— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141473
bfz: Why do cigarette packs have such awful inscriptions and pictures? My kids are smoking! by Facepalm
I was once forced to smoke a pack of cigarettes.
I don’t smoke the package now.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141472
From Fresh to Fresh

What is your hobby?
and cooking.
Are you preparing?
and em.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141471
Announcement of the Secretary (c:) in the corporate chat:
After lunch there will be no meeting.
XHH: What happened?
C: The boss came from the tax office and everything changed cardinally.
Irina, well, your mother, now everything is going to change.
Learn Russian, learn Russian!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141470
I bought the injury to protect myself from the hooligans.
WOW: Well and how?
The hologram has been removed (((

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141469
Yesterday evening I stood in the kitchen, baking a potato, and unexpectedly opening the lid I stuck to the pot standing next to it. Because the cover of the times of the USSR, large and iron, it issued a lengthy gong and I automatically issued to the whole apartment "Alexander Druz will be answered", and there is a wild rust from the street, and a scream "You are good." To say that I wore nothing to say, the 11th floor is still. A neighbor smoked in the window.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141468
Coming to the interview for the executive director's place such a tough lady is good in the years. A magnificent list of services - the director of one enterprise, another, third, the chief of the shop... In general, the conversation went well. And here our general asks the question:

“I see, the last ten years you have been working in the lab... And we have a horde of harsh men here, never intelligent. Are you sure you will manage?

The lady looks at him over her glasses and says:

I started my career as a primary school teacher. Are you sure that your harsh men are worse than three dozen children who do not want to learn, and the knowledge in them must be crushed?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141467
After the ban of Russian sites in Ukraine finally became clear why Ukrainians visa-free. After the introduction of visa-free Ukrainians will be able to travel to Warsaw to sit in VKontakte.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141466
If the program is proprietary, you have to be silently prepared for what it will do with your data the most terrible things you can imagine.
YYY: Keep going, I’ve got up.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141465
In order to create a visibility of work, you need to at least know how the work looks.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141464
To the story of May 17 about communication in English at a bakery in Peter.

On the contrary, I live in the USA. I walk somewhere in the street in Houston, I look at a small garden like that, right in the center of the city, and immediately a black farmer stands and sells the products from this garden: tomatoes, greens... In America, as you know, there is nothing to eat, all the food is brought for thousands of miles processed and packaged, and here - directly from the garden. I approach, and I hear a leaving buyer throwing in Russian: “Goodbye.” I looked, because there was no one else there, and answered in every case, “Goodbye.” Here this black farmer asks me:
Do you speak Russian?
I stumbled on him:
Do you speak Russian?
The Negro, clearly enjoying the situation:
What is this! He speaks Russian and you speak, and I speak Russian too!

This is the negative story in Peter.
After talking a little with me, the Negro split up: he is a refugee from the Congo and lived for some time in the Moscow region. And Houston has a program to help refugees when they are temporarily given unused land in Houston under a garden and taught how to grow vegetables. Refugees have income, citizens have the opportunity to buy cheap and fresh vegetables, and instead of shameless deserts - gardens.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141463
Lovers of Bill Gates as a successful man who left school should remember that he left Harvard, not the Zadrishti PTU.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141462
The Garden Center: XXX, good day! You won the garden competition!
You take 3 places and get 3 strawberries as a gift!

XXX: here it is, great luck )))
YYY: Don’t just eat strawberries.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141461
The budget of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019 is calculated from the price of oil at $40 per barrel.
The average price of oil of the Russian export brand Urals for January-March 2017 reached $52.04 per barrel.
3) The deficit of the budget of the Russian Federation in 2017 will amount to 2.1% of GDP – Siluanov
The reserve fund of the Russian Federation will be spent fully this year, the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov said on Wednesday.

How is?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №141460
The most difficult thing in life was not spiritual self-improvement, as we naively believed in our youth, but the construction of ordinary life. Just start to grow spiritually, look — again the refrigerator is dirty. Let it grow and let it shake the refrigerator. You can not wash! But with a dirty refrigerator, spiritual growth slows somewhat. And at the same time and wash and grow - and there, and there you set up. There is something to come into despair. Sometimes, you think from the unbearable ease of being bad, you run with the changed face to the pond, you wipe the floor on the road, you walk the dog, you throw away the garbage, you buy cheese, seven bulbs, washing powder, celery and rye, and it is foolish to melt with all this treasure.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141459
In Chernigov, the monument to the Ukrainian hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, installed in the center of the city, is turned 180 degrees back to Moscow.

WOW: And a little slide...

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №141458
A good topic:
and worrying:

When in the supermarket at the end of May you buy apples of a new crop, then in captivity you start to think: What year is this crop? It becomes somewhat worrying...

The Earth in addition to the northern hemisphere, there is a southern, and there, such a surprise, also grow apples, but unlike the apples of the northern hemisphere they ripen in March-April.

China grows more apples than the rest of the world combined.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141457
When I was 12, my friend and I learned somewhere about hypnosis, and also about the fact that weak consciousness needs to be hypnotized. From adults and from anecdotes, they knew that Soviet militiamen had a weak consciousness. We stood up in front of the police department and staringly stared at every passing police officer, the police officers approached us and asked what we needed. We have explained that we are trying to enslave their minds and have already partially enslaved them. The policemen were angry.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141456
Due to a serious problem with the gastrointestinal tract was a couple of years unable to digest meat without special preparations (and with them not especially), sat on a diet of purely vegetable food. During this time began to consider foolish and stories of ideological meat-eaters about how all who do not eat animal food, chilly and green face.

Girl, so you didn’t perceive meat or animal proteins at all? Without specifically meat you can live, and completely without harm to health. But this is provided that you eat plenty of dairy products that contain these same animal proteins. Milk, kefir, cheese and so on. Everything contains easily digestible animal proteins, and everything is obtained without killing animals if suddenly your beliefs require it. Serious problems arise only in those who refuse animal protein in general, which you have been talking about here since the beginning of the week. And you are going up and down from somewhere with your fantasies about who to consider a vegetarian, and you are all trying to refute something.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141455
I am the unfortunate Moldovan virus. My developer was so poor that he couldn’t buy a Linux textbook. I am not working on your computer. Please pretend you’re scared, and all".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141454
It was in the summer, in the village. My vacation ended and I went to town. And I came up with a bright thought to do a good deed for the neighbors at last. I went to my neighbor Seroga and said, "I will leave now, and you will go into our garden, tear the cucumbers."

He said, “We have our own.”

I said, “We will continue to bear fruit for a long time. The leaves are green. You are already yellowed and the harvest is almost over.”

He said “OK” and I went.

But arriving at Bologo, he decided to make a check-up call to the neighbor. This is what conversation took place.

I: “Neighbor, Sergey gave you about cucumbers? “”

She said, “Yes. He said you came to us and said I have bad cucumbers.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna