak, but on the cloth. There is not a single point in the budget, which has its story.

And here, after studying for some time, I meet a classy manager on the street who asks how things are and where I am studying. He told everything as it was, and she said, “Oh, Uzerneim, why didn’t you take the paper? You were an experimental class, you could just go there by interview!”

My feeling at the time could not be expressed in words. I learned from my classmates, but they were also unaware of this magical paper. As it turned out, during the delivery of certificates, we simply forgot to give these testamentary documents, which gave us access to almost any humanitarian university in Moscow only by interview.

I still burn.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132123
Oh how cute. You don’t tolerate the smell, and people are pidding because of it. Do you notice some contradiction?

In no way. The smell of piddars only likes them, without exception. And they themselves are disgusted, so from the apartments they all go out to the entrances, balconies and smokers.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №132122
Do you know where the pokeballs come from? Walks such a Pokémon and collects the Pokéballs spent on the unsuccessful attempt to catch the Pokémon, and gives to the Pokémon.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132121
(The ex-wife called, the daughter needed a suitcase for school, said, it would be good to go off. I picked in the innet, sent a photo)
How much does that beauty cost?
I will buy myself.
I don’t want that too.)

[ + 41 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132120
I smoked at the entrance, rarely - a couple of times a day. I walked with the ashes, smoked in the fortress. Once the old neighbor came out and said that he was bothered by the smell - apologized and since then I have gone to the street to smoke, not to the entrance, where people walk, but to the house. And no, the neighbor is not a pidaras, but has the right to live without an irritant in the form of an unpleasant smell. It is difficult to understand this only to the pirates.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna