— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131819
A joke about the day:

As an experiment, they settle two islands: on one they leave 25 women and one man, and on the other - 25 men and one woman.
It takes some time, come in the beginning with a check-in to the island, where there is a woman. They look, everything is cleaned, everywhere is clean, the palms are tied, the paths are dotted with sand. A woman sits on the throne and cries:
WOW, how did I tell you to sink the sand?
The red...
How did you cook?
The yellow...
What was your account? The fifth? You will be twenty-five!
They come to an island where there are 25 women and one man. They look, everything is dirty, the palms in places are crushed, there is chaos around and a man sits on the palm, at the top, and the women surround her and shout:
Come down, five minutes have passed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131818
Xhx: I am ugly That’s why they don’t communicate with me.
YYY: Don’t be so upset! They don’t communicate with you because of that.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131817
The problem is not that she refused. Such things really need to be agreed before. And in the fact that, in principle, to ask a man for help is the norm, to ask for help from a woman is shameful and so only fools behave.

Depending on what to ask for help. If the uncle were asked to break through the blurred toilet, he would also refuse with indignation. A "beautiful to serve a table" (we already talked about here) or "choose a bouquet/gift for the boss" any woman would gladly agree.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131816
Leo: I grew up among books (sentimental tears)
Dmitry: "I grew up among the niggers" Eminem

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131815
XHH: What are you doing?
I drink tea
HHH: and I caught up
The Cacao! I drink cacao!
See also: xDDD

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131814
The weather in Russia is always good for me. We, for example, do not have sandstorms, ferocious hurricanes and other delights like others. I would say that for me bad weather does not exist in principle - there is only "uncomfortable" weather. Is it raining? It is uncomfortable to take an umbrella. A cold cold? It is uncomfortable to wear warm clothes and freeze in the wind. The heat? It is uncomfortable to sweat and you need to shower more often. And some are accustomed to cheating about any weather deviations from the norm - I don't understand this.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131813
<dsmirnov> Today is the day of special communications and FSO information, be careful, they today drunk will walk around your computers and beat your files.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131812
>>>>- to me the Ketaians wrote “Deer Sergey”

Could have written "Deer Sirgay"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131811
From the bird forum:
A: The pigeon is funny, but the husband is unhappy that there is a pigeon in the room!
B – Ahha! My husband was also initially unhappy with the pigeons coming from the balcony into the room. Now the pigeons are unhappy that the husband is in the room.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131810
it will be less intellectual, but perfectly organizes both life, and the comfort and upbringing of children, without getting stuck with unnecessary reasoning and hysteria. I need it from my mother.
Here is the logic. Why is mother intelligent? The child is full, washed and enough. Reading will be taught in school. And then: and that you are so obsolete, only beer to drink, and TNT to watch.
You don’t need an intellectual wife. Better not to reproduce at all.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131809
Why is the phrase "Before in Russia..." often the beginning of some frozen nonsense?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №131808
I don’t understand your intentions!
My schizophrenia is hardly understood by anyone.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131807
I want to buy an iPad, which company would you recommend?
Yyy... Lukoil

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131806
The Knight is actually
Who lives with you.
realizing that you are the same
The Angry Dragon

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131805
Women are advanced. I asked the operating lady to restore you. You came with Durex. The core must be compiled.

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131804
Poems about the Beautiful (published on the Internet)

Three wise men in one basin melted Yuri Lozu,
If it were a little bigger than the old basin, there would still be Mikhailov Stas.

Who the author is, I do not know.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131803
M scratches things in the laundry. He sees broken jeans.
M: This is what?
They are jeans!
M: They are broken, let’s get rid of them.
I only have jeans!
M is OK.
In three minutes.
M: And this is what?
J: It has to be washed.
M: And yet – what is it?
What do you not see? These are jeans!
M: You said you only have one jeans.
And one of them! The second ones!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131802
A lonely woman, you say, the whole house collapses – to make no one?
I knew one lonely mouthpiece who, when the mixer in the bath began to flow, just blocked the crane in the niche. I washed up and opened.
When it became even stronger, I just covered the mixer of one of the shirts.
Somewhere in six months I dared to call the sanitary.

There are pellets for sale.
Beer and Socks
Solitary species will not disappear
They will not give up just so.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131801
and blind:
The brain standard:

Who is your 5-year-old sitting at home while you go to work? One of what? Or do you work at home? It is really a pattern of papas))

Five years is not five months. Have you ever heard of kindergartens?

In the original quote, in the part that you, by the way, yourself and drank out of the answer before sending yours, it was written that the "papa-young" never gave his children to any kindergarten. I didn’t talk to grandmother. So the question is reasonable: if there are no babysitters, and there is no garden, and the father is at work - then with whom is the child?
If one, it is all until the first injury. Five years is no longer small, but still unreasonable. The windows are falling out, and the fires are arranging.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131800
Why does vodka hurt my head in the morning?

Tagged: vodka

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna