— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131799
Button ¶ "Show all characters" in Word...
It’s just a divine button, sometimes you think "How did it all go, well, that just can’t be! What a nonsense?And then you press this button - and immediately comes direct enlightenment and insight - you think - the nifiga has been wrapped up here! Distances, tables in tables, inscriptions in inscriptions (all this with white boundaries), and a bunch of all kinds of herry. You think "mdaaa"... and start cleaning out the garbage, bringing the text to a normal, and most importantly - easily edited appearance.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131798
The teacher of the TOE (theoretical foundations of electrical engineering) asked us: "Why does an alternating current pass through a condenser and a constant one does not?" and drew a drawing on the board: a horizontal straight, divided in the middle by two vertical lines (condensator).
Here is the alternating current. - painted a sinusoid with the axis of a horizontal line passing in the maximum amplitude of the condenser and going further.
It is a constant current. - drawn a horizontal straight, parallel to the main and leaning in the condenser. The current is constant and cannot pass through the condenser.
P.S At the third grade, everyone knew it was a joke.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131797
There was a boy living there, whispering half a week and was pleased. There was a little girl living on the floor every day. They met and began to live together, and the girl began to grasp that it is she who grumbled on every floor, it is necessary for the boy to grumble once. The boy got upset and left, and the girl now tells the internet that all the men put all the housework on women, and they do nothing.
The boy lived with his mother, and his mother slapped the floor every day. And she lived a girl and she slapped half a week. And they began to live together. The girl still squeezes half a week, but the boy was upset two days later that the house was dirty. The girl has left, and the boy lives with his mother and cries on the internet that the women at home do nothing and require them to be provided.
And the first boy met the second girl and they live together for a long time and happily, indeed, the Internet does not write, not before them.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131796
From the logs to one of the records "Mount & Blade: Napoleonic wars":
Now the peasant serpent cannot strike a knock.
Removed the opportunity to strike through the floor to a player standing above the floor;
- Solved the problem with the Austrian Kirasir-Gorner, who had no hands;
Fixed the problem of birds underground appearance in random maps;
Corrected continuation of music when a player is hit while playing a piano or organ.
The Russian Sergeant Yegery now has bullets.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131795
Does anyone force you to watch Lin's comics? Unlikely to.
Or maybe you can draw at least a few highly artistic and highly intellectual (from your point of view) creations? If not, do not stick to the only artist left on the site. If yes, try and see what happens.)
I am not the author of the source, but!
1st ' First get it out' - not an argument.
2nd If you look carefully, there is no possibility to add your comic book on the site. Lynn is a monopolist.
Three I also don’t like the way she’s drawing, and the comics I’ve been watching for a long time, but your reckless praise is running out.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131794
According to a friend, after everything became clear:

1st His wife asked him from the kitchen to help her.

2nd I could not wait for a response and asked louder again.

Three I didn’t wait for a reaction, I went, I said something angry.

5 is Not waiting for the reaction, insulted and in the hearts left the apartment

6 is A friend, touching the cotton of the front door, removed the headphones, listened carefully and thought: - Probably went to the store.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №131793
I have a cat and a dog at home. Every time someone comes and asks if a dog is biting, I say no. Naive, they don’t know I’m biting a cat.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131792
I went to the studio to take a photo of the documents.

A flash, the photographer unfolds the camera to show the result.

I - what I was a hurry.

Photographer, breathing - What is it

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131791
I studied at the beginning of zero in the aviation college. As a foreigner, he lived in a five-story dormitory. There was one peculiarity of the company - there was no shower. A washing machine for 5 dishes was, a toilet for 5 seats was (entrance through the washing machine and left), but for washing it was offered to drive his body once a week to the ground building called the "bath". In this "bathroom" even to enter was scary - so it is disgusting in the appearance of the sarai.

We did not go there.

Instead, they were washed in the laundry under a hose, which at one end was dressed on the crane, and the second was glued with a wire to the pipe under the ceiling. An excellent shower was obtained, the floor in the laundry room was chain and there was a drain of water into the sewerage. The management struggled with this phenomenon, but more for sight.

Going to the laundry in the evening to wash your hands and find one or two naked students swimming there has become commonplace. I myself, at first embarrassed by the people to stand with the naked pipis under the shower, quickly changed the complexes to pure density.

One day before the start of the third course, the students living in the hostel were called out of vacation a week earlier - it was necessary to seamless the rooms for the resettlement of the first students. August in southern Ukraine is terribly hot and after the train, I first went to the bathroom.

As always, he went into the laundry, grabbed the hose to the ceiling, got the shampoo, soap and dressed up to the naked. Just pulled off the water, as suddenly the door opened and some unknown guy entered the laundry room, holding a pot with pasta in his hands. Here in the laundry, he wanted to pour water through the sink. Apparently first-class, they have just begun to settle.

The boy looked up at me from the pot and for some reason stuck at the entrance. In his eyes was horror and something unhealthy. "Strange what, why so loose, maybe psychic? “I thought I was cutting on a visitor.

And here to me: yesterday’s student quietly entered the laundry room, and there is some exhibitionist. From the unshaken lob hangs a member, and from all the clothes on the perverted only rubber slats. What to do now? to scream? To give in? to escape? Calling for help?

The boy did not notice the hose attached to the ceiling, and about washing they had time to rush, say, here is a bath on the territory, here is a bathing day.

The addicted boy never shrugged. For jokes, I looked at him and kept an alarming pause. Then rounded the crane – water poured on the crane.

I am bathing.

- Aaaaaaaah, - joyfully exhaled the first-time student, in his communion again became safe.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131790
I remember getting stuck at home like a full night. I want to eat, I have no strength. I went into the kitchen, oh, a pot on the table and smells delicious. I looked, there was a soup. I didn't use the plate, I washed it afterwards, and here the soup is a little bit completely, the whole stuff. I took a spoon, sat down at the table, sat down, ate. It is delicious, but hot, dog. Waiting for fifteen minutes, still hot, and eating hunting. I sit down, but I eat. My mother walks into the kitchen and looks at me with her eyes:
What kind of fucking soup do you eat? He is still cooking.
I looked under the pot, and there was a fire... And I still thought that I was so uncomfortable sitting at the table, my legs have nowhere to go...

[ + 28 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131789
Good teachers still have the opportunity to earn decently, teaching individually, for example.
÷÷ and
Good dentists work individually. Good electricians on recommendation. Good gynecologists, surgeons, carmasters... Friends, you don’t think that in the system of wages (LEGAL WORK) the same systemic error as in your brain. Advice even to learn to play billiards or poker (roulette, Forex) etc., try yourself with your own talent to live, and after already advise teachers after switching to 6-7 lessons to go with a stack of notebooks of 5-6 kilograms to run with rehearsals until 10 p.m., to the store to run, come home, notebooks to check, work with children, eat to cook, play with your husband and in the morning with fresh forces to fight.
And now look at yourself in the mirror, look closely, then call your mom and ask, "Mommy, why did I whim?"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131788
In our family, I am in a decree with three children, and there are days when everything is fine, everything is cleaned, lunch and dinner is prepared, and there is a time when I call my husband and warn him to buy food himself. And he goes taking fruits, ingredients for sandwiches, pizza or ready-made chicken, or quickly cooking an egg or fried potatoes. He eats himself, feeds everyone and gives me rest. And yes, in such a family to quietly wash dishes or sit in the toilet is also considered a rest.
Of course, like all living people, it happens that we argue, but so far we treat each other with respect and love there are no problems. Our relationship is 15 years old, from early studenthood. And there were problems, but it seems to me that the thing is that he and I, grew up in normal, full families, where parents do not shake the rights, and solve problems and live, raise children with love.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131787
Something becomes clear... for a long time it was unclear what men have against feminists, if they themselves are about the desire for an equal partnership and write, and this is what, it turns out, an equal partnership is in translation from the masculine "let her earn as much, but feeds me, lickes me, blows in the ass just as if I did not work and could devote all the time to the beautiful me - and I will, of course, be in her life for a crack, and maybe even a child will give her joy."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131786
Why does my mom always have a headache?
My dad brought home very little money.
Why does Dad bring home so little money?
Because a part of daddy’s money is spent on a aunt with healthy heads.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131785
It is time to rest from work, today instead of "bipolar"sister, said "bipolar"))

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131784
I read you and I understand that not to the dinosaurs that meteorite should have fallen.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131783
Did anyone swim on the "Jazz Steam? What do you say?
- On the jazz vessel depends on performers and the weather.
- In bad weather, bad performers are invited, and they only play poker, and then on the shore, because the steamboat is tied?

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131782
Condybas (kondybas): There was still a strange tale about a bottle of water glued to the window of the shelter with a virtually previously unknown to the general public cyanomethylacrylate aka "superclay". During the inspection of the rooms, the inspectors tried to remove her from the window - and could not. The question is "what is it??" lazy answered - "heavy water!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131781
Kisska: When there is a human desire for the beautiful, nothing can stop him.

Dan: A limited number of kidneys.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131780
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Okay, I don’t know... The little boy from five years of age lives with me fun and without stress, I don’t seem to work, and I didn’t give him to the garden, and he didn’t go to the extension, I don’t spit him with grandmothers, we go on vacation together... Where am I a goat?
Kaneshn Kazel, did you make it so easy to live while the grandmothers are tormented?

Who is your 5-year-old sitting at home while you go to work? One of what? Or do you work at home? It is really a pattern of papas))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna