— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №18694
“In Sukhum and Tskhinvali, they have a negative attitude to the attempts of the EES to penetrate their territory,” – did you read it correctly?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18693
It is also a remarkable case when five Russian tanks stopped working and they, in order not to get lost, were shot from the KPWT.
<Beaver{rRr}> this is just ohuenny

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №18692
Olya (12:45:58 29/07/2009)
Yesterday I asked Sasha if he wanted a child.
Uranus (12:46:04 29/07/2009)
Olya (12:46:29 29/07/2009)
He looks at me so stupidly.
Olya (12:46:36 29/07/2009)
and says
Olya (12:46:52 29/07/2009)
We first wanted a cat.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №18691
xxx: Give me a foreigner... and a soldier... I urgently need to go to GOAAAAAAAAAAA!!! to
The soldier knows best where you need it.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №18690
People who are going to hit the Megaphone website! Think of!
Do we struggle with their site, from the workability of which the megaphone, in essence, neither warm nor cold? After all, you can try to hack their servers that process phone calls. A non-functioning server responsible for redirecting calls (for example, I don’t know their technology) is a very big problem for the megaphone, a very big money and a very good reason for them to think about whether it’s worth arguing with the runnet.
Please bring it to the best, let knowledgeable people tell you exactly how this revenge can be realized.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №18689
In response to the resume came a letter from a potential employer. The first line frustrated:

Welcome to Andrei Aleksandrovich Prochorov! My name is Ivan Sergeevich, my surname is Krasjuk.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №18688
In response to:

Why do people laugh at the traffic accidents, while calmly perceiving the hospital doctor?

Because doctors are also alive people, and, imagine, are also prone to diseases.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №18687
XXX: I went on a trip with a friend to Voronezh. We approach the North Bridge (the longest in the city, kilometers two)
xxx: In front of us stops death tinted nine, out of it comes out "concrete boy" in a suit and with a tie
xxx: Opens the luggage, drops a healthy bag from there, with an incredible effort of will raises on his arms and flies in the direction of the opposite edge of the bridge
XXX: We are behind him, I wonder what it will end up with.
xxx: The nine goes in parallel, out of it the screams of the kind "take it, naah, Sanya!" and "you are a man, bl% or not a man?and "
Somewhere in the middle of the road, the patsanu became unable, rushed to give up, but was stopped by the terrible screams of comrades.
xxx: Mika has already offered to bet on whether or not it will be done =)
XXX is out!! to
xxx: At the end of the bridge with a breath of relief "fubble%нах almost died!" the bag flew to the ground
XXX: We approached and asked about the reasons for this event.
XXX: It turns out that the character is getting married soon
Moving the bride by tradition relies on the hands across the bridge
xxx: Through the short Stone Bridge turned out to be "not in a man" and "for the weak"
xxx: decided not to be small and carry through the longest
When the bridegroom shuddered, he began to doubt his ability.
XXX: But the word gave, do not turn away. So I decided to "train" =)
yyy: Harsh Voronezh brides)))))) I want to come to you)))

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18686
How are you with Lucia? is normal?
Apparently nothing. I come once a week, fucking.
And the rest of the time what?? to
What... I fucking!
Will you not invite her to live with you?? to
Are you that, fool? When will I then shake?? to

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18685
I am a geneticist.
For the last two days, I took over the boss’s note, disassembled the hard pay, assembled a system for a friend (today I will deliver Ubuntu).
Then he caught the flies in the lab with his partner to stick them to a paper aircraft (they should pick it up and carry small cargoes).
This is how medical research centers work.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №18684
In one of the forums. The subject of chess.
by E2-E4
2: s7-s5, Fig. and :)
CG2 to F3
2 What?? to
1 : Sorry KG1-F3
Nine, touched – go on! :))) /putting a two-litre cup of cold dark beer...
1: /convulsively trying to find a horse on the G2... / No horse in this field, barin... :(
2: Good... s5-e3-s1 dam! and :)
What other dam? You broke my three-deck. For this I will eat your king and eat a little bit of ferry.and :)
2: So is it? Oh yeah yeah? Then five without a goat, a king, two asses, three six for the pursuit, and the upper row is turned! and :)
1: / sitting dumb / I feel again where that is%@li, and where - I don't understand.

[ + 58 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18683
Piar, not Piar, and today we terminated the contract with Magaphone on corporate communication. Minus 185 sims and 580t.r. In the month of Megaphone.)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18682
Do you have femininity? and d)
She: Sister
It is: 2
He is O_O

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18681
You are a genius in what area?
2 in Leningrad

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18680
Vitaly :
My father served in Germany and I was born there, we lived there for 5 years, you can go there to live or not. I am 23 years old.

by admin:
Dear Vitaly!
This forum was created for gay and bisexual women. Please contact the German Consulate.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18679
Q: Do gynecologists watch porn?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №18678
One morning I went out to work and got into the elevator on the 6th floor. Every elevator stopped, and a man entered on the fourth. When I got tired of stopping, I pressed Stop and "1", as I sometimes did before, and then the elevator stood up, and the man began to cover me with a mat with screams:
What buttons you hold, no one can get us out of here!
That is why?
Because I get it!
So, I got stuck in the elevator.

[ + 195 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18677
It might be useful!!! to

Study your rights!!! to

Everyone knows that in our difficult times we cannot be insured against reductions at work. So, if you are reduced and at the same time offered to break up lovingly (i.e. paying you 2 salaries) in any case DO NOT go to this shit!!! According to the law you must be warned within 2 months (i.e. You work for 2 months at full wage) and after 2 months to pay a leave allowance (also something about 2 salaries), and then a salary, if within a month you did not find a job and brought a certificate from the labour market!
In the proactive case, you can prepare a lawsuit for illegal use of your funds.

So my brother yesterday broke up with his employers by easing their pocket by about 60,000 at a salary of 25,000 and at the same time pre-worked for 2 months!

The state, of course, is good at blaspheme, but if you do nothing to protect yourself, nobody will do it!

Please help me, I think I can help many people.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №18676
Oh, forgive me Rita.
WOW: for what?
Oh, how, I thought, you allosha said, on your house without you entered, broke everything there drunk... barely burned.
WOW : what?? to
Hahh: fucking, this is how it went (we didn't want to, we just didn't have a place to go, we remembered that you were there near the village, we went in, we ate, we went and went...
WOW :...
I don’t have a damn, fucking!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18675
Bus and trolleybus parks, together with the subway, demand the prohibition of private motor transportation, as it takes away their income. It is also necessary to legally prohibit working near the home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna