— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129699
If hell was abroad, citizens would be required to obtain a passport and a visa before death.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129698
I stopped understanding why you – a stupid beast of both sexes – go to this site. Don’t eat bread, let yourself be ashamed of anything. Do you lack something in your body?
To answer only on the substance and to make it funny, bluff!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129697
and because:

I have a question on the subject of equality. There are opinions that feminists are political activists fighting for actual, not imaginary, equal rights of men and women. And the type is good and will not resist such an adequate person. And now the question: why is the movement called feminism?

Men are still "right" and "equal" women. When the movement arose, they were still "righter" and "equal" - for example, women could not vote, they could not have property, they could not work, and a lot of things in general. How would you propose to call this movement in its beginnings? Will we look at the roots or stick to the beads?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №129696
I am studying in Italy. A couple of months ago we had such a “scandal”: I, this same friend and a company from the parallel class were standing in the school yard and talking. Among these guys was a new guy – an African (he is an Italian, just a black).

Well, they joked, they went on to stereotypical jokes, jokes about vodka and communists were poured into my address and jokes about a friend's "stupid" blondes (she is a natural blonde). Most of all, of course, the black guy joked. Absolutely no one was hurt, everyone was perceived normally. And then a friend joked about black, something about bananas and the jungle said, I don't remember exactly. Black got angry as I don’t know what, broke up, said, we are racists, and what shit at all, and so on. The girlfriend also got angry with him, saying that you can joke about the rest, but about you not, what nonsense?

As a result, everyone came to the director, because the black man officially complained about “insulting a racist character” (I don’t know how correctly translated into Russian).

A friend told her that she had to apologize to him before the whole school. She refused, unless he did the same for his jokes about the blonde. He said that joking about blondes is not racism and nothing at all, so only she should apologize. After this phrase she issued:

"Do you know why I can't be called a racist? Because I don’t even divide people into “races” like dogs. For me, the color of skin, hair or eyes is a purely national or just an external feature. Therefore, jokes about blondes do not offend me as much as jokes about black people and national stereotypes would offend me. But the fact that you share these types of undercover shows that you are the only racist here. You can’t joke about black people, you can’t joke about white people. So he went off, a crazy racist.”

The crazy racist did not know what to answer, and a friend came out the winner of this scandal. Those are things. Good you and less inadequate blacks in life)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №129695
Following the traces of loss: It was proposed by UEFA to leave us normally, by disqualification, by filling the mouths of the English, there was no use to play football))

[ + 12 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129694
This spring, the whole family and friends arranged a car trip around Europe. Started in Poland. One surprising thing is that there are a lot of female long-distance drivers on the roads. Well, or long-distance drivers, it’s already Grammar Nazis let them understand. How much do we have, according to the former sovka? This is the REAL difference between "rights" on paper and rights. No one, I think, forcibly pushed them into this profession, just as anyone likes. Ordinary such seemingly women quietly drive huge furas, calmly ride, nobody fails from this. So here are the disrespectful idiots, the egg-bearers of all the fat that shout "and you don’t go into the loaders-fighters-miners". Not all women want to sit in the office and be fairy, unfortunately. Like men, women are very different. And if women get the REAL right to work in such areas, they will work. And you will see them, and they will do better than men. Well, you who can’t think fucking, live on in your own world, where not all women know the school course of mathematics, because they are the same women, fainting from a finger cut or a mouse look and can only talk about a shirt.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129693
He worked in an organization where an additional load appeared once a year in the form of loading-unloading-sorting several thousand books. Before me the team was 100% female, "in the season" just all together a little bit of these books were engaged. As soon as I got to this job (by the word, to the position with the lowest salary in the department) - except me nobody touched the books and the finger. And this is not in the private self-determination, but in the budget institution. But it’s just what "A man is obliged to do!"

I bet that the female collective in the budget institution at least washed the windows twice a year, the shelves were wiped out of dust and other "sabbaths" were engaged even without thanks. Because they are survivors, survivors. Successfully washed to the private, no more cleaning on its own in the office. To do this, they hire a cleaner and pay with money, not words about “women’s duties.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129692
Asha: Girls are such girls!
Asha: I ate the right meal: cheese and fruit, no extra calories.
Asha: And I went to the bar, washing everything with rum and cola, Friday is holy!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129691
And why not actually?
Look, here I have two subordinates, a boy and a girl. Basic duties are well dealt with, but there is one additional thing: from time to time you have to drag some weights to the other end of a large building. Not a very heavy thing, but the girl will not pull.

The question is for you, man. The guy is carrying something heavy. What does the girl do at this moment? It is free, i.e. Has her working day ended? Or does she still do something else, not physically heavy – just another job (reports make, for example)?

In the first case, you are right. A guy works when a girl is resting and needs to get more. In the second case, sorry, you are a sexist. The girl also works, and not the hery falls. If the work is mental, then her duties may be even more difficult at this point than his. But for those hours she gets less.
In this case, there would be two options: once you have found a guy a job that the girl is not busy, find a girl a job that the guy will not be busy. It’s not necessarily physically difficult – you can just give her what the guy doesn’t like, and let him never do it. Everyone will appreciate it, and it’s fair. And the second. Hire a truck, man! A man, even if he is at least three times a man, is not obliged to bury his health on some mythical "additional employment." He did not hire a bag here.
Or you can buy a truck, and let them drag together. Riding is easier than pulling.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129690
To my question: "Dear, say, I’ve filled up?" my husband quietly engaged in sex with me.

Study to.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129689
and Holmes! It is incredible!!! to

I am Ohuevatson.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129688
The last three wars of Russia
1826 to 1828 The Russian-Persian War
1914 to 1918. The First World War.
1941 to 1945 The Great Patriotic
Interesting is. What about Afghanistan? The two Chechens? And the Russian-Finnish before the WOW? What about grandparents, because of which a certain percentage of recruits die every year? The Russian-Japanese War of 1905

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129687
I come to work. The comrade who sits in front of me, says, says, our ups has burned. I am what? OOO
“Well, I came, and he is eating terribly straight, sirene, I took him to the server.
Okay, I go to the kitchen, I approach - I start to hear a deaf scream. I walk past the kitchen to the server room, eating. And there is a lot of everything, boxes, wires, equipment. I don’t know where he is, fucking.
And then I see in the furthest corner, behind the boxes, covered with some stuff, this poor ups stands and breaks.
She shrugged, slapped the poor and turned off.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129686
xxx> Chat, advise comedy horror porn. I can hentai.
yyy> MongoDB advanced deployment and operations
xxx> where is the comedy element?
yyy> when a guy begins to tell how this all works. You can defend!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129685
I was transporting a friend of Sasha today. We moved from two to three through the entrance of our own house.
Tomorrow I’ll translate another friend Sasha. The story is the same - expanded again through the entrance in the same house.
Q: Can I make a wish tonight?
HH: By the way! It was only now that they had Natalia’s wife.
I guessed Natalia.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129684
Feminists who want to work as truckers...
Find each other and organize your cargo service! The demand will be superb with the right advertising)))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129683
xxx: Here's my next star hour: in the correspondence instead of blasphemy wrote blasphemy =)
XXX: The Blue
XXX is July! by Julia!! to
The Day of Backham

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №129682
Where when the question
- The TV viewer responded to the call to help robots what did she do?
I bite a brilliant metal ass.
It is :)))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129681
In the future, at the exit of the movie, the memory will be wiped, or the audience will remember the movie, and then they will not watch again. Otherwise, they will remind others of their memories.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129680
I go on the bus. Includes a classic stinking car with a truck. In a dirty dress with Turkish " cucumbers". She crossed the passage, sat, smelled. At the next stop comes the grandmother, such a typical strict teacher. In the same dress, just clean. Thro the road, the grandmother drilled the gaze of the bomzhi, and the people who loved the picture were pressed by laughter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna