— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №131679
>Don’t confuse anchoes with capers.

Oh what it is! Just the same! And I couldn’t figure out where the association with olives came from. Spammy man!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131678
My boyfriend is one year older, studied at the same school, dating began closer to the end. When his last call approached, the guy decided to introduce me to relatives at this very celebration. How unknown. and carefully.

Having expressed sincere joy and impatience, I began to think convulsively about the appearance, replicas, appropriate compliments. At first, she wanted to dress "beautifully", color and establish herself as an acceptable option, at least from the point of view of genetics. But so I could not be considered a sufficiently acceptable option from the point of view of the moral foundations and the riches of the inner world. At the end of the day, I looked like a puritan priest’t be fooled.

Here they stand. He himself, his parents and his aunt. Somewhere there is a declared aunt daughter-semi-grade. I tactically approach the barrel and begin to actively engage the conversation. Everything is going well, when getting acquainted with me show joyful, ask about successes in studies and further plans. A little distant, but generally normal.

Aunt's daughter fits with the same seven-class friend. As if breathing out with relief, the boy’s parents say to me:

- But the girls are back, go for a walk with them, or how much you miss with adults here.

And now a guy:

Is your girlfriend coming soon?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131677
Judging by the rate of increase of taxes, excise duties, fines, etc. In a few years, the prophecy of Gianni Rodari will be fulfilled:
Every Chipolino in our country will pay a tax for sneezing, for air, a penalty for gradient and 15 days for feeding in the wrong place.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131676
The Craytor’s Canoist was admitted to the Olympics after the ICF’s decision was revised.

The Craytor Canoeist is some horrible spell.

Worse than Avada Kedawr.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131675
Overall, Batman is just a man who arranged his garage, and there was no woman to stop him.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131674
The year 1983.

In Estonia recently started to produce beautiful plastic bags similar to imported, at first there was only 3-4 patterns and many went with similar ones. We had the same half-group at the institute.

After the lessons, they went to the self-service store and left a package with conscripts on the table before entering the shopping hall. They left the room, picked up their bags again and went on to walk. After 15-20 minutes, I feel like something is wrong with the package. I have a bottle of vodka in my bag.

In the first five minutes I roasted with a comrade representing the face of a guy who now opens my bag at home and finds condiments instead of vodka.

We came back to the store and there too, everything was crazy - a guy just left looking for a package of vodka in the store. I was given his address, he left, and went to him to exchange packages.

Such a surprised and grateful look as he had when he met me with his package, I had never seen again in my life.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131673
Monday – 8 hours of rallies, Tuesday – 8 hours of rallies with two 5-minute breaks. Wednesday - in the breaks between the rallies and the answers to questions, a little work was done. Today is Thursday morning and this fool sends a letter asking for a report on what has been done over the week. How do you develop the software? and ;)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131672
The title:
Wassermann in Sevastopol. People listened to the lecture until night.

The commentary:
Hi wise Basurman. The beard of cotton, you brought us the answers, virgin lochmaty!)))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131671
I once came to a girl to visit, the affairs with her made love, well, I went naked. He is naked!! Here the door opens and her grandmother, 82, enters. I was silent. I think as if my grandmother did not want to sort, and she went to the kitchen next to the toilet. Sit on a chair and let your granddaughter talk about all the nonsense. She hints, and the grandmother says everything and says... And it’s cold in the toilet, and it’s time for me to work. and short. I make my face a brick, cover my dignity with my hand and go out with the words, "Hello, Love Anatolievna" and into the room to dress. “Hello, Aloha” – was the response and laughter of my girlfriend (precisely roast!) is

We are all decent adults. No one escaped from anyone, and no longer remembered the case. Only when I visited her, with the phrase "Hello, Aloha" my face was involuntarily smiling, and I barely contained the laughter.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №131670
I sold my car yesterday and I was on the bus today. The grandfather came in, clearly committed to communication. I tried to engage in a dialogue with the conductor. She was young to load him. He apologized and tried to stick to the driver - the same result. I felt sorry for him.

I am tall – my height is more than 2 meters. That’s why I was sitting – my neck is running to stand bending in Korean buses – the lilips are those Asians. He hardly tried to climb one of the two free seats, and they were on a characteristic altitude in the place where the wheel was under the bottom. I offered him my place, but he proudly refused. And he flew straight from the happiness that he was talked to, in the wheel seat.

All the way to work, I listened to his stories about his city, about his past. I was not at all then. "On this stop before there was a forest, such oils grew. My sister and I are in 67 years. This is the birthplace I built. Then I took the children from here. Now they grew up: the son in Kamchatka, the daughter in Moscow. They totally forgot about me. They call twice a year on Birthday and New Year’s Day. The old man silenced. "But I was also born in this birthplace," I took my grandfather from sad thoughts. He was glad that I listened and answered. And I was glad to have the opportunity to make him happy.

Here is my stop. I say goodbye and leave. After taking a few steps, I thought that if I turned around now, he would take my hand out of the departing vehicle. He stopped turning. On the wrinkles face of a smile, he grinds with his hand. I answered the same.

Fuck, I need to call the bat in Krasnodar, since "New Year" I have not spoken to him. Suddenly he also climbs on the wall of loneliness.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №131669
Swimming on the beach with my nephews. I decided to leave them in the water. They naturally liked it. After the number of throws, the children come and ask them to leave.

Everyone is happy and happy.

After I got out of the water, a girl who I threw into the water approached me and said:

D: Uncle, you are great.

I thank you :)

Q: What do you thank? I say you are cool. Your back is broken.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131668
// // Here, the CEO removed the post of a kinologist (a dog trainer in a simple way) for the fact that the dog could not identify the bomb. The bomb, in the form of a plastic bottle with the inscription "bomb" glued to the scotch among other plastic bottles.

It is right! A cinologist who failed to teach a dog to read is a bad, inappropriate cinologist.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131667
In fact, equality is that everyone has the right to catch their apple, regardless of the color of the cowards.

I will not agree here.
When society has no color differentiation of cowards, there is no purpose. When there is no goal, there is no future.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131666
The choice of phone:

Avokado: No Huiwei Goes in the Forest
Buy an iPhone, you can do it.
Avokado: in the iPhone 2 SIM cards do not slip, so by
Hutch: 2 iPhones and Scotch

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131665
You are:

to this

to this
And in my childhood I thought that anchous is a fish like that... I want to upset you with Wikipedia and other google, it is a fish.

and stop. Isn’t that something like olives or olives?
Girl, 36 years old

Do not confuse anchoes with capers.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131664
To the story of the inexperienced cook and his soup with three attempts, or Achotakov complex in the household:
Most people are forced to constantly engage in household activities (cooking, washing, cleaning, etc.) It is not because of the complexity of each case, but because of the incredible quantity of tiny nonsense that is repeated day by day, which must be planned and monitored. There is no more power for any intelligent thoughts. Well, or the dissertation, and then the soup burned, the milk ran away.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №131663
The cooking.
I live far from my wife.
I decided to cook the soup. I cooked the soup, tossed the potatoes, let it cook. I went to business. I woke up in a few hours. The soup is cooked.Experience.
The attempt 2. I cooked soup. Shut off on time. Do not put hot in the refrigerator, it will cool. I went to work in the morning and forgot to put it in the refrigerator. Evening soup, I’ve learned.
The attempt 3. I cooked soup. Shut off on time. and hot. I will put it in cold water to cool. I put it in the dishwasher, turned on cold water. I went to smoke. and returned. The soup floats in a full dish. Almost all broke up in the shell. The Experience. is smarter?
The hunting soup...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131662
Children’s Misconceptions

I was convinced that the peak of Communism was a date. Somewhere at the end of the 40s.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131661
In the childhood misconceptions:

As a child, I thought that drugs were such a very rare species of animals, such as sea cats. And when the news was broadcast on television that a large batch of drugs had been detained, she ran to the screen to look at these cute animals. It was never possible to see them...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131660
here here :

Question: is salic acid acid acid or salic acid?

She is edgy, but not at all from the word "food"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna