— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106994
The jokes about the ruble are being valued less and less every day.
Same as the ruble.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №106993
Crisis of 1998.
The people buy salt, fireworks, crops.
The Crisis 2014.
People buy apartments, cars, equipment.

No, look at what this power has brought the country to! It is :)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106992
This strange man:
During the minet, some women are very excited, and in order to finish, they only need a little help with their fingers. If you didn’t have such women – I sympathize, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist in principle.
They say they need fingers. What is H%y in the mouth?? to
In addition, women from the fingers can and without h%ya in the mouth to get pleasure.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106991
Xxx: Because Jack the Destroyer turned out to be a Polish, there is an opinion about changing his name to the Destroyer's Destroyer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106990
What to ask parents for the New Year MHE 10 years
Reports: Of course patience.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №106989
by ivan_gandhi
Imagine yourself in his place – flying through the universe, among the stars, quasars, pulsar, black holes, dust and planets; in a billion or two years how much you see.

And suddenly you are in Chelyabinsk.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106988
In any case, or, I fear, the panic will rise.

From Habr.

Nidaylokn: Even if the elevator's wires break, it won't fall.
MrPeterLink: But from the sharp operation of the hunters, the bottom can break away.
Ayahuaska: But overall the elevator will be whole! (They are :

The subsidiary of the office in which I work is engaged in the production of elevators. They have a shell frame around the actual box (and also from the bottom), approximately 70x150 mm in the eye, tighted with screws, boiled and with diagonal stripes of a steel bar thicker than the finger. When I first saw it, I asked, it was so hard, and I was shown excerpts from GOSTs, some calculations and the customer's TZ. Lifts are made for residential multi-storey houses, not for defense, if anything.
Of course, I will not claim for all manufacturers, but we do so.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106987
x: from queries in Yandex: "How to bring a girl to a jet printer?"
X: heavy awake admin

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106986
You are from there, you should know.
If you follow your logic, anyone should be a specialist in gynecology.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №106985
A celebration soon
Magic will happen.
The Euro is 40
$30 again

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106984
>>> you are right of course. But if you lose your order because of you, you will be fired and they will also be right. Because your job is not to teach the employer literacy, but to accept orders. And to help the customer to formulate what he needs, because they never, shit, do not know what they need!

Here is exactly. Ancient technical dialects, miraculously preserved in deaf villages, gradually replace the normal technical language, taught in PTU for decades, but unfortunately, times are different. We have the same story in the sale of auto parts. Sometimes you want to leave the car mechanic right behind the shelf, who does not know that the shells in the planetary transmission are not external and internal, but solar and coronal, but you have to force yourself.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106983
XXX is:
I recommend listening to today's broadcast of Prohanov on RSN. He spoke in the same spirit, and he was absolutely right.
No matter how hard it may be, we must go through this time and problems, all together. Nothing is given for just so, for everything you have to pay.

Prohanov is an old marasmatic, and I am surprised that he is given some ester, in addition to the ester of the medical diet.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106982
Communication from one of the networks for the sale of electronics and household appliances:
- All who have received our free newspaper-catalogue with the indication "prices are valid until December 24, 2014", we inform you that this advertisement got into your mailbox completely mistakenly.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106981
He lived with me the second day and ate all the food. The women brought.
The beautiful ones?
and Available!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106980
Sansa prefers beautiful men. Cersei prefers beautiful men. She prefers beautiful men. Mel prefers Rglor and beautiful men. Brennan prefers beautiful men. Renley prefers beautiful men. Ramsey prefers beautiful men.
Yyy: And beautiful men meanwhile lose hands, fingers, teeth, heads... Martin doesn’t prefer beautiful men.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106979
Frigid and non-frigid
We don’t forget about assexuality, right? We, by the way, are a lot.
We don’t want sex at all. and never. Even though we get pleasure from it.
This is difficult to explain, of course...on one forum compared the sensations with black ivory. I said, yes, tried, very delicious, but I never in my life wanted to buy myself a pot.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106978
xxxh: Knowing her not the first year, I did not expect to hear the question (even, rather a sentence) with such intonation. She said it as if she was ashamed that it was her thoughts, as if she had stolen it from herself. But, nevertheless, I agreed out loud and up to the end:"and... maybe... you’ll cheat?"And I couldn’t refuse.
In about 15 minutes I stood in front of her smoothly shaved.
Was it in the blood? Looking with a stunned look?
xxx: No, her following phrase was in the way we communicated: “Dumb, I was talking about the face!!”and "

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106977
X: 160 to 110. How damn I am...
Y: Yes, they’ve gotten the euro with that already!
X: The pressure

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №106976

News of the day: Yesterday for one euro

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №106975
Visitors are shameful. GOST 30245-2003 - Profiles. GOST 8559-75 - Straw square! GOST 6688-91 - a straight corner! Specialists have divorced you. The damages, the fucker.
You are of course right. But if you lose your order because of you, you will be fired and they will also be right. Because your job is not to teach the employer literacy, but to accept orders. And to help the customer to formulate what he needs, because they never, shit, do not know what they need!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna