— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131899
Article with LIFHAKES. Among other things, they offer this way to clean the egg: "Split the egg on two sides, and then blow it strongly. The egg will leave the shell whole and unharmed."
One of the comments:
JEPA KAKANAW: By the way, you can save even more time if you immediately blow the eggs into yourself.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131898
It is not "t" and it is not".

If all grandmothers are prostitutes, why don’t none give you? and ;-)

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131897
The Divinity

The sweetest and sweetest man,
Women are stronger and ironier.
Men are not without reason.
Women are declared diseases.

Author: I. M. Guberman

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131896
Dialogue between two programmers:
I am in magic now. I press shift + 0, and I have the clock instead of zero. For a moment I didn’t know what it was.)
Comrade: My favorite glue was when I had to schedule, and I hanged with a pen in my hand. because by default there is an English-language layout, and how to switch the pen to Russian - you will understand

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131895
I am a woman who is helpless. I look bad. Unhealthy, unhappy and evil. I weigh 85 kg, with a height of 162. In fact, the waist is more than a meter in the reach. Unpainted Hair in the tail. Variations are one, with a child, with two, with three, with four, with two wheelchairs. With lots of packages, packages.
They are trying to help me all the time. At least hold the door, take a wheelchair, give up a seat, help with bags. Men, women, old women, conductor in the bus, neighbors, strangers. This has always been the case, even when I was a child. My husband says that my colorful bluets under my eyes and a slight sadness in my eyes cause pity. That he and himself originally wanted to cover me with a bowl and feed me with sweets.
In the case of children, it just seems to me that my children are delighted with their appearance, like the picture, and obedience. And when I walk out in addition to my nieces, I look unhappy with many children.
In all 33 years of my life, I have never been asked for a phone or anything in return, but they help me every day.
I try to help people unselfishly. And for example, when I go for a walk, I collect garbage from the sandbox and bring it to the urn.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131894
Dr. Straga in a month...
How did they get me so foolish twice in an absolutely empty place?? to
and ==
With this reduction, you do not need to expose. Ask the boy. Kosherly

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131893
Oleg brought the couch to Tatiana.
How it goes afterwards.
I asked for a cup of tea...
The floor was not washed for a few years.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131892
We are all introverts.
Somebody is bigger, someone is smaller, and somebody is nicky.)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131891
It would be good to organize your new religion. Babylon is bursting.
2: -You at least try to arrange a new alternative line in the clinic. You get experience and we will see.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131890
It is logical:

Why is it cowardly? I always try to pay myself, always absolutely, not order what you can’t pay for yourself, men that’s why it’s offensive. Many are shocked.

He thought I would take her to a restaurant, and she would tell me a whisper. Hop, and she pays for herself. That, the plan is broken!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131889
Limitation signs probably aren’t just like that. I don't know how there is in the world, but in Russia on such roads even 90 is scary to drive (there are holes, then tracks, etc. and if the holes are still fine, but tracks in the winter is the worst thing, even in the city). I drove as a passenger at speed 190, on a 4 strip, flat track, this speed is visible only on the speedometer, in sensations - about 100. Why drive at such a speed? Are you in a hurry to give birth or hunt? At this rate and the load on attention is strong, and the car is not very good. Comfortable speed outside the city without fatigue 90-110, and within the rules. On the serpentines I would generally put a post at the entrance, so that fools catch how much I drive, so constantly "right" dudes at the encounter, trying to finish overtaking (when either consistent everywhere or especially cool on the rises and blind turns). I never turn away, not my problems, that they have a brain lacking as an organ, it is easier for me to rip a buffer in case of something, than a multi-ton truck to throw into the square and lose both the car and the cargo, even for life is dangerous. So as the saying goes "He who has understood life is not in a hurry".

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №131888
The dialogue:
She: I got my closet, can you come and help collect it?

I: I should have asked the masters, they have the tool.

She: Yeah, they are, they are, they are, they are, and so on.

I: No, no, I was washed up in the movie today, and then a tight schedule, and to you to go for an hour and a half by the subway.

Once you loved me, and you would come.

I: Well...when I loved drugs...but it all went by.

You are... you are!! Do you compare me to drugs??? With that shit!!? to

I: Well...I would compare it to peelings, but I still love them...we have it for the rest of our lives.
And I dropped the phone))))))))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131887
Sofas are not made for men to pull them, but for men to lie on them.
by Confucius

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131886
Easier to remove bumper
In the late 1990s, my husband, I and my younger sister were transported to the lake by a friend of my husband. New Russian, cool foreign mark, all things. And he went to bypass a column of trucks. And after the meeting - the same column.I had my whole life in front of my eyes, already with my daughter in thoughts said goodbye. Thanks to the long-distance drivers – they moved, let us back on our track. And there would be all such "principal" - at least minus three innocent lives because of other people's pants.
And the boy then on the yacht in the bad weather turned over and drowned. But without us, this is a different story.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131885
Man is known everywhere.

The prisoner escapes from the prison where he spent the last 15 years. He runs along the road and suddenly notices a house on the shovel. He breaks into it and finds a young family couple in the bedroom. He catches his husband, binds him to a chair, binds his wife to the bed, climbs on her, kisses her in the neck and goes to the bathroom.
While he is not there, the husband says to his wife:
– Listen, this footage escaped a criminal, he probably spent a lot of time in prison. I have not seen a woman for years. I saw him kissing you in the neck. If he wants cecca, do not resist, just do what he tells you, bring him pleasure. This guy is dangerous, if he gets angry, he can kill us. Be strong, my dear.
I love you.
The wife says:
He didn’t kiss my neck. He whispered to my ear that during his years in prison he liked boys more and that you were very sectarian. He asked me where we kept the vaseline. I said in the bathroom. So be a strong path. I love you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131884
Germany and the speed. A friend of mine from there was fined 2500 euros per week for excess. He has to go there often now, so he will pay. He also read about the fact that there are no restrictions, and the brain forgot to turn on.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131883
That feeling, when you decided to smash the excess fat, the store came for the shovels, and there the biggest size you even on the neck does not fit.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131882
About the Cat Cotten:

My friend has a cat. Welcome to Poncho. My girlfriend was a mathematician, and the name of Pony turned into the full Exponent, and when the cat was registered in the club, it was necessary that the second name with the letter I began. As a result, the cat is named Jacobien Exponent.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131881
The SPB. I regularly use public transportation.
The elderly are mostly girls/women. Right next to the guys quietly sit, stuck in the smartphone, or sleep. The girl, I always give up.

of Krasnodar. There are almost always young girls. While I was pregnant, no man gave up, women always.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131880
I want the blocking page to be beautiful.
Signs of Supervisory Authorities
As in all normal countries.
2: and on the axis
3: and with a horizontal layer
1: to open and immediately desire to get around
And that you could play a pinball in the corner :)
4: And so that the likes can be placed
1: to share
Third: The Forum
1: and comments like my brother died of this
5: and references to i2p and tor )))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna