— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140913
"Borset" is just like that. This is a slightly distorted Italian word "borsetta" - "bag", a reduction from "borsa".
Not true, it is from the ancient Russian word "Bar-net", i.e. Avocado with bottles.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140912
"Residents of multi-apartment houses will have to pay more for the light on the lofts and in the basements"

Xxx: We will also pay for the air around residential houses. We are breathing them.

Zzz: The air in the entrance can be pushed at a double tariff. He is insulated.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140911
We once had a dog. The Erdelterrier is such a big dog. And he had a character - mother does not burn. Although my mother did not burn, because the scale of love for this dog was measured in universal dimensions. To be clear, I will explain now.
We had a double bed in the living room. On the upper shelf my sister slept, and on the bottom was our 30-kilogram dog. The dog had a bed. As you will soon find out - his inviolable property. Well, and to completely finish the painting with oil, he also had two shelters to hide if it froze (as long as one was washed, you could hide the second - hence their number), and a bigger warm coat for the same case. There is no freezing in the Moscow apartment.
My parents from Siberia came to visit. People close to whom we constantly maintain contact, relatives loved, in general. And when the question arose about accommodation for the night, my mother did not hesitate. My aunt and cousin slept on the floor, and next to them, on the bed, proudly lay dogs. My mother’s argument, when I learned about such confusion, was undeniable – if Natasha would sleep on his bed, the dog at night would come and lie on top of her!
and Siva

[ + 47 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140910
I support! I was in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo. There are skyscrapers and no food on the roads. Thus e. Pindos all lied, there was no bombing there.
But come to some Surgut - even after 70 years is immediately visible - there was a war, the wounds have not yet healed! So what was there, judging by the road coverage, it continues.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140909
" A very good mouse. very comfortable. Only a little bit of the wheel is swirling. The rest is just great."

A bit of a wheel, though. It is a pity that it does not specify what it is talking about...

2 is
Here, a generation has grown up, not knowing that the direct first meaning of the verb "to talk" does not mean "to talk a lot" at all, but "to shake / jump out there and there" (in fact, its speech-spoken meaning implies that a person shakes a lot with his tongue).

So came a man who did not know about the inclinations of departure.)
It becomes sick if it is shaken in the place of fixation.
Sick when you talk to someone.)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140908
I go to work at 7 in the morning. Silence, sunshine shines, everything greens... Around no soul... And only a drunkard argues with the crew of the DPS, hiding in the bushes, about the moral aspects of Judaism...
These people made my day.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140907
They opened the bag - there were the corpses: untouched dead chickens - with heads and everything in general... the owner went to take the pill from shock.

This is the best food for predators. What for cats, what for cats. They, you know, eat the prey entirely, and they also need bones for health. Industrial foods are just trying to reproduce such a composition with more or less success. Only live or freshly slaughtered daily chickens can be better, but the first falls out for ethical reasons, and the second for practical reasons. Unfortunately, in our city at least frozen is not sold, or I will not go to the poultry factory myself, there is no car.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140906
Mechanized column suddenly changed the course of a river in the Far East
They, fucking, in the middle of the taiga found the only cable on Sakhalin in their cages.
Chukcha is a good hunter
The work was not coordinated (i.e. Riding a column of heavy machinery, looking for what to do.
Do we move the river? And let it!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140905
YouTube for learning is better than any university. Lectures do not count, and from each you learn a lot of interesting things. Here is, for example, a paragraph from the lectures held last week:

"Recently, the Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic seemed to have exploded. He found an old safe in the consulate or in the embassy and decided to see what was there. And the safe is made so that if the safe stops understanding whether it is broken or not, it explodes. For the safe, it’s right: you explode and destroy documents. Documents are secrets, and the ambassadors are their hell. In a large amount. Now they have a new ambassador."

If so, the lecture was devoted to the mechanism of exceptions in Java.
c) Realcorwin

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140904
I went to the zoo with my kids. And it must be like this, a friend calls:
- The neighbor cuts rabbits, I brought a couple as a mother of many children, and I can't cook them, they are tough - a capsicum... Prepare them?
I say:
- Nor is it special, the husband cookes, of course, meat, like all men... in wine, it seems. See also.
Close to Jasper:
Who will bring?
The rabbit is cooking.
The rabbit?
Meat of rabbit.
and Mom!! and cry:
It was not I who killed him! He was a meat breeder! Have you ever thought that we eat chicken - and that was also a live chicken that ran?
Jasper thought a little:
“Mom, when I die... you won’t be me... that... that... :oops: :oops:
The march to the milk store ended with a long religious and gastronomic lecture of psychotherapeutic focus.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140903
Of course it gives birth!

From the headlines in the CP: "Mizulina warned that porn generates infertility".

There is pornography – you can’t run for sweaters, you can’t run for sweaters – there are no children. Some very successfully practice this infertility.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140902
After his divorce, he rented the apartment. I met a girl who later became my next wife. This is the first time (in the sense of dreams). Everything is beautiful. The Sanuzel of the removable one does not imply a romantic joint adoption of the soul after and the continuation of the romance in it.

But it was supposed that she would stay overnight...I lie in bed, relaxed...I wait...

She is out. Friendly something says to me, clothes instantly "like a soldier while the lighthouse is burning", knocks me in the forehead and leaves the apartment. I lost the gift of speech. It was great two minutes ago. No, really, I was a little hindered, but all her charges were instantaneous...

I go to the combined bathroom, not fresh clothes at the same time I think to throw into the washing machine... And here comes the illumination: the washing machine is full of washed linen. The owner of the apartment called in the morning, told him that his laundry machine was covered at home and asked if he could bring a laundry to wash, then take it and dry it at home. I was not against. I was sure he had checked it all. And he, tactical infection... did not take, wanted to come to me... As it turned out half a day later.

And my friend, deciding to throw her underwear / towel in the laundry machine, saw in it washed linen / clothes for citizens of different sexes. And I decided that I was “not quite honest that she was the only one.”

They understood. Everything went well. But I probably't be happy with the men's truffles at the "single girl" at home.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №140901
I go to work at 7 in the morning. The streets are deserted, everything is green, the sun is shining. Not a soul. Only a drunk boy argues with the crew of the DPS, standing behind the bushes, about the moral aspects of Judaism.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140900
Why "golden youth" does not chase on sports bikes?
They would rise themselves.
What wonderful news would it be...
"Today the next representative of the ZM smashed the brains on the Garden Ring"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140899
The Parental Forum.

The younger teaches lessons.
Mother, we were asked to explain. A man without a homeland is like a bird without a nest!
How do you understand yourself?
If a man has no nest, he is as bad as a bird. Eggs are nowhere to put.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140898
From love to hatred one step.
YYY: Ah... to the left.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140897
I stand on the light, a long red light burns, I scream, once again promising myself that I will go to bed as soon as I come home from work. On the left, the car approaches and stops on the same level as mine at a fairly close distance. I turn my head and see a six-year-old sitting in a child’s seat on the front passenger seat and looking at me with an unusually serious look.

After a couple of seconds, he slowly takes his children’s sunglasses and wears them without taking his gaze away from me. I, trying not to roast, also take my glasses and put on, looking closely into his eyes. The little boy begins to stumble.

Likewise, looking straight at the boy, I lower the glass and stretch out a small “Bounti.” Daddy drops his glass and he, slightly inclined, takes a candy. Then he turns around, takes an apple from his father and extends it to me. I silently take it and we almost synchronously raise the glass. I try hard not to get rid of it, nor even to smile.

It is green, and we move away: I am to the right, they are straight.
The mood raised for the whole day thanks to a little serious guy))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140896
The main rule in sex is not to postpone for tomorrow what you can do again tomorrow.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140895
I watched an interview on TV today. I learned that if the management company does not repair the elevator in our entrance, the state will fine it with 300-500 thousand. Given that the UK's income consists only of our payments - the question is - from what kind of scare the state, instead of forcing the company to do repairs, takes our money for this repair intended?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №140894
By the way. When a member’s child is studying in London on a fee, he is still studying on a budget.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna