— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №115733
He left the big one under his window. I live on the third floor. In an hour I went out to smoke, and please. Some pepper had already finished cutting the steel wire with a gas cutter that prevented my bicycle from making it. What a area. I had seconds at my disposal. They could be used differently. For example, turn to the pepper, calling with good words to his conscience. Or scream the guard! Enjoying the neighbors. I chose another, the watermelon lying on the window. He targeted quickly, but carefully. He got into the bowl, a juicy crumble broke out. I ran down, cold at once from two terrifying guesses—that the watermelon was either too hard or too soft. The second seemed to bother me more, because I jumped down the stairs not just so, but armed the first one that got under my hand. A hammer for breaking meat. On one side a hammer, on the other a hammer.

Arduino was right. When I ran out of the entrance, like the hell out of the tobacco, the guy was still alive. Morgal from under oatmeal flour, relentlessly relying on the asphalt. His eyes were Tom. But he needed to see my cooking tools - where it came from. The world record of sprint and vocals from the appearance of a miserable, crushed creation. I ran after him for a couple of quarters, waving with a towel and willing to share thoughts. Particularly succeeded my joke about the gas cutter and its eggs. Then he went away to a distant distance. Here I realized that doing all I had time to promise to this fool is not mine. He was upset and did not come back in a hurry. There were sirenes around. As it turned out later, there were a lot of calls that a crazy man with a tail is chasing a bloody victim :)

Here is something else. Does anyone know how to use a trophy gas cutter in the farm?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №115732
The year 2043. Skynet sends the Terminator into the past to kill the authors of the third and subsequent parts of Terminator.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №115731
But I will take responsibility and say not only for myself:
We heterosexuals, let’s go. But the pedestrians see jealousy that gay men can get married, and they do not.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115730
Examples of obsessive marketing:

XX: Hello to you! We are not acquainted!) My name is X. Do you know where to celebrate your birthday?
Hi :) I think I’ll smell on my birthday. Work full, deadline on the nose.
XX: I have a good offer!) Next Saturday we will open a new Tuscany Veranda on the roof at Pushkin!! There will be a great program of many performances and surprises!)) Let us celebrate I will make you a birthday table cheaper))
Wow, thank you very much! I won’t go to Moscow :)
A day later
XX: I have a good offer!) Next Saturday we will open a new Tuscany Veranda on the roof at Pushkin!! There will be a great program of many performances and surprises!)) Let us celebrate I will make you a birthday table cheaper))
UU: XX, I write in Russian: I will not go to Moscow))
XX: Hello to you!!) Will you be at the opening today? :)
Chukcha is not a reader, Chukcha is a writer? and :(

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115729
xxx: and give up sex because I consider myself a crazy pot.
XXX: The Bad Witch
Yyy: Almost started to google who is Dyrna Krodinoz

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115728
An advertisement from Google: the book "SolidWorks - design of project documentation". With the tag "18+". It seems to me that even contextual advertising professionals are beginning to guess the essence of the work on the ECSD.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №115727
She: What are you doing?
It is a cabbage tofu.
For the first time in my life, Ferguson
Are you cooking cabbage? What is complicated there?
They are not pigeons.
He: When you fuck for the first time, it doesn’t seem to be difficult either.
He: But it is somewhat exciting!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115726
The ideal ruler in the idea of our contemporary is a hybrid of Lincoln and Hitler, who would have iron hand and mass shootings for human rights and personal freedoms.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115725
Yesterday I took Viagra and everything got to its place.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115724
The case was in winter. The man came to pay for a macau, opened the window and there to him from the roof splashed sougrob, right into the car. While waiting for the manager (well, it is not known what to do to the employee in such a situation), another fell, all the same in the open window. The manager came and asked the only question: "Will you pay?"

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №115723
China City Report:
What happened in China and the West?
= = = is = is = is = is = is
There were 13 people (waiting until 7 p.m.), the lady was more, sat on a pool in the park and then went to worsen in the bar. There are 2 pairs)
She arrived at 18:30, walked around both stations and found no one. I think "there and back" characterizes me not exactly as I imagined)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115722
All the wisdom of the world is in the Internet.
In addition to making a search request.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115721
Do you know which Bluetooth headset is really convenient?
The one you go to shower with. = = (

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115720
A friend and mother went on an excursion to the Old Ladoga - there, according to the legend, the place of burial of the Greater Oleg. The tour guide told everything in detail, mentioned the snake, which "ship in the meantime splashed", well, and about St. Louis himself. by Lado. Then we went to church. In front of her are two such modern young girls. Photograph of the icon of St. Francis. George the Victorious - well, as on the emblem of Moscow - a snake. One asks the other: is this probably the Witcher Oleg? He replied, “Well, you see a snake.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115719
Irish journalist Brian McDonald analyzed Western press materials about Russia and concluded that many of the authors can be diagnosed with "Russophrenia". They are confident in Russia’s complete and rapid collapse and at the same time fear that Russia will conquer the whole world.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №115718
xxx: In the diffuses, however, to the outlines of all the inters, especially as their prede explained to us on the example of the reproduction of carases in the radioactive pond.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №115717
I have a cat sleeping, stepping his head into the notepad, his back legs into me, putting his front leg on my arm and confidently opening a warm bottle.
XX: I can do nothing. I am loving

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115716
Website with the text of the song from the film "The Republic of Skyd" - "A cat has four legs".

The only comment:

"1 milltos (02.09.2012 19:59)
Per the question is not on the subject, but no one will tell the site where you can order radio components to independently solder the security system for the home, for the car, so that it is not worse than the industrial in characteristics? Thank you in advance"

Why not on the subject? Directly profiled question

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115715
In general cool, the Kremlin screams about the rating of 98%, and at the same time hastily stamps laws on permission to shoot in the crowd.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №115714
I go with a girl from work.
I want something. I would eat a sandwich now.
Come and do, eat and eat.
We come, we do, we eat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna