— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101233
I invented the caroche, we originally take fresh 10-flow eggs and send them by post from Moscow to Vladivostok, this package will not be forgotten by the Russian Post.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101232
Comment on the video about the car collected by a man from different parts of the vase / Moscow (Kozov - Kozov pod Lamborghini):
I would have looked at the guys who from Lamborghini would have assembled the VAZ 2106.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101231
Yesterday night came to my head.
This is why men’s dignity is sometimes called "end". The women of this dignity- "end"- understandable thing, no. Does this mean that every single woman is infinite?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101230
Obama needs to be pursued in all directions as long as he is stuck in Ukraine and weak, Bricks to buy out the Argentine debt – rolling out a bunch of green fantasies. Until the dollar has collapsed to try to buy out U.S. industrial enterprises and try to take away what cannot be taken out - to destroy, as claims are made to other countries - to offer a ransom in exchange for giving small territories to the BRICS ownership.
YYY: Well, how do you put out our plan here?))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101229
by Google Chrome. Simple, fast and secure web browser. The 64-bit version
XXX: Now a single tab is enough for chrome to devour all of your memory.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101228
Well well. I am, I mean, such, on the federal highway, within the city, at a speed of 60, otherwise I cannot, in the flow of food, and here your body on the transit flies out. Well, you can get hot, you are on a zebra. And the sign, here it is, at the pedestrian (yes, straight near the zebra, not early, no!). How many seconds do I have to react and slow down? 5 is? 10 is? Behind it is a loaded fur. The same 60. And if I still get to slow down, she’s bothered. In the end, 2 cups. Not always everything is so unambiguous. And all the wise people are advised to sit in front of the car, drive a ride, and then we will talk.
As long as the flow forms ebla, like you, it will be. Read the rules carefully, shit, everything is written there. I reflect on the "chuccha is not a reader": if you do not have time to react, do not rush. In the original "choose the speed of movement.... taking into account the characteristics....visibility... "And further on the text. The speed limit is the maximum, not the minimum. And yet, if you don’t spin the frog on the sides, you can see ALL the signs and all the markings, just if they were. But you, fucking, then on the phone, then on the girl, then the magnetic twist, here and fuck everything in the world.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101227
Mathematicians, you are not allowed Lenin to die.

We approach the task this way:
1st We determine the area of Lenin's palm in any available way, well it is two-dimensional.
2nd Multiply the result by 100, as the palm ― 1 percent of the body surface area.
Three ? to? to
4 is Profit

With respect,
Graduate of First Honey

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101226
Disputes about the PDD, the beat, the Lenin Square very strongly remind:
And now, if our lovely ladies remain silent for a moment, you will hear the HORRORY noise of the Hyagar Falls!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101225
When they invent and cool clothes. I would buy.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101224
From Habr:
What is C++ programming better? Its defects are polymorphic, encapsulated and inherited.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101223
Comments to the post on the chips about the dudes, arranged a pool in the apartment with the help of a film right on the floor.

Oyama: It is easy to fold. The hose in the window and sleep on the first floor.) all flows. Collect the remains in the cloth and also in the window.

Nikolai Moruncov: I think they can sleep in all the low-rise floors.

XXXL: In the third photo, the guy took the right posture. Visit the neighbors from below.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101222
It’s okay when users ask to replace the toner cartridge in the printer, but when they call and report, “You know, we’ve gotten out of the powder in the cabinet...”, a lot gets into place.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №101221
Daddy burned the chicken yesterday. The chicken was domestic, so it smells in the courtyard and in the kitchen. the chicken is fried..mmmm... in the evening, my husband stands over the bowl, and asks me what kind of fish it is. I said to him: "It’s actually a chicken. But if you can’t distinguish a bird from a fish, doesn’t it matter what kind of fish it is.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101220
On Monday, after two honest weeks of work, my first day as an unemployed person in the last four years came. I decided to take a week’s vacation. I woke up, washed, had breakfast, went to the dojo, played. There comes a message from some unknown type long ago added to friends no longer remember why: "No premium you this month! Don’t play at work!" And this was written to me by a man who launched Civilization 5...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №101219
The punishment must be proportionate to the offence.

In no case. Punishment is perceived as a price, not a punishment. And even with the inevitability of the problem, it becomes more profitable to commit an offence than to abstain. And this applies not only to the upbringing of children, but also to punishments for adult crimes, especially administrative. Look at the same car owners - the one who rides on red and then pays fines, perceives the ride on red not as an offence (which can lead to tragic consequences), but as a luxury for which he pays (the type can afford it).

The punishment should not be proportionate, but demotivating.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101218
Every time you want to pull a child by the ear or give a necklace, imagine that you’ve stuck somewhere. And then a huge man appears, three times bigger than you, and pulls his ear. And then the backbone is like that! You won’t start to binge, but you’ll recover and be a normal person.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101217
"Have you seen Gromozeka?
Tagged with"
Again the handless?? to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №101216
What about your new cleaner? It burns like the previous one.
The Aigle? She was fired.
O O O O?? to
- Quote: "Please forgive me when I scratched accidentally fell this leaflet and got into the mouth of the scratch and fat."
It was written in the lease contract.
Fin, the director, as it was, immediately calculated her to the fucking.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №101215
Talk about everything led to the discussion of the pops, in frequency - Bieber.
One Comrade :
-And yet the girls are pulling on him...Here is my cousin, small in height and weak. As a child, as a youth, the girls always followed him with taboo. And now... lucky fucking.
And you what?
- Well... to me, however, every idiot is always on "You" appeals.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №101214
from Twitter, riot between Ukrainians(s) The Russians (R)
Call us all ukraini, evil ukraini.And be sure to wait for guests, as they say in the legends, we took Troy, we will take Moscow.
The R1.And stand up! Brad Pitt has taken the Troy! Or was there another movie?
The R2.Okay, and Troy is okay. They also built the pyramids in Egypt.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna