— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142374
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an international chain of restaurants.
After 1991 what?
by 1992
and thanks.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142373
A month ago, my grandmother travelled to Moscow with two goats.
- Maxim, and how many babes with goats ride...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142372
The second:
The first person who successfully made and then deployed the backup was Noah.
Noah first made RAID1 – each creature in a pair.

It was RAID0. A pair of animals formed a strap, not being entirely identical (sex different). At the same time, resistance to failure is zero: with the death of any individual, the second becomes useless.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142371
I am an employer... blabla... you, dear applicants, have nowhere to go. You are forced to look for work on an empty stomach, not your own – so your family. And so you will do what the customer needs, including wasting your precious time without any guarantee of getting the result.

And it will always be!

You are a hero employer. There is only one situation: the decline of production and the excess of labour, and you walk like this: “I, I say, I give work!” and as soon as production grows, people like you quickly perceive that workers bring profit to the employer. Production is expanding, workers with the right qualities start to be lacking, and you will have to tell them why they are better at work with you... although what I am about - with such a stunt you will quickly return from entrepreneurs to our ranks.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142370
I work with security systems. Calls me like an old good customer, I have to say to see what, what mess in the kitchen is happening (several restaurants have him). Well, as they say, any caprice for your money. In the deep night I put the cameras (so that no one knew from the staff), remotely set up, well, a couple of days thought about what to do (the customer asked, he had no time for it). Well, the meat and delicacies on cowards/bags/bags are of course, but the cook was noticed... In short, almost all the soups were cooked from his hose, and a couple of salads were cooked with a “natural protein sauce.” Client is notified. I do not know if the cook was left with his tool in the pants, I was not, but the gratitude fell on the card was delighted.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142369
WUT: School with IT deviation. Record in the diary: "A disgusting behavior. Students at school!"

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142368
I recently played Civilization for the first time. He played for Russia. Understood that the game liked when Peter I of Alexandria of Macedonia repelled Buenos Aires.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142367
xxx: you will be proud of the length of the penis until the catheter is inserted there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142366

here here :
In general, the idea of giving visitors to feed the animals in the zoo is not bad, but it is hell for the employees of the institution itself.

And what job is not hell for working people, especially if they are forced to constantly contact with different not always pleasant people by the type of activity?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142365
The following companies are officially registered in St. Petersburg:

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142364
Does anyone continue to collect winged expressions? Keep up with the modern book!) is :

"Part to foot".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142363
The idea: why not bring from Italy to Moscow to worship a particle of the remains of the Flying Pasta Monster?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №142362
This happened 12-13 years ago. We lived with my mother and brother in a one-bedroom apartment, the day brother was at work. At 12 o’clock, my mom and I went to bed, and nothing predicted, as they say.

I wake up at 3 o’clock at night (approximately) from playing music. Only my mother and my brother had a cell phone, but my mother’s phone was silent. But I heard clearly playing Beethoven’s K. Elise. There are no musicians. It became hasty. I hear my mother calling me a whisper. Check if I sleep or not. Eventually, she also heard music. They lived on the first floor. Sound from the window. They took courage and went to the window. and none. There is sound. It is right here, nearby.

Turn on the lights and go to the sound. Arrived at the wall (remember the headsets that were in each family? From there, up there, where the albums are. And then it comes to me that this is a music card that my grandmother sent to my brother for his birthday five years ago. I got my brother’s album, really. It is unclear how through the paper contact worked and she played. We put more paper there, and it shut down.

And what, you might think. Well happen, it worked. The fact is that she played already on her brother's birthday. He turned 23 or 24 that day. In the morning, his mother called him, and said that his grandmother was ahead of everyone with congratulations))

This is the story we still remember.)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142361
I am standing near the building, waiting for a colleague at work.

First comes a man (the brigadier in sight) and asks:

Are you from Armenia? ? to ? to

not eaten

is leaving.

15 minutes passed. The guy approaches and says, "Don't you tell this street N-skaya d No.12 page 2?"

I start climbing into the navigator, and a causal investigative connection develops in my head.

I ask the guy, “Are you from Armenia?” ? to ? to

and yes!

Go to that uncle. (I’m pointing to the nearby “probe”)

The boy was in a slight shock.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142360
20 June :

XXX is two. We had snow. The office summer.

You like to be cooler.

XXX: But not so much. The MMA. 3 on the street. Global warming invented by the Illuminati
We turned off the heating a week ago. And hot water.
Also, the shit, the illuminati, probably

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №142359
XXX: It was a case. In front of me once a car crashed, and everything around was frozen - I had time to slow down, rebuild, see if there was no interference and everything went well. Otherwise, I would actually get 4x2 isusa right in the forehead. I wonder if there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

YYY: So was it with me too. Science gives no explanation.

Zzzz: It is simple. In critical moments, the point is compressed so quickly and strongly that its density asymptomatically tends to infinity. There is a curvature of space-time, and the person who has gone beyond the event horizon of his "black hole", feels the slowdown of time.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №142358
Last Thursday I went to a supermarket. Before buying all the necessary products, I go to the toilet. Thinking of my own, I open the door of the bathroom, enter and immediately stop. I saw a little girl who didn’t fit into the landscape of a male toilet. The thought that I was mistaken in the rooms quickly left me, as a little girl, at the level of her chest, hanged pissuaries. Maybe you should come and ask if she was lost, find her parents. The first I did not have time to do, and with the second helped the girl herself - when she saw me she smiled widely, turned to the nearest cabin and, saying with a ringing child's voice, "Look at how my daddy cracks!“I opened the door to my father’s cabin. It was a very bright and memorable way to introduce your father to a stranger. I will arm.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142357
A neighbor who lives nearby came nervous and said:

“How do you treat your child, I’ll call in custody! Yesterday it was all day!”

I say :

“We were leaving, we were not at home yesterday, we only came today.

The neighbor was stunned...

So not yesterday!

I, trying not to offend a man, his vigilance and age, say:

“Maybe you heard it?”

She is:

“I don’t drink at all!”

Then I realized that we were communicating on different frequencies, I quietly looked at her and closed the door. No more came.

P.S. She is deaf, the TV always listens very loudly.

P. S. We have no children.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142356
Today I was shown a screenshot of an open accounting program pushed into the word. They complained:
I can’t put the numbers here.
She advised to open the program itself and work there.
I’ll call the programmer and let him work.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142355
So it is, "the crown does not close the crown’s eye", right. And normal people did not give up on any sport at all, except for art gymnastics :-)

Look, I did not give up the breeding of birds. At the same time, I don’t start screaming in the nonsense that it’s a shit and all the bird markets in the country need to be demolished and, more so, I don’t go where I don’t understand anything, claiming that the canaries only breed the pydors, and real puppies breed the pigeons.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna