— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100553
The FBI Special Brigade
The courtyard turns, the borders paint, the garbage is collected.
He immediately became proud of the country.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100552
The shortest greeting at the wedding.
Congratulations to the couple. The woman for a long time said all kinds of banality with enthusiasm (and what else can you say?She handed the microphone to her husband and he said yes.
and all.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100551
DiR: Tash, I read your nick back and forth, and I think I called someone!
Natasha: In the sense?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100550
Alexander: Did you get the nursery untold for the dark affairs, on your card broken, my cosacks?
I got it, daddy, thank you
Glad to hear
You are the feeder of Russian land.
Alexander: well step in the good way, waiting for you is the gambling house curse, and the brothel is ugly, and the cowboy is angry.
Bread and salt. Do not ignore risks

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100549
Peter, July, +28 in the sun.
I am going to the entrance exam in a coat, it is hot. I go and think that I will come to the audience now, and I am there alone in a jacket, the teachers will immediately understand what it is about.
Everyone is dressed as if they were in February – jackets, thick dresses.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100548
Who are you listening to now?
This is Bruce Springsteen.
Who is this?
This is the American Joseph Cobson.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100547
Now I realized: I have two favorite sites - cooking, and about weight loss.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100546
Yesterday in the pharmacy I bought another ointment for my cyclops. There is a boy in front of me. The boy is very embarrassed asking for a pack of condoms, adding that it is possible. The pharmacist is an honorable lady of inclined years, solemnly brings promised products and loudly on the whole row (man 10) announces - "See. Those who shine, take no regrets!" The unhappy buyer was only able to squeeze out a tortured laugh and the phrase "It will be fun".

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №100545
Wake up the cop/reaper. Something is boring. Changed in the article "Fighting with ants" ants to fools. Soon the text played!
Self-dealing with fools is almost 100% useless and ineffective. These animals have the ability to quickly become accustomed to a particular poison – and quite quickly it ceases to act on them.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100544
During discussion of relationships between relatives and friends within one job.

xxx: here is an abstract situation: you and your brother opened a business, and he dropped you. Hundreds of mules. Your actions?
yyy: If my brother dropped hundreds of millions, then I am Cain)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100543
This is "the call":
XHH: Part of the work involves finding customers to provide our services.
In 90% of cases, you get into incompetent persons who try to hide you, responsible for the responsible person. Starting to load on the specialty, he eventually gives up, and tells who specifically has them in the company knows about this issue.
I want to ask openly!!! Do you have anything to do?! to
The Mudil! Please do not waste my time watching!
And how many of you call each day, with the same proposals that we did not fit in X**. Especially pleased are the examples asking for non-existent people who never existed and never existed. Not so long ago, one caller tried to pair us a product, the supplier of which we are for this company. They were all in the office. The director did not believe this story until the sent commercial offer was revealed. What to say, some "professional" on the phones.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100542
Go to Skype?
See also: JAZZ
CHH: And who are you serving?
See also: Zoro
The Zorro? Scandinavian god of thunder and gases.
Do not speak his name with empty mouth, Heretic!

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №100541
Hazrat: What if you wrote a story "Cobolok"? A tragic story about the child of a fox walking in the forest and frightening the beasts. At the end, the grandfather gives it to his grandmother, who smells him on the folds.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100540
With Laura:
Who is your Metro and why do you need it?
This is such a self-propelled underground tram...Don’t lie. There are a lot of strangers in the capital.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100539
A small difference. This natural laboratory has a couple of billions of years + a bunch of traditions, experiments, etc. Our laboratories have a couple of hundreds. I still prefer to trust time-tested products rather than over-the-counter unclear products created in an attempt to catch up with the first laboratory a little. I hope you are so clear.
Traditions of thermal treatment are not much more than chemical laboratories. Be consistent and eat raw meat. And not chemically contaminated cows. Who said the "bulls"? Burn the heresy! Nature knows best what is useful to you, once it has created - it means you really need it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100538
Hey you, lovers of breeding shit in an empty place! All the beauty is that the temperature on the street will be as it will be. And no one will ask you. It is hot? Go on naked. is cold? Wear a shirt. They tired.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100537
XXX is
Alpha Bank is pleased. They called, a nice girl's voice told me that I established myself as a reliable business partner and so I was waiting for a super offer... On my question, how did they determine that I was a reliable business partner, if on the only credit of their bank I did not do any operation in a year, the girl's voice was confused... should we say that our conversation did not succeed)
You are a reliable partner, you gave money for a year of service, you received nothing in return!
I would like such partners!
XXX is
Of course, reliable, with me no gemor, and 800 re per year I paid! I hate them, I hate them, I hate them ;)
I thought I was above them.)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100536
The most I fear in my life are two women, Miss Marple and Jessica Fletcher. And everybody else rejoices when these deaths come in visit.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100535
“Grace me, I learned to tie the cherry blade with my tongue!
When wealthy clients prostitutes ordered cherries, the girls, in order to demonstrate skill, fill a price and just excite, tied in their mouths a knot of cherries. hence the prostitute masterfully owns the coin and can deliver the highest pleasure.
and UPS.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100534
Who mentioned the story of a man who, in the course of an accident, was turned, changing places to the right and to the left, so that he began to die of hunger, because the body needs right-hand molecules, while left-hand molecules are not absorbed?
It is not asymmetric. Not even iron.
by Arthur Clark. "A Technical Error"
Here is.
by admin.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna