— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67473
RT @nett00n My parents taught me politeness. So I answer “hello” to “hello” and cunilingus to the mine.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №67472
On Friday I sit at work, the deputy chief of the shop enters.
Are you sitting there? are you sitting there? are you sitting there? are you sitting there? are you sitting there?
Yes is so.
Is a detective crazy?
They underestimate modern youth.
Well, okay, the clutter is glued to the detective.What’s there inside?(Listen to the book)
(Pause, we keep silent watching the elderly)
I also read Pushkin in my youth, and even I liked it, as he did, well there.(It is leaving)
(The Mimic Applause)

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №67471
XXX: For the third year I have tested EGE in Russian language. But this summer, one job caused me to ride on the floor from laughter: in the task where it was necessary to write his opinion about the text, the student wrote only one sentence without any reflection: "The text is shit, the author is an idiot."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №67470
I said, I forgot nothing in the bathroom.
He holds his hand behind his back.
XHH: Ershik, I think I came to show, what?
He brought me a netbook.
I’ve been looking for it for half a day, infection.

[ + 3 - ] Comment quote №67469
If your husband comes home and sits at the computer right away, this dirty box looks better than you.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №67468
Children are magical people! They make our lives look like a fairy tale, at least because they truly believe in it.
c) Sj

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №67467
What men want

Once upon a time, the American Andrew fell into our office — firmly under the pencil, but with a blinding, like a flash, smile. His daughter with a burnt face looked suspiciously with penetrated vasillary eyes. A week later I was upset that no dentistry in our city does whiten my teeth.

Andrew’s character was shy, but engaging. On all the girls passing by, he flashed with his corporate smile. They argued, whether they were a preacher or a confused maniac. The latter, however, was close to the truth - under his unshakable appearance hid a powerful temperament. Once in an empty supermarket he invited me to dance the cashier, and well with her, by the way, walked under the rust of his friends.

Someone may have thought of him as a terrible babble for such things, and I know Andrew as a licked man for many years. He will not hurt the flies, even on a call. He only needed true love, and he had it.

Envying Tatiana (30, divorced, only half-headed), Andrew was terribly pale and dull. To put it manly, he was stumbling. His most bold attack was Tane's declaration of Vignone's vicious poems in French.

As it turned out later, they both did not know the language, but he made an impression. In the sense, Tatiana herself was already stunned by his distant manoeuvres, and also began to get red, dying and dull when he appeared.

The end came at a corporate celebration, where they both appeared. At one glance at Andrew, it became clear that he was just being ripped away from some carefully prepared surprise. But he did not decide. Zalpou dried the fuser of champagne and froze it. And I suddenly noticed in his Vasilkov's eyes a ragged Essenin's sadness and an unshakable fuss. Andrew pulled out of his mouth an untouched sandwich, marched towards Tana with a relatively smooth step, caught her frightened look and declared decisively:

and Tatiana! I want you!” in almost pure Russian. He hadn’t even said “hello” before.

The choking immediately stopped. Tatiana was painted. Andrew Dopper, that he could not be heard, repeated loudly and separately. Slowly and passionate. The same thing. “I want!” This time it turned out to be somewhat demanding. Poor Tani’s face was painted with something like, “But I can’t!”

Andrew painstakingly shrugged his forehead, took out the paper and read it completely: “Tatiana! I want you! Invite me to the theatre!”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №67466
There is a lie, there is an abhorrent lie and there is "I did not press anything, it is itself!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №67465
A: Passed Z through the loose. On the other side of the road they applauded. What else to do.
B: But if you threw her in the middle of the pit, everyone would be applauding lying down.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №67464
Yarrie: again the Portuguese sent logs)) I always cry)) you just learn in these words
"Pacotes: Enviados = 4, Recebidos = 3, Perdidos = 1 (25% de perda),"
Last - lost 1 package (25% loss)
Roger: Well yes, it’s written correctly – they broke the package, all there.

[ + -5 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67463
Q: When was the last time you had sex?
Normal or with a wife?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №67462
July 23, 2012 at 14:40
Finally, there is a power that does anything for the people, and does not steal only as the predecessors.

July 23, 2012 at 14:42
Nick is hinting :)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №67461
Silent_Spectator: You know I think to take a second job, for the circular
Silent_Spectator: went to McDonald’s, took the questionnaire
Silent_Spectator: "How did you learn about this work?"
It cannot be written, Tolich said.
No, it needs to be decorated.
“Well, I recently received a master’s degree at the University of Sorbonne in Contemporary Art. My wife, Tina Kandelaki, and I were welcomed by Professor Nikolai Bogomolov who came to ask for my advice on Poetry of the Silver Age. We sat in the library and listed my translation of the book "Songs of Gilgamesh" originals dating from the 7th century BC.
Suddenly he said – I’ll never forget it – "Anton, there’s a vacancy at McDonald’s, I think you’ll get there"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №67460
Commentary on the epic composition on YouTube:
Hashimara2: My Dandy has turned into a PlayStation 3
PenetrationMoose: My PC 3 Listening to this turned into an X-Box 360
Aerospace97: My Box 360 Listening to It turned into a Game PC
Bradley Ludwig: My gaming PC listening to this... remained a gaming PC
Bradley Ludwig: and listening twice turned into a girl!
TheNeighbourhoodNerd: My girlfriend heard this, now she’s a Ferrari
sosmar7: Lord, now we have a brief list of the things that a male individual needs for happiness.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №67459
The Diary:

A few hours ago I called the door. There was a girl standing on the doorstep, from whose eyes it could be seen that it was terribly cold on the street. I was requested in one underwear. Where my embarrassment is, Fige knows.
The girl looked at me and smiled. I invited her to come in, and she had some documents in her hands.
So I got my agenda in the military.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67458
“Dimon, it was she who looked at me like a dude, not because I did dive, but because she always looked like that.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67457
From Twitter
I watched several videos "StopHama"... Russia is such a country that even the struggle with lawlessness looks like lawlessness...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №67456
Corporate chat of one bank:
Sergeant: Irina Dimitrovna, go to chat urgently!!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №67455
Those who make fun of everything are always around shit.

[ + 10 - ] Comment quote №67454
Sitting on a pair in physics.The teacher explaining another example decides to propose a life situation.
Irene has 5 apples.
And Annie (in this moment the scream of the soul is heard from the back)... BIG BRITS!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna