— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100373
What a completely innocent computer question can be asked to Carlson, a drug dealer, and the captain of the heater at the same time?

Does the screw work?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №100372
My wife and I decided to have a family drink. entered the vineyard. We can’t drink the same, so everyone chooses for themselves. Her liquor is expensive, 350 g, I whisker cheaper. I have 150-200 grams of norm for the evening, but if a liter is taken, it is proportionally significantly cheaper, the rest is in the closet about the stock. My look, let’s scream: "Where are you so much, are you not an officel? Eat what you decided to do tomorrow at work". This situation has been repeated many times and I have been struggling to explain. The mood was not very good, Hummour was silent.
After the wine went to the food shop. My buy sugar, ask, give kilos. I say, wait, why do you? It is like drinking tea. I turn to the saleswoman and say, “Give me 2 teaspoons of sugar, please.” My mother turned to me, opened her mouth and hanged. I see it slowly coming...
Since then, I’ve never been bothered how much I’ve taken home.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100371
A friend posted a photo of the police car.
A_P: Why did you get caught up?
We drank wine in the park.)
A_P is made up?
hejly : no :)
A_P: Have you agreed?
hejly: could not deliver to the department)))
A_P: Did the girls resist the guards of order?? to
hejly: no :) Their car is stunned))
a_p : )))))
hejly: we even pushed, but she still didn’t do it.)
a_p: ppc, mints are burning))))
hejly: and they let us go))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100370
XXX: This is...
XXX: My Mother
XXX I want to go with you.
YYY: I adore you!
XXX to drink.
“Because you’re smart, beautiful and don’t rape in a dark corner. And sorry...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100369
With Habr, discuss the authorization system on a web camera face picture:
EminH: again, you can get rid of building a "secret" grimas - there is little chance that it will be found :)
Ogra: So it seems, “Your grimace is not reliable enough. Try moving your ears or licking your nose.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100368
His colleague Sisadmin said:
Collected he means cartridges from the whole enterprise in a package that would give to refuelling. I brought the girls to the service stand and said don’t touch this on the gasoline, I’ll take it later. The next day the package disappeared, cannot be found.
Asks the girls: "Where is the package with the cartridges?"
The girl says, "You said to the gasoline, I decided to take them to the gasoline."
He" to which fuel?"
Girl:"Now next to our building is a gas station where cars are refuelling"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100367
The thin are mocked by the fat, the fat are mocked by the pumped, the mocked are mocked by the thin, and I am just mocked by those who are mocked by someone.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100366
I googled here, where you can swim in Veliky Novgorod, found a branch on the forum, the last post from 2005.
Do you know what the discussion of bathing places ended nine years ago?
by Khokhlosrač.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100365
Life is a terribly symmetrical thing, only it happens at different times.
Half of girls in their 20s say "Do you like it? Meanwhile, half of men say the same at 40 years of age.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100364
xxx: "Ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov did not know about the robbery at OJSC "Obronservice", but they became possible due to his trusting relationship with the former head of the property relations department Yevgeny Vasilyeva, the state accusation believes."
YYY: Ah, I have seen
Yyy: the UFO would rather kidnap him than he would sit down.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100363
From Habr, comment to the article about the young designer "how I got to Google"

"O, class — Google finally hired a designer, now things will go better ;)"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100362
News on Yandex:
"Russia will have its own social network"

XXX: What do you think?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100361
When I was asked if I knew JJ, I replied: Well, a little bit.
Now I have learned it again and I can confidently answer the same question "no";

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100360
Representative of the car:
The video with the presentation of Lada West has already gained more than 400,000 views, which means that people are waiting for this model.

and naive. Maybe they just want to crack...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100359
(I can’t turn the phone on)
xxx come here. You need a gentle man’s hand.
YYY: With a paddle...

[ + 83 - ] [17 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100358
Not in Satan’s Rockets and Nuclear Cruisers. This is not the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union is when the old grandmother, my neighbor, a girl, was taken by the Bolsheviks and moved from the basement to a normal apartment. and free.
The Soviet Union is where education is free, including higher education, and at the same time the highest quality in the world.
The Soviet Union is when pioneering camps and children’s sanatoriums are built on petrodollars, not yachts with blades worth like a large anti-submarine ship and not two-storey airliners for 500 people for personal use.
This is when you walk in the streets of your hometown, but he is not confused with the clutch wire, and the surveillance cameras at each washing are not overwhelmed, as in a concentration camp, and mint without machines and even without oaks, and the crime rate is one of the lowest in the world, and the street so much more.
This is when on the TV is not glamorous shadows in pink fears, and not bodies of mountains, but something that makes you think.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100357
The quote about reading before the handshake of the answers from the soap lost all charm after replacing it with the "reading of comments". Now those who have not seen the original option are simply confused at best. And in general, I see, in connection with the new "type law", the whole mat is implacably cut off in the Main and in the Best. I personally oppose its excessive use in real, but some quotes lose all meaning when outcasting. It turns out like an anecdote about a worker in a kindergarten.
Vassula, who was born?
- No one matured, just Fedy dropped me on the head with a melted lead from a pebble, well, I told him that I should be more attentive and careful to my companion.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100356
- Well, maybe he has a new grandmother, and now you lack the strength.
Do you think the tongue will fall? Everyone seems to know how big and thick I am putting on betrayal.
He is embarrassed.
Are we talking about one person?
So he is ashamed to say not about grandmother that he lacks strength for you.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №100355
Everyone, most importantly, is serious.
He desires others.
He does not understand, Barbos,
He’s laughing too!
(Barbos by B. Zachoder)

I am for what? Catch the "drop down the scratch, return the scratch". Do not comment shit, post the shredder. < 3

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №100354
Anyone who writes comments on various types of holiwares should urgently push a teaspoon pen into the USB connector. This will enhance the power of your comp. is verified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna