— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №51432
I cannot tolerate stupid people.
Rita is bad.
Rita has to love herself.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №51431
Vitaly Grigoryevich Melentiev. The Blue People of the Pink Earth
Publisher of Children's Literature, Moscow, 1966
Chapter 25: The betrayal of robots

“You know, Yurochka,” he said, “you know... I dreamed that if you fly with us, then... when you grow up, we... we, well, maybe not.
We’ll get married, but we’ll be friends.
What happened after these words with Yorka is almost impossible to describe. His eyes were rounded, his mouth opened. For some reason, looking around, he wanted to say something, but he could not say a word anymore - the blow was stronger than in the sub-world throw: the consciousness almost turned off.
What about you, Yuri? He strictly asked Miro. - By the way, not only Zet dreamed of this to some extent, but I too...
Yuri could not even think anymore. He suddenly stood up from his chair, hit himself in the head, murmured and finally whispered:
You... guys... maybe that... the most sublime...
Tann was rattled:
Don’t go crazy, Yuri. Do not think that any of us went crazy.
Yes, but how...
Zet and Miro are girls.
– But guys... guys... – Yuri cried.
You are calmer. and calm. There is no female in our language. In fact, he was both a female and a male. And now there is one thing left: we are all equal. Have you noticed that Zeth or Miró differ in something from me or Quach?... I believe you will soon catch up with our civilization.

Getting caught, getting caught...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №51430
YouTube video of a grandmother playing blues guitar using an electric light bulb.
First Topic Comment: A warm lamp sound.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №51429
Honestly, I tried to love the caretaker of my single mother, and it wasn’t hard until I found out that he too is a fucking kid who chooses red candy and leaves yellow and green.

[ + 68 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51428
A shameful youth! Girls, girls and women! Why do you do this in the beach dressing room? Just like I go to the dentist’s office!!! Blood and Tampons.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №51427
I read the news:
1st Depressed horny from the circus Chita found a replacement
2nd Former Chairman of the Human Rights Commission killed in Chita
Three Former head of regional UFSSP killed
4 is In Chita, the former head of the regional service of judicial offices was shot
On the way, the crook simply had no gun!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №51426
Sometimes my husband and I gave her to bite the chicken bone, scratch the teeth, the husband decided to play with the child and took her bone and began to irritate her. Give the baby a bone!!!" and 😉

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №51425
Do Penguins Have Knees?
WOW: So is it a meal?? to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №51424
xxx: from the street such a sound as if somebody is hitting a lot in a huge gong.It's passans from the area so new that they blow up?
YYY: No, it’s the passans trying to give the big UFO a fuck because it’s not from the area.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №51423
An old story, but still:

In 2010, the sysadmin collapse (under Kaluga), the authorization of the arrivals is delayed (apparently the serwak has fallen).
And here, on the whole lawn, a matyugalnik runs (and the people have already gathered a few thousand) - "People, is there anyone in the compass ballistic? Then there was one".
The wild rust of several thousand people was heard very far away)))

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №51422
Dinner with candles. The Romantic. and Champagne. only he and I. embraces the waist, looks in the eyes and with a bark voice says:
Baby, I want to kiss you in the lips... at all six.

Fuck, he needs to publish the book "How to Destroy Romance to the Devil"!!! to

c) Zyf

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №51421
Buy Harkov - sell and buy a computer
Xxx: fucking horrors :D

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №51420
Wardyk (23:29:32 6/08/2011)
I thought I would be in Kiev on the 15th and you on the 20th. In the center of the city, the hops crashed. A couple of days of electricity passed. The bag with the passport was taken. I am recovering now.

Dmitry (23:30:00 6/08/2011)
You are fucking)

Dmitry (23:30:05 6/08/2011)
Buy a gun.

Wardyk (23:30:31 6/08/2011)
Here is more)

Wardyk (23:30:43 6/08/2011)
I still missed the gun.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №51419
You are a functional! Sergey shouted at the entire Oppen-Space-Room number 14.

The room was silent, waiting for the clearance.

“I saw you carrying and decarring right behind your working computer last night!

A scream of disapproval and a noise of surprise swept through the room. Someone whispered loudly, “What a horror, and I greeted him by the hand.”

"You know, Sergey," said Denis, standing up from behind the desk, "any normal man, if he's okay, can afford to engage in functional programming. It is natural. Everyone at least once tried. Why scream all over the room? I’m not screaming that you’re objectively oriented!

The girls were upset, someone again loudly blasted “well, you have to, and you won’t tell him.”

Igor Matveevich, who was present, squeezed heavily into the chair. May no one know about his procedural inclinations!

[ + 68 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51418
What are the limits on the names of your own companies?

Jhfxyjfhjhjhkhhdtdtfnhjhjb hvydhbn hey nah gun hvybj hvybj hvybj him bun jvyctsghnh tcj her n f n him g j t j him ubufybknknugyfybj hvybj much hbi b mhvhgvhtdj gf.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №51417
A friend of my aunt told me.
When I was four years old, I printed something on a sheet, put it in my grandmother’s pocket and ran away.
Grandmother and girlfriend read, smiled, rejoiced and thought what I was.

I wrote on the sheet "Two Puzzles"

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №51416
Den Stranger: I will wear you on my arms!
You won’t get up :)
Den Stranger: I am in a translationary sense :)
It won’t be postponed :)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №51415
xxx(00:00:22 7/08/2011)
Shut up, went to sleep.
yyy(00:00:30 7/08/2011)
It is cool)

[ + 51 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51414
<scarrow> The muscular body of the fighter. The swirling bass. The broken chicken beard. The ability to communicate without saying a single ugly word. The willingness to drink everything that burns and then not turn into a roaring pig. Preparedness for a bloody fight is constant. A knife and a casket are always with you.
<scarrow> I could have grown into a brutal macho.
But I’m a girl, I paint my lips, I wear clothes, and most of the above only complicates my life.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №51413
Winner of the competition among applications to the Technical Support Service:

Subject: Please give access to the General button!

The most interesting thing is that the application is marked as fulfilled. Now I know where she is... the general puppy...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna