— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №68693
This is how you need to be spiritually advanced, so that it does not matter for you to spend your free time with money or without it!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №68692
Wars in Scotland were quite common in old times. But one story that happened in 1692 is still remembered.

During a strong turmoil in the mountains, the McDonald's clan hosted guests from the Campbell clan. There were relatives between them and Campbell stayed there for two weeks. And then 38 men from the McDonald family were cut off. For the fact that they refused to swear by Wilhelm Oransky. Another 40 women and children died later from the cold when their houses were burned. This “crime of trust” shocked Scotland. Since then, there has been a saying, “Ask a mountain man about Campbell, and he will spit before he answers.”

A few years ago, a businessman was refused to accommodate in a hotel he ordered and paid for, on the grounds that his surname was Campbell. He appealed to the Supreme Court with a very reasonable argument – am I there? But the court recognized the actions of the hotel owner as lawful.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №68691
A drunk priest, who had an accident driving a expensive sports car, turned out to have resigned from the RPC and ceased to believe in God the day before the accident.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №68690
Find me a name for the planet, something terrible for theft.
and Laverne. Lawn (Latin Laverna, from the Latin verb latere or levator - "the thief") - the Roman goddess of profit, patroness of thieves.

• Root...
Check out the number of shops with this name in Yandex.
Business in Russian O_o

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68689
Before the trial of the Rebellion, Pezd always believed that the Bible teaches to forgive. Do not judge, and you will not be judged, and so on, but the church did not even think of this option.

yyy: ah, you still remember about modesty and self-giveness - the patches on the lexus fit perfectly.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №68688
Another photon may be one of the gods.
YYY: How is it?
Do you not believe that God can be a photon?
YYY: cannot
XXX Why?
YYY: Because the processes of absorption and radiation of God somewhat hinder the construction of theology.
The true God cares more about theology than the fish about hydrodynamics.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №68687
How did you see that she was without a lighthouse if she watched the tablet? Stop the nonsense...

Naive girl to note: men feel such things with their spinal cord.

[ + 34 - ] [28 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68686
If three pops broke into the CERN building and spoke for two minutes, the Higgs Boson would be fiction! Gravity, Hawking attracted!", then none of the atheists would have come to the mind to demand the execution of them. They would crack, and that’s all. Atheism is good!

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68685
James Bolivar di Grizz, Bill, who is still the hero of the Galaxy, Jason Dean Alt of the Immaculate Planet... They are with us to this day and will live for a long time in the memory of your readers. Rest in peace, Harry.” Rip...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №68684
Someoneblack: It was interesting to hear the news, which contains one-third of the truth and two-thirds of the chosen nonsense. Then the news is polished by a serial killer and everything, the perfect society is ready - and the zombies are quiet here.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №68683
Question: How do you determine the ratio between the real impression of the film and the expectations of the film?
The answer is to divide the number of siders by the number of licians.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №68682
From the description of one proga: " intuitively understandable interface in Japanese..."

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №68681
XXX: "He goes down to embrace.
She: Dear M-M-M... I like the smell of your soul gel so much...
He: Funny, I was in the shower yesterday!
She says, “That’s what I’m saying to you, fucking!”
and :-)
YYY: Well, first, this is another example that we need to speak outright, not with these mysterious hints of you!Second, what idiotism is it to demand that you take a shower before sex? It is more logical to walk after sex when there is something to wash.
xxx: Okay, I say without "mysterious hints". If you still don’t take a shower before sex, your girlfriend will soon start taking a shower instead of sex.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №68680
From the news site: "Losses in 1999: $125 million It happens too. When designing the orbital satellite of Mars, engineers from the American company Lockheed Martin conducted calculations in the English digital system, while their colleagues from NASA considered in the usual metric system. As a result, the satellite instead of Mars headed straight to the Sun." And you say Roscosmos))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №68679
We live in the private sector. I went to the kindergarten for my daughter today. I have seen many nuts on earth, and let us gather them with joy. Two women aged 65:
"ooh, the puppy!"
"Aga" is the answer.
"Do you want to know who gave mankind the puddle?" and there is a brochure of Jehovah’s Witnesses in front of me
"Nature has given"
Do you want to know who created nature, happiness, joy?
She replied that my biofak education gave me a different view of these things than they have.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №68678
comments to the distribution of the film "Hunger" on one of the trackers:

The psychic puts five people in a well, with water but without food, and sees what happens.

XXX is
In the middle of the film, when they were sitting there for 20 days and already thinking who they would eat first, he noticed a few fat cockroaches in the corner. The first thought:"And why do they not eat those cockroaches? There is a lot of protein! Had Bear Grills been with them, he would have shown them what to do!"

He would feed himself, five of those poor men and three members of the seed group)))

... would climb up to the height of the 3rd floor without equipment on the sloping wall without outputs, and saved everyone.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №68677
A acquaintance when trying to explain the sign "/" in the words gave the phrase: "Well this, let Hitler go to the right" O_O

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №68676
xxx: and also today I met the names of Sheep, Hair, Table
I would have such a name.
I would call my son Tennis.
The daughter of Lamp

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №68675
In the community:

Some long rush threw me a bag of sedative tea into a pot with varying pimples...

Now I have a plate of soothing peelings =)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №68674
- In the opinion of Ukrainian moralists, the sponge bean is washed in a shower hat, so he is gay))
- According to their logic, a brutal macho should be washed in a bike helmet with horns ))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna