— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №51292
A true satirist sits under any power.

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51291
The story is similar to the Hollywood story, where good always triumphs over evil and triumphs at the end of the film for the joy of the audience, but today saw itself.
The day of VDV. A celebration about which horrors are told in the people: drunk landers swimming in the fountains, completely abnormal on their heads after hot spots, the perverted fates of the girls who fell on their way and rushed to protect the guys, in short, hide all around the houses, the landing is walking. Whether the rumors greatly exaggerate everything, whether I have still been lucky (although adventures usually follow me in groups), but even a witness to any incidents, not so that I was not a participant or even a victim in the meeting with the landers. So the situation.
In front of the entrance of the subway stands a group of wet, drunk, fun but peaceful heroes of the day. The time is very late, the subway is about to close, and the guys are going to continue the holiday in a more domestic setting - someone in the apartment (all the same vodka, plus snacks, plus ladies who adore brave guys). The people taste cold vodka, a table filled with plates and a beauty under the side. Everything is ruined by a comrade, who seems to think that before settling somewhere, it is just necessary to repair someone's face. Friends try to calm him somehow, but without much effect. Here this bullish saw the Victim: a classical botanist - in glasses, a small, dull (found where and when to walk, a fool). The rest did not have time to hold the friend, he rushed to the victim, like an eagle to a rabbit:
You look at me, how do you look at me? Do you know who I am?
Maybe it seemed, maybe the botanist really didn't look at him (for some reason not everyone likes drunk mat and spotted behavior), but the situation has become very unpleasant. The desanters are not going to clearly stop, the people are quietly removed, the mint is headed first to a secluded place (I understand it - of course, the oath, the honor of the uniform, but what can the insane curant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do with a healthy health?
A whistleblower who is not mindful and dreams of breaking someone.
The botanist mentally says goodbye if not to life, then with glasses and whole and clean clothes. Suddenly there appears some man, low but strong:
- You would be quieter, but it would be better to go home, it is time to sleep.
Try to tear the hungry dog out a piece of meat. The desant reaction was the same (many decided not to put):
Where are you lying? I shed blood for you, shit, there is a blow.
Without looking at the defeated enemy, he turns back to the botanic in order to continue the conversation. He is neither alive nor dead, although he could have escaped. Meanwhile, the man for some reason did not take the posture of a turned cockroach and beg for mercy. On the contrary, he stood on his feet without any apparent problems and sadly looked at the soldier’s back. A hand fell on the shoulder of the lander. Just as sadly the man said:
It was for you, shit, I shed blood. And for him too.
The lander fell up his feet very even willing and did not rush to get up for some reason. And his opponent turned to his friends and added:
You should be careful, guys. This is (untransmitted contempt in
Take the voice.
Then he took off his broken coat. There is the same landing shape and a calf, but on the chest such an iconostasis... Which of the guys, maybe, and wanted to say something, but it is hard with the hollow jaw.
“I don’t like showers,” said the man and went to the subway.
This is a Russian fighter.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №51290
John Rockefeller dreamed of earning $100,000. And live to 100. and earned
$318 billion He died in 97. Not all dreams come true.

[ + 68 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51289
I didn’t tell you how traumatologists broke my stereotype. And so... it’s... roughly and in the bump... just scratched murderers of stereotypes of mills... started yesterday in a trauma the print... well, listened to their conversations... there they had the case, we need to write the report shorter... I sit on my job and watch the edge of the eye as the doctor writes... and I see – WHAT’S NOT THAT – The handwriting is round, the lines are flat and easy to read! I was surprised that I expressed my questioning opinion out loud, and almost shouted - What are you doing?Can a doctor write that?What the traumatologist stumbled like a horse and stumbled "and I am not a doctor, I am already so called by everyone..."
Well I believed... although hardly... well, there are little deviations... I sat behind the second computer, I set up, next to another traumatologist, an uncle over 60, definitely a doctor in the whole head. He also writes a report with a charger.
... the perfect! Letters of one height, intervals cooler than the word are displayed... to the lines can be applied a line...
All... here I believed that we live in a matrix and that all conspiracy theories are true - doctors are deceiving us!!! They can read well!!! to

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51288
To remind people of the zephyr in the microwave... long ago nobody was outraged here...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №51287
XXX: My mother has gone. They brought the watermelon, she cuts it and is upset, saying why they can’t genetically modify it so that you can cut it, and the seeds from it jump out and run in different directions. I say, say, why don’t they go to the well right away? She looked at me like a blonde and said "It’s too unrealistic!"

[ + 57 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51286
The recruiter in the military committee was so upset that he was automatically accepted in the theatre school

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №51285
Something I want to go somewhere.
Do you want to go far or not?
1 without a wife.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №51284
Is this their daughter?
No, this is not their son.
A high class guy.

[ + 61 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51283
The 29-year-old man became the youngest grandfather. The child was born at 15 and now his daughter gave birth (at 14 years old).

Comment to Article:
This man will survive until the great-grandfather!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №51282
xxx> My wife just told me I rju.
yyy> m?)
xxx> It turns out now men's baby dolls are sold
yyy> and they also. There is. Member of
xxx> ooh
yyy> mla, freedists
xxx> A friend's daughter decided that it was unnecessary and cut off with knives
yyy> go on! Don’t let this girl go to sleeping men!! to

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №51281
Remember, x/f "Deer Hunter" was translated as "Dear Gunter" (sic!)

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51280
I sit, I do not touch anyone, I eat a sausage.I suddenly hear a scream, I turn around.My cat sits on me.Without decreasing the speed, he catches the sausage from the fork and with victorious sounds sits into his house.O_o

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №51279
xxx: **here is a story about the difficult night of getting and buying tickets to Crimea 5 days before departure**

YYY: Luckily
You are in your repertoire.
XXX: I represent you
You meet an old friend you haven’t seen for 30 years.
xxx: he tells you that after the universe the parents died, the apartment was taken by the authorities, he set up for the factory and worked there for 16 hours a day without weekends, then he began to work as a courier, then advanced to the deputy head of the logistics of a small firm, left the factory, but continued to swallow 20 hours a day, then opened his company engaged in transportation, 11 years he raised it with all his strength, raised loans
Now the company is stable and brings revenue of $10 million a year.
xxx: your comment: good luck

[ + 75 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51278
If you have a birthday on August 2, don't scream about this passing by the crowd of landers: my whole life passed before my eyes as I traveled to the fountain on the back of one of them.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №51277
I saw a new Mercer today. And he had turns!
Lying is not good, do you remember that?
XXX is natural. He turned to the left before going through the double straight!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №51276
The Rambler News
CA Technologies experts have a malicious program recording phone conversations of smartphone owners on the Android platform.

One of the comments:
The virus is called, “What did he say? and she? And he is? So what? Oh you! “And he?”

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №51275
Dear future President!

" Dear Member of the Committee!

"Given the popularity of BOR, there is almost a 100% probability that someone
The present is the future president.
of Russia.
So here.
Walk out of the BOR, szuco, and march to study, work, or what else you do there. Because of your
today’s lazy years through 20-30-40 country
It can be overwhelmed."

I fear the country will get angry before I get my job. I share your outrage, but I have to remind you that both my predecessors and I are at best half a matter. All destruction begins in the heads, in the people, and if there are lazy people and saboteurs around, I can do little. Do not be inert, and do not expect that suddenly a good wizard will fly and do everything right at once. A country’s prosperity is the daily hard work of millions, not the stroke of a magic rod.

With respect,
your future president."

I will vote for you three times, we need you, man!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №51274
KMC (13:27:29 4/08/2011)
Listen to

KMC (13:27:36 4/08/2011)
If you write this way, will you get tired quickly?

KMC (13:27:45 4/08/2011)
Or is it faster?

Narian (13:27:54 4/08/2011)
I ignore you, man.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №51273
Q: I met a man! He liked that I was a teacher.
A: It is not surprising. The teacher is one of my favourite sex fantasies ;-)
Q: What are you? ;)) And I was thinking. Because he likes Pushkin.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna