— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16873
Yes, I graduated from art school and got a genius knowledge that in the tubus goes two by 0.5 and three by 0.7 =((

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №16872
I presented the picture: Bevis and Bathed are all in white bracelets - you guys, now they will give us!
c) The Drone

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №16871
"...white bracelets will wear those who are looking for a second half, that is, want to get acquainted"

People, there is a serious proposal: add another color, and introduce color differentiation by color characteristic (do not rust, I seriously!) Let’s say white – for those looking for normal, long-term relationships, and for example green – for those looking for flirting, sex, “relationships without commitment” and other “adventures.” Let’s be honest, at least in that.

Whoever is interested, support it.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16870
Do you know where we sell the bullets?

yyy (22:21:37 27/05/2009)
And the Nafiga?

Contact me, get to know, read

Interests: I love the sea... the sun... the beaches... the bronzage... the solarium... the chocolate, the champagne, the flowers... the club, the CoCa-CoLy... the soft games... the plushed bears... me to you! ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

yyy (22:22:14 27/05/2009)
Please record the address...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16869
The incident occurred during the honeymoon. The Commission.
He sits in front of the surgeon’s office. A guy enters there, and the door closes tightly, as a result, everything is heard perfectly. All the shit clouds of the people wrapped their ears.
The surgeon dressed up.
Couple - "silence" is only the sound of the clothes that are removed.
The surgeon comes!
"Pareenok approaches her"
Surgeon - show primary sexual signs
"Again a hustle, apparently showed"
Then the silence...
Surgeon" with a slightly quiet, surprised voice" - and what do you have?
In the corridor already compressed laughs, someone turned red, but for the time being restrained not to rust.
Surgeon" has been interested" - how long has it been with you?
The hallway is quiet of laughter.
Surgeon" already with obvious enthusiasm" - and you do not bother?
Surgeon" with admiration" look!
Someone has already started laughing.
But then we were all killed when we heard the last part of the surgeon’s monologue.
Surgeon"with an obvious interest in the voice"- and let’s go with you THIS! to remove? A!! I'll write you a direction, well, it probably interferes, and in the army nothing to do!
The guy responded compressively – let’s go, with a voice full of grief.
When he came out, the corridor was already rolling on the floor from rust, some were crying, some were roaring in their voices.
And he is despicable – you are idiots! My shoulder is big!I am so proud :DDD

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №16868
xxx: today to relocate went, polka also came, she had the last relocation remained. Prepod took the check, put everything, even did not ask. Every serious company makes discounts to regular customers!

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №16867
And said the director of the "AutoVAZ": By the command of a man, according to my will, go, Wadra, somehow yourself.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16866
The frequency is 7Hz.
Frequency of cranial resonance
The chicken box. It was defined
Experience in Australia, where
The new factory produced sounds precisely with
of this frequency. She was too close.
from the chicken farm when the factory began
All the chickens died.

Announced!! to

Urgently, for a lot of money, I will buy 2 magnets capable of producing sounds at 7Hz, to the accounting office.

by Odin.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №16865
For many women, all men are goats except their loved ones. Although, in large
They are the same dogs, but only favorite ones.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №16864
The case was long ago. Driver of a washing machine in the asphalt
a road construction company, and the order was simple.
You do not have a job in the main position, you take the spat and help the rest.
But with the blade, it was even half the trouble, it was worse when it was put to regulate.
The movement.
On that day, a major repair of the road was done. The road not
wide, the lane there, the lane back, so while repaired one
side (kilometers 4-5 at once) to the second was organized reversible
The movement. For this, two men with races were separated from the composition of the brigade.
In turn, each of them, for 15 minutes, blocked the movement.
In the morning, I was put to roll. I stopped the movement, three
The cars patiently stood in the row, and, I have to say, while “my” cars
They will reach the end of the reverse lane until the opposite stream reaches me.
It takes 3 to 4 minutes, and at this moment Audi appears, licking around.
the line and leaned on me (I stood in the middle of the lane, the rest of the road
I was blocked by our equipment) drove the machete with my hand, tell me to pass.
I, in turn, say very politely: Stand up in line,
I have to wait 10 minutes. He asked me, “Who are you? Road Workers
I answered...
And here, without further conversations, he rests with a bumper in his legs and
He starts pushing me. I would jump to him on the hood or
falling on the road (deliberate crash when performing official duties)
with so many witnesses – good money could be
Cut off for closing the case), but instead I have adrenaline in my blood, “But
Five years later, “I’m still in a fever.
I wonder what to do next, but I don’t leave the road.
And then, he suddenly stops, turns on the rear and quickly leaves.
at the end of the row, which has grown greatly during this time.
I turn around and see: my colleagues, who previously sat peacefully on the
the asphalt layer in anticipation of the first asphalt wagon jump to the ground and
slowly, very slowly, as in American films about
Zombies are coming to my side. It should be noted that one day before
I did not drink on my birthday, but I did not drink.
Other responsibilities included the delivery of the brigade to the facility and back.
Started in the evening, continued in the bus.
And I think we did not stop there. In the morning, they looked very
and colorful. The likeness to the zombies was almost 100%. Unspoiled clouds
faces, eyes from the forehead, lowered hands, one with a scratch
Route of the Lope.
The spectacle was so funny that even the drivers in the row cheered.
My anger flew somewhere, and on their offer “Opt...t oh...go”
P...s” I said, “Well he’s on...”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №16863
Pure Odessa expressions

What are you building my eyes? Should I build a cooperative?
Don’t compel me, I will agree!
Man, I understand everything. You are so charming, but not the same.
The degree!
Do you go for God, or do you stay for God?
Do you know something I haven’t told you yet?
How do you go without a penny?
I saw you on one leg and you saw me with one eye.
You lived the way you lived!
Is it worth buriing? Without a dead man?
Buy yourself a tractor and get stuck!
At the reception at the doctor: - You are pale like a spirachet!
The elevator does not go down.
Don’t turn my faberge to me!
– Paulina Borisnna, what do you think of my cake? Is it really delicious? It is delicious,
It is delicious for those who have not tried it.
Oh, what do you know...this is such a rich woman, such a rich would
I saw what carpet she wanted to buy.
“Baby, I’m bored... I’ll make you a scandal and I’ll do it.”
and fun!
“Oh, such a familiar face, I’ve seen you somewhere... Oh, don’t remember.
Me, or I will remember you.
Is it true that you are getting married? Of course, we give...
A little bit!
Inscription on the monument: Here rests a famous Odessa dentist
Boris Raphaelovich Katz. And his son Monia receives in his office.
by Prokhorovsky, 21
- Sonja, don't shake the couch: you will break all the springs!
Let’s go visit each other. You are with us, we are with you.
The funeral!
- Senya, eat borscht, shob you are healthy you have to recover!!!! to
Wash your feet first and then make a pedicure.
- Go on x... - I am there more often than you are on fresh breath!
Do you hear the smell of my new perfume? Oh well Cannes! I am po
What is your blind?

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16862
Adlan: Hi,’re super...You’re going to make me go, m.?
Catherine: can I break 2 lower ribs and sauce myself?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №16861
ppc, went to the official site of the group Limp Bizkit, and there in the chat are Russians sitting and on the broadcast discussing the breasts of Oo

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №16860
and ###:
I got a red diploma.
and ****:
OK is

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16859
We are sitting in the office of 3 IT-shoes, drowned in bucks - who climbs where in the inlet, but one will pick up tires for the summer and here the question is heard from him:
How do you say in English "Robot"?
We are both in one voice:
The condom!! to
He is:
No, but another rubber!
Again in one voice:
Another condom!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16858
Looking forward to the continuation of the story about the adminsh from Kyanti!!! to

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №16857
Putin bought himself "Niva". As a result of this brilliantly conducted PR-action, the sales of the Volga Auto Plant increased by 1 car.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16856
Dang (22:55:49 27/05/2009)

Dang (22:55:53 27/05/2009)
I sit in the office.

Dang (22:55:58 27/05/2009)
Listening to Classics

Dang (22:56:00 27/05/2009)

Dang (22:56:03 27/05/2009)
Here is just

Dang (22:56:07 27/05/2009)
Such a peaceful

Dang (22:56:33 27/05/2009)
A mouse falls on me from the ceiling!!! The Gray Mouse! Falling on the table before Ebola, right on hand

Dang (22:56:40 27/05/2009)
I appear to have stunned.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16855
From the series "only in our country" - in Kiev yesterday clashed two TRAMWAYS!!! to

[ + -13 - ] Comment quote №16854
The cat, the sock, yesterday scratched my branded South Park bag... Cartman didn’t touch it, but Kenny scratched it all over. The call!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna