— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141033
xxx: In 2016, U.S. sales of premium bomb shelters increased by 700%.
Instead of seven sold.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141032
Promise me never to admit that you have betrayed me. Even if I tortured you. I do not want to know!
MMM is OK.
Are you anything at all??? The correct answer was: “You, dear, I have never betrayed you and I am not going to!”and "

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141031
Reviews of the product from the website of one online store:
Alexander: "Excellent flash, washed twice in the machine, lives to this day."
Welcome to "Hello It doesn’t have to be wiped out.)"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141030
We have a child writer and a painter. She had a joke repeated from book to book — on the title sheet was the inscription: "Traduction from the beast: Los Mozhovelnik" (there all the characters are beasts).
In the same year of the re-release of this series of books from the legal department of the head office came a letter: "And where do you have the contract with L. Moghevelnik? It is not registered in the database".

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141029
After reviewing the video "Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler".

by Zhenya:
> He’s really stupid.
> he has a player
> which can stop time
> he could rob, rape and kill
> and instead
> makes everyone dance

by Lera:
Why did I love you & why did I love you?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141028
XXX is:
I have a bitter feeling here 😉
I washed the cat, now he’s offended me))))))))) the fuck is funny nimagu)))))))))
It will be funny when he hits you in the shoes.
Cats cannot be offended. They are vulnerable.)
and fucking
XXX is:
When he first and only squeezed past the pot, he immediately lost his trumps. I think he learned the lesson.)

and ZZZ:
Stick over the push at the level of the eyes paper with the inscription:
"When my cat first and only time squeezed past the pot, it immediately lost the trumps."
And whoever was drunk on the insert - no drop by. It is :)
XXX is:
Oh)))) I tell it to all the guests in the mouth, but probably the note will be even more threatening
and ZZZ:
And if just below the paper attach a transparent cellophane bag with these very bubbles, then each guest after him will the toilet even before the diamond glow.
XXX is:
Mmmmmmmmmmm, well those balls are no longer, but I have acquaintances in the clinics, you can ask to leave
and ZZZ:
It is even better!
You ask for more and then change when the old ones will melt.
Well, if one of the guests notices that the eggs are changing, and asks why, then you just look at the answer. It is :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141027
Anonymous has been working with us for a long time. A middle-aged man, a lover of the strong, as is usually the case with the "chiefs".

I don’t remember celebrating, but we drank a lot. And Tola weighs under 90kg with growth 1. 6 meters. Generally speaking, we barely reached the entrance, some as lifted to the third floor (there is no elevator). We call. The wife was not at home, there was a daughter 11 years old.

“Who is there?” He asks. - "Open, your dad brought" - "I don't believe you, go down to the yard, I'll see from the balcony of daddy it or not" Bl@@@ You had to drop Toli, show and raise again, because the legs of Toli didn't want to work at all. I remember there was no eye on the door.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141026
The vacation.
“There are people with a high degree of stress resistance.
Knowledge of the computer, the ability to quickly search for information in the database. Payment is timely. The premiums are paid with additional pension points. Place of work: International airports. Together with the officers to control the departure overseas of self-employed citizens, quickly check whether all of them paid contributions to the Russian Federation.

Test task: within one working day to obtain the necessary documents in the district clinic, bankroll, post office and the office of Rostelecom.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141025

Noah not so.
Meaning so

Grandma has already grown old and learned - the rescue of the drowning work of the drowning hands themselves.

Where do you hide these grandmothers from me??? I ride the metro every day. at different times. There are no grandmothers. All of my grandmothers are on land transport. No one knocks on the door in principle.

And the grandmothers in the subway ride, and the doors flying in front of them all hold, except for the single bastards.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141024
To this: typically, if a woman has slept once with a Negro, then even from another partner the Negro may be born.)
I’m glad you’re not a cucumbers!

It is all very right. Vulva remembers that she is being pissed. That’s why so many Gondons are around.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141023
XXX is about changing the taste. Thro the second pregnancy I ate dry cat food, I thought it was offgenically delicious.
YYY is my man! I thought with food alone I was so stupid...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141022
That is what I thought. I will have a child. I hold him in my hands. What should I do with him further?
If not, place it where it took it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141021
from JJ:
Curious museums
May 4th, 2017 at 12:00 PM

From the inventory cards (scientific description of the exhibition):

and photo. Head - anfas, legs in profile.
The Postcard. A broken grave awaiting Leo Tolstoy.
A book in Chilean.
The book. The cover depicts a dull man leading a cow against the backdrop of the sunset.
The Postcard. A child depicted by capital.
Object of household. The closet from the house of Shemiotov, where Mickiewicz lived.
The poster. Sketch of the member of YUGOLEFA N. Sokolov with indication of size.
The book. The cover depicts a naked man with a spacecraft in his hands.
Object of household. The undercover horse. The twentieth century. of Ukraine. The storage place hangs above the entrance.
The book. On the cover are depicted fugitive and dying fascists.

From the label under the exhibition:
“The photo. Coffee with the dog. The dog on the left.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141020
U.S. activist threatens up to a year in prison for laughing at congressional hearings

That’s what I understand as democracy, not hummingbirds.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141019
xxx: I was looking for an electric circuit for a single device, the first link from Google led me to the site, where I was immediately met with a greeting in the spirit: "Dear visitor, glad to welcome you, bla bla bla and again bla. We have found that you are using an ad blocker, and since our site is only due to advertising and exists, a compelling request to disable it to enable the full use of our site. There is not much advertising ". Well, okay, I thought, I turn off the block, update the page, immediately out of the columns came a man: "Your best friend leads you down at the most inappropriate moment? The remedy for potency "Vanka-Rest"! Be a man!" The whole office came over to me.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141018
xxx: Pizzetz we are fairy cockroaches :) The vodka is over, I was sent for beer like the drunk. Selling after 11 is prohibited, but it didn’t bother anyone. As a result, I bought a non-alcoholic, and only realized it in the morning :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141017
Just watched live the St. Petersburg first of May... Details - right behind the column with the slogan "Russia will be free" a crowd of car orders were driving.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141016
Swedish scientists have created a camera capable of taking at a frequency equivalent to five trillion images per second

Finally, there will be an opportunity to capture where the salary goes and how the weekends go.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141015
A young Spanish woman sued her parents for refusing to provide her. The mother and father insisted that the adult daughter could make a living for herself.

The 23-year-old believed that her parents were obliged to keep her constantly, but her father and mother did not like the idea. After several family troubles, the girl filed against her parents in court, writes the portal «». During the trial it turned out that the girl was extremely lazy - she did not want to attend any courses and did not delay in one job for more than a year.

The parents were tired of pulling the carry on the maintenance of an adult and healthy daughter, as stated in court.

In the end, the court lost.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №141014
In the "Patriot" park next to the Reichstag layout is erected a five-story layout, which on May 9 will be destroyed by Sergei Sobyanin.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna