— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №91205
We decide where to go for two weeks in May. We choose a country where neither we nor the other members of our large family have yet been...N. decides to do it romantically. Takes the globe and ticks randomly. N : in Berlin! Oh, it does not look like. I: So why is it suddenly? N: Well they were. I: This is who and when we were in Berlin. My grandfather is 45 years old. Also in May...

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91204
In St. Petersburg, two incassors shot each other
St. Petersburg investigators opened a criminal case on the death of two incassors, carrying in the armor 200 million rubles. According to the preliminary version, the driver and the senior inquisitor fought and shot each other.

They were two philanthropists.
One shouted: These two hundred million must be taken by you!
The second: No! They are for you!
In an attack of human love, they shot each other.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №91203
Do you put in two holes?
Is it in the nose?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №91202
When will the evil dwarf cancel the last remaining file of the funny dwarf - the overturned summer time? and cry:

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №91201
Why don’t you eat sausages?
I have cellulose intolerance.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №91200
XXX: But you can’t sit in the doom of fools))
WOW: Did you understand what you said?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №91199
The courier arrived at 8 p.m. yesterday means and calls me on my mobile phone:
K: - I am standing near the house of Leninsky Prospect 82 k1, which is as if I went, there is some kitchen store...
I: - I don't know such a shop, come to the dicks, I'll go out there...
A new call.
I: I’m already near Dixie, where are you?
K: I can't find him, now I'll go back to Leninsky
I: Yes, Dixie from Leninsky’s side, and where are you?
Q: I am standing near Leninsky 82 x 1, here is the Dixie store.
I: Let’s go to the Lenin Prospect then.
I: Okay, can you get to the direction of the Brest Boulevard?
K: And where it is, I don’t know...
I: Well then on the street of the desanters...
K: -On the navigator only the street of the Desants
Q: What shops do you see nearby?
K: - Different, supermarket, beauty salon... (here I understood everything)
I: Sorry, but from which city are you calling?? to
K: From which, from Moscow!
I: – Great, and I’m from St. Petersburg... The curtain...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №91198
DrRein: I was in a wagon with a man looking at Dexter’s tablet. He pushed me, stood on my feet and did not let me out of the car. In the turn on the escalator, he also did not miss and blinked something like "where to climb", although there was a doher of space in front of him.
He told him that the Trinity would kill Rita at the end of the season.
Good luck to fuck.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №91197
When the weight of the wife exceeds a hundred, then instead of sex, the head more often hurts the husband, and as it reaches 130, it does not pass at all.
Fifteen years after the wedding.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91196
Here is this:

My wife was bitten by a dog. The next day the dog died. Now I’m even scared to kiss her :(

BOLVAN, MOVE your wife and the dog’s body to a local infectious hospital, check for rabies if you don’t want to become a widow.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №91195
She said "Why read if you can watch the screenshot?" and I immediately wanted to fuck her.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №91194
XXX: YYY, I twisted this thing with the screw, and now the screw is turning, and the nail is not... and what the cross on the nail is not... and how to twist?
ZZZZ: The knock had to be knocked

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №91193
On questions about the scale of Google Heinlein has already said everything. This is what "Freddy" said:
When will territorial states finally realize that they cannot defeat corporate states in principle?...Any territorial state, whether it be El-Four or an asteroid, is a fixed target. Fighting with a multinational is like trying to cut a fog with a knife. Where is your goal? Do you want to fight with I-B-EM? Where is I-B-EM? Its registered headquarters is a mailbox in the Free State of Delaware. It is not a goal. The offices and people of AI-BI-EM are scattered across four with over hundreds of territorial states on Earth, and add those in space;
You can’t strike the I.B.E. without harming anyone.
yet yet. But can AI-BI-EM defeat, say, the Great Russia?
I don’t know, I confessed. Prussia did not succeed.
"It depends only on whether the IBE sees this benefit for itself. As far as I know, the I.B.E. has no partisans; it does not even have saboteurs. Maybe they will need to buy bombs and missiles. But she may not shrink and calmly prepare everything, because Russia will not go anywhere. It will stand in place, a big fat target, and in a week, and in a year.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №91192
Commentary on the new Nolan film:

xxx: Personally, I understand everything with the plot - in 2025 America plunged into anarchy because of the shortage of corn, the astute NASA urgently gathered a team of super scientists under the command of McConaughey and sent them through the space-time portal in the USSR of the 1960s, so that they sparked a dozen beginnings from Nikita Sergeič, but he showed them Kuzkin's mother, after which he placed nuclear bulbs in Cuba, and, not thinking long, scattered the Democracy Camp with a purifying fire from the sky. Naturally, the super scientists became nowhere to go back, and they remained in the past, invented for the KGB hernia to penetrate the dreams of the 21st century Apple technologies, and McConaughey changed his surname to Wayne and moved to Gotham City, where he died from the bullet of the robber, who actually turned out to be the survivor of the nuclear apocalypse by President Kennedy c burned half his face. The son of McConaughey-Wayne grew up and became a wizard, and when the KGB sent an agent Leopold Dikapreev to steal the secrets of his spells in a dream, it turned out that he suffered from insomnia and could not find out the secret. Leopold shoots the son of Maconahi, and he suddenly wakes up, realizing that he is not the son of Maconahi but Maconahi himself, that all he dreamed, and in the courtyard is already noon and it is time to go to harvest corn.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №91191
I went to the mail for mailings and learned that they were sent back because they were not taken away. and did not take away because there was no notice, and there was no notice because there were no mailers. Post of Russia.Khabarovsk.21st century

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №91190

and Daria:
I don’t watch porn, Ctanislavsky doesn’t give me
by Sergey:
Who doesn’t give you?
and Daria:
Interior of Catania
I don’t believe ores.
by Sergey:
A... well, yes...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №91189
XXX: Did you read about mountain skiing in the Sahara?
Ahahahahahahahahahaha :)
Green: A lawyer has been caught
Wauu: project of construction of a ski resort in the Sahara
We announce the price and timing, let him think himself.
The desire of the customer is the law.)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №91188
How is your drone? Launched?
Yyy: Yes, but due to problems with the controller, they lost control at the first minute of the flight. First this falling flying crashed into the wall, breaking one screw, then made a pogrom, carrying all through the workshop and crushing everything on his way, and when he finally flew down, he almost cut off my leg with one of the remaining screws.
yyy: Now this unsuccessful prototype is proudly named "Cavardacopter"
yyy: Well or French Dron d'ulette

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №91187
This is:
This is:
25 years old, I live alone, a virgin. There is still
Is it normal?"

There are: a girl, 27 years old, (165cm, 57kg, 3 sizes), natural beauty is not limited, mind too, comprehensively develop (body and soul), apartment / machine, I earn myself (without sponsors)... I love my parents)
— — —
and fuck. Aha

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №91186
here here :)

One of my friends said:
In life, you need to set all the priorities correctly. WoW is there."
He is now in the army.

The army is not allowed forever. So, a foolish fee for properly placed priorities. In comparison, let’s say, with marriage... ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna