— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131699
He grew up on the shore of the Black Sea. I have been swimming since I was a child and I love it very much. And not just throwing, but with benefit. There for crabs to chase, for rapans or midias.

And one day, when I was 15-16, I went to the sea with my mother and her friend.

I just started to trust independent swimming "to the depth", which I was going to use and collect rapans.

Completed: Mask, tube, lawns, grid (type avocado) for catching. And listening to instructions from the mom about safety technology, he sailed to the horizon. The day was fruitful, and I did not notice myself not only sailed a kilometer and a half from the shore, but also, about a kilometer along the shore. Since I was lazy to swim back to get to the shore in the same place that I entered, I reached the land to our parking lot by foot.

He saw his mother and a friend at the edge of the water, actively gesturing, stood up next to him and began to look into the distance, hoping to see someone from his acquaintances. Does someone have a mother’s hand? Without noticing anyone, he asked, “Who are we calling?” My response was a glance of confusion.

It turns out, the last half an hour, my mother and a girlfriend were watching some man on the horizon, who, like me, was collecting rapans. I didn’t notice that I was sailing.

I caught it well then.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №131698
XXX: What did you take from the hotels?

Yyy: I really liked the yucata (halit hb) in one Japanese hotel, where they all go around the city, and the bathroom, and the restaurant. I asked the manager if I could buy it. The Japanese was so upset, terrible! Because he should have said no to me, and for them it is like death. And then he looked up at the floor and said, “You know, very often our customers accidentally put a yucata in their suitcase.

YYY: And I put it. by accident.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131697
I have one acquaintance about whom when strangers hear him talk to his girlfriend on the phone, they think he is talking to a guy and they think he is gay. And all because he calls his girlfriend Cole. Knee, Wheelchair, Nicole and so on. Her name is Nicole.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №131696
There was a failed coup attempt in Turkey.

I don’t want to go into details, but one of the consequences of this incident was the mass arrests of senior military personnel, judges and lawyers who could be suspected of participating or manifesting sympathy for the opposition group. This was not overlooked by the fraudsters, who began to call people and blackmail them with the fact that their names were included in the list of suspects, from which you can get out by means of bribery.

One of the potential victims was a 16-year-old student from Izmir. The fraudsters told him the standard story and he replied that he did not have cash, but there is a car that he can sell for 40,000 Turkish lira (about 880,000 rubles), but first he must repay the debt on it in the amount of 2,000 lira (about 44,000 rubles). As the Turkish proverb says, “You can’t pity a chicken if you get a goat.” Guided by this wisdom, the scammers sent the boy 2,000 liras, for which he immediately bought himself an iPad. When he was testifying to the police, he said he didn’t even believe it would go so easily. Otherwise I would ask for more.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131695
Here is this.

- follow the text: "The deer has two horns, in a herd of 100 deer - How many horns?" - "And what month?" - "Why a month?" - "Maybe they did not fight?" - "How many horns?"!"- "When they fight, the horns lose... Sometimes, one deer, one horn..." - "SУУУУКА!!! 100 x 2 – how much?!" - "What is this?"
and ahahah! Sorry, I understand, I will no longer...

I don’t know how to others, but it’s obvious to me that these northern brothers knew much more about deer than you. And they tried to tell you that everything is not always so simple in life, "the deer has two horns." There is one horn, or zero, or one and a half. That heroic example you have, life is not appropriate. And you, my friend, thought they were stupid. You know that you are not a hero in life.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131694
People who have bought a medical diploma are usually caught because of a beautiful handwriting.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131693
I work at the airport. Strategic objects and all such dangerous substances cannot be carried in any case. So, the CEO removed the job of a kinologist (dog trainer, simply) for the fact that the dog could not identify the bomb. The bomb, in the form of a plastic bottle with the inscription "bomb", glued to the scotch, among other plastic bottles.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №131692
Medvedev recommended dissatisfied teachers pay to go to business. Teachers advised the happy Medvedev to go to his ass.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131691
Xxx: So it turned out that I crumble on my right leg, not shaved to the state of "almost beard", I don't like people and I have a bad habit of throwing small objects. I wear a white shirt by activity.
Yesterday I watched Doctor House for the first time and was terrified to see who I was turning into.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131690
The funny names.
A friend’s friend was nicknamed Vilka.
And all why. I drank beer at night at his house, and a friend started to bite.
Well, she whipped that wool in her leg. I barely got to the table.)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131689
xxx: I have been interested in my girlfriend for 12 years, and I have to come up with something new with my boyfriend after six months of relationship. How is it?! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131688
Today I found an undisclosed banner:

Are you playing Pokemon Go?
Play Pokémon in 7 days! The intensive immersion.
Cost of the course: 29 000 rubles
Japanese in 7 days

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131687
Today's date on class of mathematics or computer science: 2².2³.2⁴

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131686
Technique in the Home

Pf-f-f... When I wrote the diploma (in the meantime I was still working), I forgot about this technique. It was like throwing clothes into the machine, putting something from food in the microwave, showing programs, turning on, and... and all. I could remember after two days that the washed (ah, and acidified) things would be time to pull out, turn off the machine itself, pull out the food from the microwave that begins to kick out... And here in some, I see, everything is easy and simple, everything is done.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131685

Beautiful today was on the clocks at night: "01:02 04.08.16"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131684
A bottle of kefir and baton is the standard breakfast of a space pirate. Chris and Joyce won’t lie.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131683
NN: "Well, do you know what kind of thinking he has? Approximately such. I found a mirror, looked into it – my face, that is, my mirror, but I don’t remember when I lost it. This is the logic of the assessment of what is happening. I would say - among you, humanitarian, widespread".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131682
I used to think that manna flour is made from a plant called manka. At the age of 27, I was told that this was not the case. It was from wheat.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131681
Reading the post about Zohye saw the opinion that many people go to the steep fitness clubs "to eat" and remembered their story.

Last winter he went to the Baptism to dive into the pit and called the neighbor for every chance (suddenly the heart will catch). I get out, I get out, I get out. The neighbor (she is not married) looked up and said: "I thought of men in cocktails and nightclubs to look for, but we need to come to the doorstep. The figure is immediately visible, the ring is not removed, and... what males!!! “Well, I’m wearing glasses!” At that time, the men were hiding without cowards:)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131680
In Britain, a woman after a successful surgery to remove a tumor bought a lottery ticket. He won £80 million.
222: I have had a similar case. Remove the appendicitis. Soon there will be a tooth!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna