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[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132059
Discussion on hh "20 questions you may be asked at the interview":

For those who ask such questions know perfectly well that you are lying in answering them. A staff member, or a staff member, is probably drunk with its importance considering how you curl and twist, everyone knows the answers to these questions perfectly.

It feels like the people who make the most popular questions at the interview live on another planet. As well as the compilers of the list of standard requirements for candidates - everywhere everyone needs a person not older than 25 years with 30 years of experience, knowledge of Norwegian and Korean, ready for six-year missions to the North Pole at their own expense.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132058
Deciding to leave a child or not should a woman, the man then just struck, and that's all.
But only the baby was born immediately begins "You what, you thought only injected and all?and "

And according to our laws to refuse alimony he can not, even if before that they signed a written agreement that the woman will not demand alimony. It turns out, a man is responsible for a woman’s decision, if it’s not sexism, then what?

Do not spit! A business...
Divided the mess, as if on the closed site of the club of billionaires are sitting, and all women only dream of you to give birth. He does not want to take any preventive measures in principle, and then his decision does not please the woman. Sexism is definitely sexism.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132057
in the hours of 18:12
A sudden thought: "Oh, it’s time to burn Moscow"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132056
It was already somewhere:

Graduates of the FSB Academy, directed to Chukotka and Kamchatka, massively wrote reports.
On transfer to Crimea, on the border with Ukraine.

The prison, the prison, the prison...
Preferably in July.
Preferably in Crimea.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132055
In the villages on the Black Sea coast, courts that do not allow holidaymakers are considered wealthy.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132054
xxx: More and more often in official documents, online media texts, there are gross, elementary grammar errors, cutting the eye. The most terrifying case, which is increasingly widespread, is the seizure directly between the subject and the reproachable, such as “Candidates, called on the people to come to the election.”
YYY: And you after each excessive pencil just mentally insert the word "blade" and another pencil: "Candidates, blade, called the people to come to the election."
XXX is wow! It really helps!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132053
We walked here a little on our immense in the car. The motto of the trip was the phrase: "Oh, good asphalt! It is a short time ("

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132052
I was given a sexual compatibility test. One of the questions put me in a standstill:

What touches to your organs do you prefer?

1st The tapping.
2nd and ticking.
Three The temptation.

No shit, no one, no other, no third. I love kissing, kissing.

I am a pervert, right?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132051
Yesterday I did a repair from old work, the floor of the office removal home
Just started karaoke "song"
the menta knocks - the neighbor is hanged (
Hopefully not because of our karaoke.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132050
XXXX: describe yourself in two words))
YYY: I think badly.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132049
There are pleasant interface changes. The icons next to the "Quantity" and "Cost" fields have turned from boring blue sticks into incomprehensible green cylinders.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132048
A friend, biker, subarist writes:
I decided to drink a bottle of wine with my mother at dinner, and forgot about the fact that the cupboard has long been broken. Well, I don’t think long taking the screw, screw, passages. and. and. At the moment I cope with the traffic jams, which my half-century-old mother, with the eyes shaken, declares: “I have your life experience! "D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132047
Abortions, divorces, alimony, betrayals... Yeah, where do you, fucking, find such? Everyone finds what they want: someone breasts/member/wallet, someone support and support for life. First find out yourself what you need.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132046
Now the edge of the ear heard the words of the girl from VTB-insurance:"Leaving life for any reason - whether it is death or...", I have not heard further, but here is a mystery. What happened after or?? to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132045
News "House on Osipov underwent "attack" collectors"

The Third Stone:

"They are doing the right thing! Or they’ve done it all at the end. So to them! It would have been necessary to write on the government building "Give a debt, shit!", or out of the area 50 billion debt already! The whole government must write out: "You will not pay the debt, everyone will be bad!", "Give the debt, cock!", well, and so on - as is accepted by collectors. And the glass is broken, of course."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132044
Reading the local heights, there is the impression that the majority of people on this site are schoolchildren, who only know about relationships from movies and the Internet. And what it means a woman should clean, wash, cook. And that the men are all goats here, who only want to catch up and escape. And everyone uses each other, demands something, chairs do not drop, for dragging furniture demands to shake the floor... Fuck, you are all from this universe?I am married, I have 3 friends. In our family completely equal treatment, both spouses work, household duties are performed in turn. At work without problems, we and the boys are filling a couch or furniture, and none of us will come to the mind to demand something from the girls. The girls will also help us in case of something: and the coffee cup is just so cooked, and on the table for the doctor will cover, just fuck for free, you understand? You are me and I am you". There is no "must" Just because we are all normal people. And when we help somebody, we really help a man, not a man/woman. Do you really need to start with yourself and your surroundings? You know, things like this attract things like this.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132043
Graduates of the FSB Academy, directed to Chukotka and Kamchatka, massively wrote reports.
On transfer to Crimea, on the border with Ukraine.

“We will be happy to benefit the country in this hot spot. And we quickly wash off the shame of riding on the "gelendvagen",” reports the reports.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132042
The news:
An international team of researchers has discovered behind Neptune a small strange object with an orbit not characteristic of the solar system - it moves across and in reverse direction.
The commentary:
It's Pluto, he was upset that he stopped being considered a planet and organized a strike!!! to
It is :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132041
RRR: So why are you cracking? What are you breaking? I know I need to sleep more!!! to
Mmm:...he said, adding an energy drink from a salad, where he mistakenly poured it instead of a cup.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132040
About the Internet tests, where the "telling" is made based on the date of birth:

Boy - I have a result "interspace bomb flying on the wings of the night" >< jss
WOW WOW WOW, you are Doctor Who!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna