— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131399
Cappuccino, Cappuccino...
It is still far from artificial intelligence. Proving that you are not a robot is very difficult.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131398
In order for children to not bear the brain on the long road, we have been traveling exclusively at night for several years. Driving most of the road. We are going on vacation, 2 thousand kilometers in one direction ahead. I say to my husband: "I need to throw a song on the flash on the road". He said: "No need! I am myself. And then I know your songs: baju-batyushki-baju... sleeps sweetly for us in paradise.
Black humor is black humor.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131397
<rex> I wanted to borrow some money from you, 500 rubles. Do you give?
<juli> I will not. I will borrow money.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131396
I was told that Artem and we had a fire on the cattle... take one to live, we will take on the expenses...
= = )
I think it’s fucking shit! It burned! I wonder where did you get my phone from?
The call of the day! by Fuck!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131395
From discussion on useless-faq, like pigeons, or more precisely, pigeon pairs recognize each other.

Aaa: I have the same question about the Chinese: how does the Chinese jinn know in the evening that it is her husband who came home, and not a neighbor?
BBB: She puts the mark on the cross.
ccc: The problem is that they all have crosses. And the number of possible flowers is much less than the number of husbands.
ddd: Each cross has its own shape. In fact, there were hieroglyphs.

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131394
The bruising woods of Bryan,
And a whirlwind in a soldier flag...
Yesterday the SS
Picasso was caught in the woods.

He stood with a shot shoulder.
The fog flattened in the field.
He said nothing,
He gave no secret to the fascists.

He did not speak a word,
Disregarding threats and rewards.
The Soviet Pokémon.
He was silent with a proud glance.

A glowing candle.
In the wake of the mouse...
The death of the brave Pikachu.
Hero of the Soviet Union.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №131393
Memento_mori: I’ve always loved sitting alone. In the first class, I was tried to get a boy who was studying very poorly so that I could pull him up. He suffered with me, poor man. I wrap him in the circle, then I’ll do something else with him. He angered me with his stupidity. They set off. Then in all the schools where I studied, I was sitting on the back seat alone and the whole class was writing to me, and the teachers thought that once I was sitting on the gallery, I wrote to everyone. all the exams I took because of this in a special position: the seat was preparing next to the teachers, so that it was visible that I did not write, answered several tickets instead of one, to confirm that I was not one learned and he accidentally got me, and all, and a bunch of additional questions had to be answered. Sovereignty is always expensive :D

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131392
Lo Rean
Today at 01:32

In one man. The institution was the Deputy Chief of Science. The smartest and wisest man. The smart. Doctor of Science. Suddenly, there was an incomprehensible transformation. In a short time he turned into a tyrant, intrigue, gossip, and cynic. All the subordinates could not understand what had happened to him. They thought, they guessed... They did not come to an agreement, they agreed that power ruined man. It lasted a long time, but it stopped suddenly. The editor revealed the mystery: the chef brought her a new monograph dedicated to the theory of management. According to her, reading, understanding that all the conflicts in the group were carefully documented and described by experiments was unbearable. She was willing to forgive her boss everything, but being a trial rabbit was at the limit of her virtue.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131391
X: Now it is like: if a man is not a vegan, not a viper, not a pidor, then he is most likely to catch Pokémon. There are no options anymore!
Okay, do not float it! There are good alcoholics.

[ + 19 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131390
Law and civilized society. Recently, the State Duma was asked to consider abolishing the criminal prosecution for domestic violence. This is contrary to traditional values. These are the things that interest our country and where we all go.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131389
Title of the Year: "ZBI-1 and ZBI-2 will present new EMDs at VCHD A/P"

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №131388
Well it was))

Revenge of rape victim: burned the rapist
defua, 7 July 2016
The comments:

As if he had asked for it himself. He was wearing such lightweight clothes.
If he didn’t want to be burned, he would have stayed at home.
He probably drank that night, and alcohol makes you easily exposed to fire and flame.
“Why didn’t he stop, didn’t fall and didn’t start to ride on the floor? I had to fall and ride on the floor. He probably secretly wanted to burn.
If you read the article, the eyewitnesses say that he bought a lighter that day before. He must have burned himself and just lied about it. It is so typical.
He just needed to relax and have fun. These are just warm hugs. (Here is a game of words, kindling means both excitement and incitement. It is difficult to translate into Russian.)
We need to start teaching people to wear only fire-resistant clothes and always wear a fire extinguisher. For their safety.
It is his parents’ fault. They had to teach him what kind of fire-resistant clothes a young man should wear at such a young age.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №131387
It is insane! In Russia, oil is like in the Arab Emirates, and people live poorer!

How many people are in the Arab Emirates?

Four million people.

- So four million in Russia also live like in the Arab Emirates.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №131386
One day our boss decided it was time to save on electricity. The cheapest motion sensors were purchased to turn off the lights. One of these sensors was installed by handcuffs in the toilet. They didn’t find a better option than to turn it on instead of the switch – near the door, a meter from the floor. The sensor looked sadly at a number of washing machines and did his job properly. Once something broke in it and he began to turn off the light after ten seconds, if he did not record sharp movements (he did not perceive smoothness). To the toilet began to take lamps (in the cabins the sensor did not see movements), and washing hands started by making sharp rotating movements of the pelvis with a periodicity of 10 seconds, so that the light did not turn off.

I rattled like an unusual when I once saw the workers washing their hands at the same time in five washing machines and then in the mind of everyone worked a timer (type, now turn off the light) and all five synchronously twisted their asses, as in a cabaret)))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131385
Candidates for employment
XXX will be a new boy) will not come
YYY: Where did she get them from?
XXX: the center of our career is somewhere
and KMM. Careers... Stone what careers are they wooling?
XXX is AHA. Those whom they cast off the rocks are picked up.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131384
And let those under-men who do not understand the horrors of rape, rape each other alternately and then already reason here objectively, joke all sorts of things, funny examples. They even comment on their previous posts.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131383
I went to the website of Anonymous Alcoholics.
You know, there is such a half-sect.

They sit in a circle and start telling stories. It starts like this:
My name is Ivan, I am an alcoholic.

I turned on Skype and tried it virtually.
It’s really interesting even if you don’t drink.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131382
After the corporate:
What about the blue? I am afraid to know where? and (
YYY: Then you with the words "from our table - yours" tried to climb to them on the table, but did not resist and fell down. was picturesque
XXX: Was it sexy?
YYY: Well... how... the breasts got upset, if you talk about it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131381
XXX: I jumped short
XXX: I sit and watch myself

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131380
Absolutely Absolutely.

I am for verbalizing sexual desire.

The anecdote.
The dinosaur attacked the dinosaur.
Well let’s go, once!
I am tired, my head hurts.
It is stupid! Let us die!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna