— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140833
<Triangle> The English-language announcement of stops in the subway has been resounded. The station "Spartak" is now announced as "This is Spartak"... Immediately there is a desire to help get out of the door.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140832
In summer, your feet are treated 10 times a day. And then share the impressions: have you seen what hobby has passed?

What is your hobby? Sitting a cross, drawing, or discussing other people’s feet?
This is like an anecdote:
When you are not there, people talk about you.
Tell them that when I am not there, they can even beat me.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140831
From the specific women's publication VK:

She: Does it happen to you that a lesbian tusa ignores you and you are very sad? and :(
It is: Constantly

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140830
I read about one hostel:

One writes:
The data center is located in the building of the RYBZAVODA!!! Once you come to them, remember the smell of canned fish for a long time. It is untransmitted. And sits in a dust chamber 1 sleepy sisadmin at the "server". The company is full of crap.

He is answered:
Why did you write this? I spent 40 minutes smelling my websites hosted by #name#host! No one has ever smelled it, but you already smell it. You can link, I want to assess how strong the smell of fish is, and whether it will be possible to recommend this hosting to customers in the future, or the smell of everyone scares.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140829
If you voluntarily decided to remove the garbage near the entrance of the highway, in which 250 apartments and neighbors know each other in the face, then the most likely phrase you will hear from the neighbors will be: "Dolban Uzbek, not a hero can work!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140828
From the Reviews:
A good movie, a drunken company. I watched drinking...

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140827
CODD: We will close the center in Moscow, we recommend to refrain from traveling by car.
Auto enthusiasts: class, everything is like a slug on the subway, and I quickly jump by the machine.
The result: 9 points.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140826
We all marry our loved ones and divorce ourselves.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140825
xxx: overwhelmed
And every time I get the feeling that I have just been virtuously deceived.
— — —
Every time I hear it in my head "I hear it"

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140824
We sit with the bats and watch the advertisement on MatchTV. And there is Kiev’s Major, where the main prize is a dollar lam. Then my father asks me:

If you want to go to cyber sports. Do you promote yourself nowhere?

Five minutes ago, I told you to go out.

Uncomfortable silence for a few seconds.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140823
“Daddy, in school they say you’re doing in my upbringing.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140822
I suspect that some of your children appeared only because you are afraid of any means of protection and do not know how to use them.
−− and
Applause to stand! I will take note ))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140821
Why do women have trousers and men have cowards?
It depends on filling. A bag and a bag :)

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140820
> Citizen Zhukov, can you explain the motives of your video?

I am a graffiti and a dumb man. I am fascinated by the sounds of my own voice.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140819
One of the not the most cynical, but cynical things I’ve seen: the eco-friendly oil for lubricating the gasoline chain.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140818
Have you ever seen a dog’s leg tattoo on a prostitute’s hip?
Unconscious people look, but are unable to understand anything, just an ordinary tattoo. It is a purely demonic sign.
Yyy: I and the prostitutes have never seen it (

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140817
I have been interested in this question for a long time.
If sanctified heavy water is used in the reactor to produce arms plutonium, will the sanctity of the atomic bomb for the Crusade pass to plutonium and thus make the bomb Orthodox?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140816
Aaa: Thanks to Disney, I have every chance to live up to Star Wars 20.
Star Wars 20: The Last Jedi, this time honestly.

bbb: And yes, they will have to switch to the Arabic numbers on the posters for the thirteenth film, because Star Wars XXX may be understood a bit wrong.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140815
When the Force Awakens came out, I wrote a joke about how the empire went stupid by hiring a second-time designer of the Death Star.
And here comes the exaggeration-1 in which it is detailed that the designer worked against his will and deliberately wiped out everything, then he was killed, then his boss was killed and nobody knows about anything. Maybe it is not accidental.
I suspect in the next part will tell about how by negligence the big boss did not understand and took the old drawings.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140814
XX: What is there and how?
Trombosis in the leg. Afternoon check-up after the injection.
I always knew he was a cyborg :)
Why a cyborg?
xxx: And you saw how he looks at people :) I need to check - maybe there is a new firmware, some new capabilities added :)
Zzz : Yes. Sometimes there is such. And the bag when it comes to the refrigerator hangs and does not stop until everything is eaten.)))
xxx: This vulnerability has already been remedied in the latest updates. Someone actually invented a coat. That is, he still approaches the refrigerator, opens it and despite the fact that there is plenty of food, declares "nothing to wear" and leaves.
Why “to wear” and not “to eat” is also unclear.
XXX: I think there was another bug.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna