— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140853
Humans with thyroid cancer - you are doing everything right) Pin, throw, ask and get upset about the good is the strength and desire, because it is a real nightmare :( TNM outside of oncology do not even know about - to fill the map of the first identified one is literally "mission impossible", a few years ago only for this story with couriers chased to the clinics of profile dispensers, so that you will write there as you will be right, and we will then fill in. Right now for this there is viber :( Open the classification and strain your head - no, have not heard.
To confuse right-left on ultrasound, to confuse the testicles and ovaries, to see the non-existent parts of organs and organs in a person as a whole - the norm, to be carried with horror in the eyes and waving the ECG tape, because there is a thing, and the inscription on the history of the disease "DECTROCARDY!" is not noticed - the norm, ignoring the words of the patient and records in the maps about the reactions to drugs - the norm. With the introduction of electronic diaries plus to stories and the use of harvested fish, dynamics tracking has generally turned into a guess on the coffee thickness: the week is all great, clear improvement in condition, breath! and resuscitation. What, why, from where? Think for yourself, guess for yourself - immediately after the "repair" everything goes wrong again, is discharged under surveillance in the clinic, in a couple of weeks to return with the same ambulance.
Let’s not treat yourself formally and be healthy!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140852
The Hobbit
In fact, both fierce body positivists and virgins, fanatically destroying every hair, are not so many. They scream louder than everybody. Are you always sure that you are not a hobbit-conformist? My colleague once told me that one day she wore fashionable broken jeans, forgetting that she had hairy legs, and in a rush shaved exactly the places where the holes came.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140851
Let’s say, there is no asphalt everywhere. And where he is, he may have nuances.

BBB: I went around these nuances in Adigae!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140850
xxx: I think the manufacturers are deceiving us because the gel after shaving from the irritation of the niqab does not help, as everyone irritated me so and continue
I stopped shaving once.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140849
#written letters

Fuck, I broke my head. What, well, can this phrase mean?

The joke:
The boy went to the sea with his dad and caught him with a woman. The annoyed father explains that he is pumping his aunt so that she does not drown. Yes, I know, the son replies, last year different uncles also pumped my mom, and then one stuck the pump and my mom had to blow it.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140848
From D3:
Goldoleg: They say, high radiation leaves a metal taste in the mouth.
sly2m: but not for long. A year and a half, maximum.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140847
mexmed: Well, how to get past the fact that a dog will be "chicken" and a cat will be "psaka"?)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140846
Krasnoyarsk Metropolitan threatened with a terrible death to the citizens demanding a referendum on the construction of a temple.
It was so blurred.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140845
I am continually tormented by the question: why did Gerasim first drown Mummy and then leave the barracks, rather than drown the barracks and leave with Mummy?
WOW: Because Turgenev lied: in real Gerasim drowned Mummy and stayed. Turgenev decided to portray the protest, which was not, but did it illogically.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140844
At the meeting, Anton boasted that he specifically registered on the site to call me on a date. How would you refuse? Especially sympathetic.

We walked in the park and talked. The bell ringed at the nearest church.

Are you a believer? – He has stumbled.

and no.

Do you not go to church?

and no.

After a few meetings, we visited him. The guy helped me take off my jacket, decidedly went to the kitchen and poured me a full glass of water from a large bottle.

and drink!

What is it?

Holy water, drink it

Why Why?

My mom asked me to check if you were smoking.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №140843
In the Moscow metro I often encounter the situation of "BIG RACKBACK on the back." It seems that wishes are already sounded by loudspeakers, but whoever is like always drink.

Yesterday I drove from Polyazevskaya to the center, not an hour of peak but enough for the people.

The attention was attracted by the voice of a woman who was outraged at a neighbor standing next door (back to her). Well, the standard dialogue about what the backpack hopes to remove.

The man turning to her grabbed them another couple of people, who also expressed their outrage. He turned back to the word only to send the lady somewhere away and again to turn away, locking up the backpack on the order.

Further action was lightning: the train arrived at the station, as soon as the backpacker turned away, a woman quickly tied his backpack with sluts from him to the roof and headed to the neighboring door.

The composition stopped, the doors opened and the stream headed out, all except our hero. He had stumbled, and tried to turn around thinking that someone was holding him, realizing the situation began trying to disconnect the hooks. But from the size of the backpack, it was impossible to do this without removing it for the beginning. A woman appears to have swallowed some sea nodes there. In general, he travelled through the station and matched the whole race.

Be kind, respect yourself and others around you.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140842
I had a computer from the last century. 64 frames, slot cellar, 40-wire IDE, etc. From connecting to the network until the start of work loads in 12 seconds, from pressing a button to disconnecting with properly disassembled disks - a quarter of a second. In the last century, programmers were

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140841
Well I do not know. The hobbies never embarrassed me. Maybe the anomaly, when a girl looks like a wicky, would confuse, did not meet, I don't know. But in the context of real home life, something seems to me like it's all crazy. The feet are dull. and what?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140840
(from the discussion of the picture with the beast)
1982 – Who is this?
Irkuem: The Little Wizard
fatangryopossum: Do you mean that the term "excision" best describes your feelings over the past month?
Irkuem: Fu, how it went!
Irkuem: But yes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140839
I had a friend at the house, my son is 4.5 years old.
Suddenly I realized that small children are like people: they ignore basic safety advice (do not eat sand, do not irritate a daring dog), are offended when you tell them they are wrong, run out or go out to fight when they realize that they will not be given what they want. And don’t let God ask them to sit in silence for a moment!! to

I read what I wrote, I remembered myself... Lord, what angelic people surround me... guys.
Petya 38 years old.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140838
When another history textbook comes out, Justice once again turns to the grave.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №140837
I met, therefore, my friend with a beautiful girl, fell in love with her and immediately wished. My friend looked at the girl too, but she honestly warned him that she was married, and her husband worked at OMON. My companion decided to show the girl what a macho he is and that he is not afraid of anything. They met in secret for about a month, and one day a girl calls my friend and says, "Come to me for dinner today, my one has been sent on a business trip." Well, my friend, not thinking long, bought a bottle of wine, condoms and went to visit his mistress. We drank, smoked, engaged in wild carnal comforts and here... Ups – knock on the door. It’s like a mammoth is at the door. Then there is a riddle: “Woman! Go open, fucking, I’m here!” My friend, with wild eyes of horror, begins to run around the apartment in search of shelter and can not find it anywhere. Not thinking long, he grabs his clothes and goes to the toilet. Meanwhile, the woman, also all white of horror, opens the door. At the threshold stands her husband, an omonoviec, sprinkled drunk, with a bottle of vodka in his hands, and broadcasts to the entire entrance that, said, he was sent on a business trip, but immediately returned for unclear reasons. And he adds: - All, let me go to bed, only first to fuck up... My friend barely dive into the toilet. Been drunk is not a joke. Apparently, in an emergency, my friend’s brain worked a hundred times faster, and he found a way out of the situation. Since the toilet was narrow and not covered with plates, he dropped his socks and, with his feet and hands in the walls like a spider-man, fell under the ceiling. And the house of Stalin - the height of the ceilings is decent. He came down, therefore, and is sitting neither alive nor dead of fear. Meanwhile, the wife tries all sorts of ways to put her drunk husband to sleep so that he forgets about the toilet. But, apparently, Omonovce was very much desired by need, and he went on a big way. He turned on the light, opened the door (at the moment when his wife saw that no one was in the toilet, she wept out of excess adrenaline). The man took off his pants and sat down at the toilet. He sits quietly and does his job. And my friend hangs under the ceiling and understands - what the pizza will be, if it is noticed here now. And it happened. Omonovec, in ecstasy after another effort, raised his eyes to the sky and saw... He saw a miracle, and it instantly passed through. Then he whispered, whether from fear or astonishment, and fell astonished. My friend, realizing that this was his only chance to escape, the bullet flew out of the toilet and blinked in the direction of the staircase cage. A minute later, the Omon-man was stunned, but there was no one on the ceiling...Happy end: The Omon-man stopped drinking. His wife stopped betraying him. My friend is now walking half gray and only gets to know the girls after making sure they are free.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №140836
The creator of T9
The earth is his puppy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140835
We have everything that is placed in public places to be anti-vandal, so as not to be broken and heavy, so as not to be shattered.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №140834
I'll get a little bit of a puppy in my hands.I'm going to get a lot of Satan at home in the face of a puppy?Hey, you pass by.The monster was picked up in the summer in the park and called Pidor himself(the female, but the name has already been fixed)Because of the existence in harsh and unfriendly conditions has acquired the skills of survival and level of aggression, which would envy Rambo.If you try to get closer to the puppy than at 1m,it will start to rock,breaking feathers,wishing to attack.If you don't have sufficient amount of prudence and decide to knock, you can find bitten to blood and robbed on a puppy.It's better to just throw food in a cage from a

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna