— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №51492
On the outskirts of Brest near the airport there is a small lake. Nearby are residential houses. It is clear that in the hot summer, people from these houses went to swim in it. But last summer, the lake was very heavily grown with all kinds of algae, pebbles, and so on. A man in public order decided to clean the lake. He put on a mask, attached an extender to the respiratory tube to breathe under the water, attached the cargo to his feet, took his hair and entered the lake.
At this time, a company of young people came to the lake to rest and drink vodka. Imagine the picture: these guys are sitting down and drinking vodka. Suddenly, everything was quiet, the waters split, and from there something all appears in green algae, in the teeth and with a crust in the hands...

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51491
XX - Z, XY - M
Women’s legs are always longer than men’s because they grow from their ears.
XY: Everyone’s legs grow from the same place. Some people have this place between their ears.

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51490
Most people are not lazy, but simply not interested.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №51489
I had to work in a creative group. And there was a young man working with us, Dima, a 25-year-old who tried to cut off the army with all the truths and lies. I can assure you that he did well. But someday he came to work in a depressed state and told him that he may not be able to cut off until the age of non-revocation, that he managed to issue an agenda to the military committee. That day we had a disaster at our office because of the stink of our Boss. By lunch, a decent table was formed with all the appearances and hot drinks, and there were toasts, jokes, conversations. In general, Dima, due to the weakness of the body, climbed in the slum and fell asleep in the corner of the office on a chair. All our attempts to smash him somehow did not lead to anything.
Then I and our boss started discussing Dimkin’s news about the military command, and since we were servants, in the past officers, decided to make a joke of humor. I took the phone and called my old companion, a former co-worker, who served until the rank of colonel and was at the time the commander of the training unit. At around 10 p.m., the boss and I brought Dimkin’s body into the car and took it to the military unit. Then they dressed him in soldier lingerie, put him to sleep in the barracks, put his uniform on the table and continued the "banquet" in the sauna on the territory of the unit. At 6 a.m. the messenger came to warn us that we would soon rise up and we would already be quite busy.
The tired, armed with a camera, went to the barracks. When the daytime with an exhausted voice shouted the rise, almost above the ear of Dima, he jumped up, looked. There were newly recruited soldiers around, who quickly jumped up from their beds and dressed up. The officer approached him and said he would not repeat it twice. Dimka began to knock himself for his legs, then twice slapped on his cheeks, but the "sleep" did not pass. At that time I went out and photographed his “happy face.” Then, of course, we explained to him that it was a joke, but on the way home he had a hysteria that turned into a whistle. Since then, 4 years have passed, Dimka is working with us, lived to an unrecognizable age, married. And the photo, where he is in soldiers' clothes in the barracks, full of horror eyes, hanging on the wall in the frame of our office.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №51488
- So, son, a step, a step... Lucia, carry the camera faster - son of the
Graduate is back!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №51487
XXX: What are you doing?
YYY: The seeds are hot.
XXX: Will you decide to do business?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №51486
Have you bought a 3D TV?
Wow, a long time ago
Have you ever watched this guy in 3D?
Wow, I thought about it, but I am scared, I imagine sperm flying across the whole apartment and I am so flattering from it.

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51485
Listen, listen, borrow a flash for a while.
I can’t, it’s like a memory.

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51484

I pressed my fingers desperately, to the limit, to the blue,
There are hamsters on the ground in an unknown direction to us.
Hamsters go not in a hurry, but confidently, proudly, firmly,
May someone laugh their fearless faces (and cheeks).
At night they hide in the hills, and during the day they go out into the wide fields.
The hamsters managed to escape from the cage on their own.
Let blind eyes, cut hearing this world is impossible new -
In them, the spirit of fighting, the hamster, is bursting and strengthened.
It dictates to them, "Dare to hold!" strength of will and faith in strength.
The hamsters bite life, and it stunned them.
Homiakovsky unhappyly carries in the circle of direct transmission...
They just want to go – and that’s all. In peace, but in peace.
Breaking the old into pieces, unknown by new nonsense,
There are hamsters on the earth believing that they are bears.

[ + 51 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51483
From the slogan generator:
"Fuck Shame 8" - a new operating system from the company "Microsoft"

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №51482
and xxx : )
HH: Why did you curl it out to me?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №51481
I’m just eating toasts in the morning.
H&M and it is delicious!
Wow> and I don’t eat in the morning.
Wow> and it’s fast!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №51480
Silver - Metal
Alternative geography today.
That a new continent arose in the Pacific Ocean, with vegetation, fauna, some Australopithecus-Aborigens.
A world war begins for its resources.

Silver - Metal
And I went there with a giant WOTTAKENNY this backpack on the bus to collect mushrooms.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №51479
"From a foreign guide to Russia"
The men’s toilet is marked by the letter “M”. Women should look for a door with the letter "H".
I am a crazy face of a foreigner looking for a door with the promised letter "S".

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №51478
Pyramid Head: I just understood what kind of hustle we are living in... think about it: the guy seriously believed that 2012 would be the end of the world, but that’s not the worst yet. He decided to live this time for his pleasure and take a loan for two million. Well he was a poor student and the sum seemed to him just astronomical. He had no license, no job, no soldier, he did not reach his age. He blurred his lip passport with a license and other docks, got to work!!! To a friend in the company, there fake certificate and agreed on the call. He was bitten elementarly, because the passport naturally caused suspicion, but you think about the fact... to be lazy to normally organize life, but to be completely legalized to become a criminal... Pratchett is just something.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №51477
xxx: guy I was sober in the competition at the wedding.)

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51476
flash_niger: my idol Charlie Sheen.
Orkide: Alcoholic and drug addict who was fired from work?
Nick: Fuck, now he and my cousin!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №51475
Shus: Let him go with his cooking. Do you know how to cook soup? Salt water, add a pocket of Rolton for 7 rubles and cut a small slice of one sausage for the taste of meat.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №51474
Who wrote about road advertising in Russia and what would be better than fools pitch?
Your dream has come true – the elections are about to begin.

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51473
z(17:18:34 8/08/2011)
I went to the pharmacy, after me came pepper such a glamorous metrosexual type.
says the pharmacist - you have anything from the anal cracks
Pharmacy - No, unfortunately there is nothing
It is neither creams, nor candles, nor ointments.
She is not...
Give me this smell.
Good education allowed me to keep silent, although I wanted to say something. It should be purchased before, not after.

q(17:19:58 8/08/2011)
You are wicked but educated.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna