— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131919
I was all wondering where in our time they take school uniforms for the last call, then shaded - in sex shops.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131918
Virgo Maria: Your lawyer is a fucking law-obedient.
Virgin Mary: At night on an empty road on a three-litre BMW he will get sick sixty, because so in the rules is written, foolish.
Virgin Mary: And there is nothing written about the speed there, so these sixty from under the lighting he will pick up with such a rush that I was barely squeezed on the chair.
Virgin Mary: If I go with him again, I will definitely see the salon.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131917
The struggle between greed and covetousness is called trade.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131916
Until the age of 17, he studied in the Siberian village, where in winter -50, and in summer +40.
My Christian also grew up in this village, I remember one of the stories well:
"I hit somehow the frost at 50, naturally did not go to school, but took a solder lamp, heated the motorcycle and went for 30 km to fish. In fact, it had to be rolled back, because the soldering lamp was safely forgotten at home."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131915
Medvedev can only be removed by the one who wore it.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131914
Meowth: My "favourite" question: "I gave birth myself?" And what, could I give outsourcing and not pay off? This is fucking!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131913
By the way, the story of the “excess 9,000” has one obscure morality.

The director was willing to pay 9,000 for some work. The storyteller is pleased to perform it for 6 thousand. All the ladies needed was to agree with the storyteller, then they would have a hollow thousand on their nose and everyone would be happy. The ladies decided that a thousand is not enough, as a result, everyone is happy except them.

Greed is bad.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131912
Chel wants to open a service point in a passing place. Afraid to burn.
Received advice "before":
Let there be a combined point: "Manicure + Dental "... the customer will always be...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131911
XX: I have no mania of greatness. You are all shit. Let us start with this.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131910
Learn to refuse:
“I understand your irony, Professor, we’re leaving now. Only I, as the head of the cult work of the house...
The Leader.
The Leader. I suggest you buy a few magazines for the benefit of children in Germany. Half a thing.
No, I will not take.
Do you have sympathy for the children of Germany?
I sympathize.
Half a penalty?
and no.
And why?
I do not want.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131909
This is nonsense, can not find children in January in the cabbage, there is snow on the fields.
Is it in a barrel of quinoa?
And the eagles fled.
I don’t know where the kids come from in the winter.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131908
I was lucky at work. We have complete equality. Women will prepare and take away... And we will help them deliver the package, install the program, move the table, change the wheel in the car... And everyone is happy, and nobody gets rid of it. And men have the right to wash dishes, and women have the right to drag a bottle of water into the refrigerator. But we don’t all want to exercise these rights.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131907
In a row at the box office in Ashan, he rolls a man with a cart and throws a replica into the phone:

- Fuck, here is the pps line, man 19... Exactly!

P.S I did not lie...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131906
We had a common case. The comrade (a large set, a kilo under 120) put the pasta to cook, and went into the room for some business. After 10 minutes he goes out into the corridor to go to the kitchen, and there is already some type left to meet him with his pot chewing and cooked pasta. This guy noticed the comrade, immediately understood everything, apparently his ass felt whose pasta he took. And with the words, "What do you not watch for the pasta? They have already fought!” Comrade fell slightly into a stupor, which the perpetrator used, quickly departing.

Speaking that guy I never saw again.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131905
dismissed from work. I decided to start working as a content manager so to say for myself. For the test he submitted an announcement on one of the tables of revelations. Call in two days.

Are you a content manager?

How can I help you?

We need to add products to the store, can you?

Yes of course.

is excellent. Where have you worked before?

I name the offices and the duration of work.

Do you work as a freelancer recently?

Yes, it is true.

Why do you know how much it costs to fill the store?

We can discuss this with you if you are pleased with my candidacy.

- Let's do so, you fill me the store, and there we'll see if your work is worth paying.

It will not go. I can make you a test assignment, or five or six positions on the site for free, and there see if our cooperation is worth it.

I know more than you who are freelancers. And freelancers first work, and then we customers see if they can pay you!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131904
My mother works as a school teacher.

There have been so many funny stories over the years, but one of the reasons she remembered the most.

She leads a lesson. In the middle of the classroom, the body of a child falls out of the wall cabinet. After a few seconds, he begins to scream.

My mom was barely sitting down at that moment.

The boy decided to hide in the closet and scare his mother at the beginning of the class. There was a big change before the class and the boy slept safely. Then, uncomfortable turning in a dream, fell out of the closet, and walked out of fear.

Mom checked the closets for a long time before class for such jokes.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131903
They say that the worst parachute jump is the second. Not to lie. Having thoroughly shrugged my ass for the first time, I diligently rejected all friends’ proposals to jump again. (I’m so good, I jumped already, I don’t want it anymore)

But here is the sea, the Krasnodar region. Military airport and advertising "Spring in the Water!" There is no danger of a shit on the ground. was not!

New in the instructions - put on a lifeguard during the jump. Fuck, I can do it.

With the appearance of a former parachutist I fall out of the plane. The Beauty. The Sea of Azure and I talk over it under the dome. The sea breeze completely steals the feeling of falling.

Suddenly I notice the bars on the waves and I realize that with the speed of the mail express I am carrying into this glove. by Fuck! It will save! ! to I get stuck in his nipple, blow and at the same time crawl into the water. Lenny raises me up, I float desperately, and what now? ? to

On the horizon appears some military boat with dumbels.

Shiping up to me they ask the most unexpected question at the moment.

Did the girls jump with you?

For a second I thought that if I said yes, they would beat me and go looking for the girls.

None of them! ! to One guys! ! to Take me away from here! ! to ! to

Fuck, that’s what they said and pulled me on board the boat.

I haven’t jumped at sea since then. One thing is to get rid of the ass, and here you can drown.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131902
Working from home is when at the end of the day you can get up from the computer, go to the toilet, make tea, and sit back at the computer to relax after the work day.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №131901
They planted seeds in the garden. The son said, “And I’ll go!” but my mother shouted, “No, no!” Can not, in any case! The child is only ten years old, and the seedlings are crooked. Not by day, but by hour, the Son grows and grows. He wants to strike the nail himself, Mother objects: - No, you are better, good hour, Walk in the garden, You are weak with us, Born in the blockade! The son became accustomed to the prohibitions of his mother, and became willing to rest in winter and summer. The mother finally admitted, looking at the son: - Son and really good, healthy uncle! Red is healthy. Come on, my son, the wood! But he replied, “No, I’d rather sit down!” I am weak in you, born in the blockade!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131900
And the entire female body is created for this, and it is arranged there to be comfortable for the future child.

Aha, Aha, it is especially convenient to climb through the pelvic ring, folding the bones of the skull.
As far as I can remember, I’m still trembling.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna