— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №147055
I am in line in the store. In front of me, a young man wants to buy cigarettes. Asks the cashier to get the required package, then the dialogue:

Have a passport with you?

No, I have forgotten. I look young, I am 23.

I cannot sell.

What if I call a friend?

What will he do to me?

Everyone laughed, including the buyer himself.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147054
Radchand: When I was 4 years old, my parents started teaching me TB. They told me not to put any nails and metal objects in the socket, otherwise there will be a short switch.

What is a short circuit, I asked.

“Well, there will be scars,” the parents replied.

by Daaa? ? to ! to I said.

When no one was home...

Indeed, Bach is the spark!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147053
From the Spanish website "Life is shit":
I study as a translator in France. My only tail right now is Spanish.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147052
The only way I know how to make money is begging. How do you imagine it: "Dear, I came from work! Today I’ve been asking for 3 thousand rubles!" – Oh, you’re my smart girl!" – So what will my family life look like?! to

Up the nose! You can always find a girl in a good Romanian family. Bedouins are not bad either.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147051
to this.
< <<
Oh yeah shy.

If it was quite historically-initially, then Crimea in general to the Greeks to return was necessary - the first settlements there were theirs)))

The settlements appeared there before the Greeks.
> and >

Representatives of the united colonies of the Susly would like to talk to historians.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147050
A wonderful flight of thought!

The skins from them are stripped alive when the animal is still conscious, use gas chambers, electric current, and then throw out the corpses to rot in the terrain. Some animals are killed in the wild by traps, including rare and red-booked animals. Chinese fur products are generally made from dogs and cats.

A gas chamber or a gas chamber? It’s like a cross and cowards, honest word. By the way, when trying to scratch the skin from an animal alive, it will easily drop the skin from its catcher to the elbow. You just try to give the cat an anthelmintic if he is against. Blackburn is not a cat.
And "in the area"nothing is rotten - it is simply unprofitable and also dangerous in terms of the epidemic situation.
And the phrase about “dogs and cats at all” is just a cherry blade on the cake. Are they more animal than others? Or are they not warm? Or...? I just get lost in guessing what this should open the eyes "in general".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147049
X: I don’t understand... those people who roar about a aunt who wants to condemn the tale of a sleeping beauty for the propaganda of rape... they don’t know the normal old version of the fairy tale??? She actually woke up not from a kiss, but from the fact that she gave birth, and the children began to suck their breasts. In short, some guy was driving, saw whether the body or half the body of a beautiful girl, fucked and went on.
Y: This is no longer the propaganda of rape, but the propaganda of necrophilia.
Z: Per he struck her stick and made sure she was alive.
A: That’s what I said above that’s exactly what he did!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147048
to this:
Who asked about stories?
A resident of the UK discovered in the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” propaganda of rape and demanded to remove this work from the school program for the junior classes. The woman was outraged by a scene in which the prince kisses a sleeping princess in her lips without asking her consent.

Here, this resident will be surprised when she reads the original fairy tales of the brothers Grimm, there in a sleeping beauty, the prince not only kissed the sleeping woman, but actually smelled, and after 9 months the boy saved his mother by drying a piece of needle from his finger.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147047
They patented a laptop that adjusts the opening angle depending on the location of the user.

Yes, it is easier to invent a laptop with a motorcycle than a normal screen, which displays the image equally from any angle.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147046
From Gipsylilya:

I bought the pillow I needed in Peter. How to transport? I go through the court, I can take a small hard bag and a small backpack. The pillow is light, but it does not fit in size.
“Mom,” said Zlata with a special engineer’s voice. Most of the volume of the pillow is air. Put it in a bag and squeeze until you get too much. Then you carefully squeeze, fix with a scotch, and take whatever you want.
They did so.
But fucking.
She called me a humanitarian. And it seems in a bad sense.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №147045
Metabolism at 20: a week you don't get out of the DR and macdakes, you sit on the couch with chips and collars, on Sunday run for the bus - minus two kilos.

Metabolism at 30: a week you do not go down from the cardio trainers, you sit on the water with cabbage, on Sunday you smelled sugar - plus a kilogram.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №147044
111: * posted a photo of the sauna
What is the spacecraft above the toilet?
111: The wall washing machine.
333: clothes in the illuminator...crazy cool!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №147043
The Moscow region.

We agreed with comrades to meet, ride on the pitbikes. To do this, I had to come to their village by 7 a.m. (light day is short, departure at dawn).

I arrived at 6:30 p.m. and I forgot to charge my phone. I don’t know where to go, I can’t call. Dude, one-story houses, 4 km from the electricity passed.

I see a guy with a dog walking (upd: a puppy, as I understood, small). I approach and say:

Can I ask you to call me? (Well, I remember the number by the mouth) or from your hands.. or you will call (and a long explanation of the reasons)

A 17-year-old boy looked at me (I am 34), and said:

My phone is at home and I am running away.

He returned without a dog.

Look how I can!

He shows a few small knives, takes one, squeezes into a tree, which was 10 meters away. The phone extends:

Go on, call me.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147042
Yyy: Overall, the bull will be under 1.75 meters long
XXX is 1.75? How do you want to use it?
YYY: No of course. This is a cosmetic item xDS
Any bullshit is a kind of cosmetic item, there is no dispute.
YYY: If you looked at the Lord of the Rings, then at the beginning there Sauron was about like that - the principle of the work of such a two-handed bulldozer - you will get away. But if you get there, it will hardly seem.
xxx : hm rule the face of many opponents at once... well, cosmetics in its pure form

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147041
You may remember that in the 80s, amalgam seals were popular in dentistry. Amalgam is an alloy of mercury with other metals. The Mercury, Carl The doctors kicked her straight into our teeth. Mercury in your mouth, Karl. The teenager Karl. And here on the battery for the watch I see the symbol -Hg! Don’t throw it in the rubbish!! You can’t go to rubbish, but you can. He studied chemistry, but had not heard of food mercury. Or am I a fool?

You are a fool and hardly studied chemistry, and if you studied, you did not learn. The poisoning occurs with vapors of mercury, and mercury orally - both entered the body and discharged.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147040
I like to go to bed after work to set the clock at seven in the evening. The former guy didn’t like it very much, whether it was boring or envious, he woke me up constantly with the instruction that if you go to bed before sunset, the head will hurt. They separated in the autumn when the sun began to go down at six and the excuse ceased to work.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №147039
My good friend, Max, divorced his wife a couple of months ago. I could not withstand her constant jealousy and scandals with beating dishes. Well, the guy is prominent, educated, stylish. Yes, and the wife (the former) is not offended by appearance and intelligence, but on the ground of jealousy, the roof crashed at her.

And then the scandal, the divorce, the collection of suitcases, and she moves. In five years of living together in his apartment, of course, the neighbors were already all familiar. But here the neighbor, on the contrary, became generally like a native sister. for each other’s holidays. And just sit down, and if Max is on a business trip, then with a bottle of wine gradually flowing into vodka - so in general, a nice thing to spend together.

Shortly before the events of the move, Max's cousin, Light, returned from studying with Peter. He left the apartment and began to live peacefully.

Recently, Max was sent on a week trip, and he called Light with a request: "Light, let me live a week? Fish should be fed. And the castle has not changed yet, suddenly the former will come, so that nothing excessive will be taken." Said is done. Yes, light and not against living in brotherly horms.

Day three passed. Lightning comes out of the apartment, closes the door... Woke up after a while from the bumping on the face of the ambulance brigade. Pushovik cut off, sick wildly, and on the forehead with a marker a little so "Pushovik" is written...

The sick old man went upstairs and called an ambulance. Then I had to call the police. I called Max and he came back that night.

My first thought was about my ex-wife. But they are familiar with Light, and it is unlikely. We overlooked all possible options. But the police decided to visit his wife first. Everything was decided there.

The neighborhood girlfriend. At the first appearance of the Lightning (she was not acquainted with her) sounded an alarm and immediately made a check call. “You’re just beyond the threshold, and he’s already out – he gave the keys to his new grandmother! He is already sleeping on your bed. In your place! “...

As a result, it was decided that the neighbor will ask what lady there is and will make a photo of a new "passion". It is not about divorcing. Another divorce scandal. Well, and the neighbor decided to take the initiative and shouted out of the apartment of Svetka on the balde of the swabras. And then she cut her pantyhose, wrote on her face, went to the store and went with wine to Max's ex-wife, telling how she punished the mistress.

As a result, a complaint was made for causing heavy bodily damage. The light is shaking.

The neighbor said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was a sister. I hit to hit. What am I to blame for? I defended my friend’s honor. I do not admit guilt!”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №147038
Let’s be optimistic: 100 years ago things were much worse.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №147037
Recalled after the story about the police
In the summer of 94, in the middle of the night, I came from Moscow; I went to VDNH for a TV, twice as cheap as us. Disembarked from the train at two o’clock at night, he headed home with a “pistolas” carrying the same TV.
After one and a half hours of public transportation, a machine with the "light" turned off runs, and mint comes out of it... A small one - a meter of sixty, if not less, thin. The features of the face are sharp, the eyes evil, sharp as nails - shorter, unpleasant type. And he begins to cede words, such as, what fucking Moscow, and the passport on the "box" - lying, and unpacking (and the box crumbled), and you bombed the store, and I am here. Wearing handcuffs? In the monkey house you sit at night, then you go home.
He, most importantly, was taken out of the car - like Serog, okay, well, let it go, fuck him and his TV... And Serogah is waving and pressing on. The situation was worsened by the fact that I was eighty-five meters tall and looked at him from above.
Finally, he rejoiced, threw my passport and television passports under his feet, knocked on the box with the TV (supposedly accidentally hitting my leg), got into the car and drove. I go on, blowing... blowing. Here is the bridge passed, one square passed, here is the second I go out, behind it my street...
Again overtaken the mentovskaya "Jiguli" - fucking, again! Almost in front of the house. It was just not enough - again to climb into the box for a passport on the TV, again to uncover the device and show it, again to dive on the TV, or still to catch up! The fucking...
Slowly and relentlessly, you can say, in parts, the car is taken out... As they called such in my childhood, "Uncle Misha" - such a huge man, two meters in height, the armor does not come together, short in the lap like a toy, the physium is calm-looking, even a little sleepy. See also. It is silent. Finally, “Where are you going?” Flegmatically so. I: “From Moscow, from VDNH. The TV goes. My house is in this street. I can show the passport," - "You are bombarded," - "Yes, I almost came, 50 meters are left." He stood up, thinking, “Well go. Good luck,” he drove in the same way in parts into the car, and she sat down and left. This is the whole conversation.
Nothing like special, but what are the types and contrasts, right?
I got there, the TV still works perfectly.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №147036
Do you want a revolution?! to
No, what are you! I want despotism, slavery, more corruption and 24-hour lies.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna