— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85905
I don’t understand people who have to take pictures with celebrities...they look so ugly in their background.

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85904
to this:

I have a guy. Today he was discussing who was better than Tony Stark or Flash. Then they broke up together in Doto, both programmers. And recently he wrote the code and dedicated it to me. We found each other.

You are a guy too, right?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №85903
Decided in the "personal qualities", the summary a little corrected for the sake of the experiment:

stress-resistant: ah, just try not to do what is supposed to be "mama do not burn";

communicable: if necessary, "without soap in one place I will enter.but I will get my"

High learning: I torment until I really understand what is needed

Accurate in documentation: there may be mess on the table, but in every chaos there is order and I know where, what lies in me.

During the day 9 companies called with an invitation to the interview.I look forward to what is next)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №85902
A man wanted to send his... religious necessities - paid 15-20-50 rubles, entered the cabin, a couple of minutes later went out... Everyone is happy, the city - a profit, and no one interferes.

The Alabama Buddha of Suicides

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №85901
to this:

Put two washers in the machine. The Mobyus tape is resting. You start to believe in parallel universes ;)

try washing a dozen children's socks - you will have fun for the whole evening and valuable experience in breaking off sea nodes)

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №85900
The shock! Only two zodiac signs will survive this year, because Pugacheva was able to lose weight by a kilogram a day! Want to know how? HMI, if you are not afraid to learn the secret technique to cut off with one blow, because it is so easy to earn $400 a day, but 70% of marriages disintegrate after visiting this site, because there are databases of all residents of the Russian Federation!

[ + 10 - ] Comment quote №85899
You have not seen me for a long time, baby.
Where will you kiss me when we meet?
I’ll hang over the bed, I’ll put the bars.)

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85898
As a child, I thought that the cream of society was dirt and waste. The oldest learned what is called the elite of society. Now I know how right I was when I was a child.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №85897
Comments on the news that a London bank trainee died after 72 hours of continuous work:
In Japanese there is even a name for this - Karosi.
Carousel worker, carousel autumn! – – – –

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85896
Advertising in the subway car: "Buy a door with locks and win a holiday tour!"
Nothing to confuse?and :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №85895
Oleg took off his T-shirt.
Girls swallowed water.
Answer for Tattoos.
He couldn’t go before the mountains.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №85894
Do you need bricks?
WOW :?
XHH: I postponed two self-drives tonight.
I’m alone at night, I’m already asleep, and I hear shrinking steps in the corridor...Cold sweat.
The cat bore and buried.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №85893
Can you say how x@em in a living person tick?
"Among the beetles that live in the
The island of Tahiti, spread
Extremely cruel forms:
The male chooses the female and
She swallows her stomach.
The Sexuality "
Humanity is becoming human!!! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №85892
by Serdyukov:
In 1985-89 (I don't remember exactly), working in the service of the Chitinsky A/P movement, I listened to an interesting dialogue between the RC dispatcher and the Tu-154 crew, which was transiting east. Since the MDP started working at 8:00 a.m., and the matter was early in the morning, the An-2 that took off from some small site tried to report the take-off through this Tuška to get instructions and the dialogue sounded approximately as follows:
"Listening-control, 232nd"
"232nd, I answer"
There An-2 with an incomprehensible calling asks to convey to you that he follows from some kind of hero to some kind of... ui and asks MBV on the route.
After a lengthy pause lying under the table, the controller replied without a note of irony in the voice: “I understood, 232, pass on to the board that the MBV flight from Kyker to Kokuy 1950 was given.”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №85891
I live alone with two small dogs.
I come home in the evening, the TV is running, hears all the volume of Animal Planet, a controller rolls on the floor and a half-eaten shower.

Apparently I don’t know anything about these dogs, and every time I leave, they call friends and organize parties.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №85890
Call from the provider:
-Bla-bla action...connecting TV programs over the Internet...
You know, I don’t have a modern TV.
With an uncertain voice, the boy said:
Is it at least colorful?
10 minutes, I could not continue the conversation.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №85889
I read on the internet.
The Malaysian Chamomile
What you will not do here.
Not to write courses.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №85888
In Japan post "How not to shoot your own", telling about accidental losses from a friendly fire. The best comment:

mp_friendlyfire 0

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №85887
In front of you are two tablets: red and blue. If you drink blue, you will forget everything; if you drink red, you will know the whole truth. Which will you choose? Please choose."

You can drink vodka – first you learn the whole truth, and then you forget everything.


[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №85886
We were on the bus and the little boy gave his mother an ultimatum, saying, "I have, you love me or I will break your finger."They have everything simple and sincere.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna