— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №67333
What did July have for lunch?
It is: fried potatoes before yesterday, sardines after yesterday and tomatoes fresh
Thank God, tomatoes are not too late.
She: Though this is the tomato I would least worry about. In addition, while she was destroyed, brought to Moscow and sold... she knows how much time she has.
He: I just see someone breaking down a tomato and caring it carefully in his palms rushes to the station, there passes it on to the carrier, and on the pillow and the train immediately touches...
She is :)
He: and you know, the assistant machinery rushes out of the cabin, holding one hand and standing on one leg, and the other hand so moves, like faster, even faster.
She: )))))) and all the encountering trains give way to them, and the motorists, smiling a shy tear from the black cheeks of the sage, scatter the window with snow-white clothes.
He: I know why I married you.)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №67332
A nightmare, the phrase in the movie: If you knew the basics of black magic. You should know that it is not difficult to fake photos.
In our world, every student knows the basics of black magic.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №67331
Regular sex three times a week helps people look 7-12 years younger.
I: So I look like the last starper

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №67330
From the news: "Days FAS of Russia gave permission to Sberbank to acquire the bank «BNP Pariba Vostok»".
Soon the fee will absorb all the banks in Russia, and Gazprom - all the oil and gas companies. Wait until they swallow each other. Russia could then be renamed Sbergas.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №67329
It company.
650 meters is a lot.
I: it is better to archive, or it will not pass through the mail
I mean the distance from the metro to the restaurant.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №67328
Recently, I began to notice that the phrase “I don’t drink” means “no, well, I drink, just not an alcoholic.”

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67327
Describe your career.
Rapid social growth with complete personal degradation.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №67326
Fakt.exe : By the way, forgive me I have to repent... last Sunday I couldn’t withstand and bought myself a small such fan... I didn’t know that the consequences would be so fatal.... since then it’s been cold and it’s raining....
I am afraid to buy an umbrella.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67325
The xxx:
You have been able to raise the topics of sex, religion, politics, guru...
Did you know that this is a forum from the series "My Little Pony"?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №67324
Nickoush: I saw a sign on the Bach music concert "The Universe. Bach and I thought it was strange, as if there was first a Bach, and then the universe.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №67323
It is difficult to live until retirement, and it is even harder to live for retirement.

[ + 43 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67322
My husband and I went on a walk.

This same summer (when I was 7 and Wolf was only 5 years old) we decided to go on a journey. How did they decide? I decided and the wolf signed. He is generally irrevocable, like the cliché of my grandmother. In whose hands it falls, it will be sold. We decided to go to the forest for a night.
We waited for Grandma and Grandpa to go to the garden, and I wrote a letter to Grandma and Grandpa with a crazy handwriting, “We went to the farm, don’t hesitate, we’ll come.” And put him on the table. I still have to bring the supplies.
I had a vague idea of the hikes, but I knew I needed a tent, fireworks, and food. Preferably in conserves. True, I heard from my dad that I needed more babies and vodka.
We did not drink vodka yet, and we decided not to take grandmother with us, most likely, she will only be a burden to us. Plus, the whole road will matter that we have to go so far and when we will finally get to this journey. That’s what she always does when we go to Selpo 3 km away.
Since there was no tent, I borrowed a dryer from the rope, assuring Wolf that in the absence of a tent, everyone would take a rope with them. At home there is a tent. Turning the “plateau” into the backpack (the backpack was also a necessary attribute of the march), which was borrowed from the grandmother (she went to the selpo with him for bread).
The case is for conserves. I knew where my grandmother’s foods were stored. Mom repeatedly spoke to grandmother for the fact that she puts everything we bring in the warehouse, and does not use it for food and there, if you look for it, there will most likely be canned products from the first world war. My husband and I went to this warehouse. We were there for the first time. Finally, I could quietly study the content of the warehouse and find these canned “from the first world war”. For me, it was equivalent to the bullets found. After all, these canned foods should be the most suitable for the trip. I sent the wolf to look for the bottom, and I took up the upper shelves. What wasn’t there. Packs of salt, cereals, box of light bulbs, cans of salt, large bottles and smaller. In our present time, the warehouse could be called a mini-market. I took the light bulb and decided it was enough. The wolf found a bag of candy. I decided to take them with me, too. After all, if you reason sensibly, candy is more important than canned. After all, without canned foods we can do well, and without sweets is completely silly. But conserves had to be found, otherwise the journey will not work.
In addition to the shelves and bags, two large boxes stretched along the wall. High in my chest. Per there is the most valuable, we decided and tried to open one of them. The cover was heavy, which indicated the value of the content. I should have opened it anyway. Wolka and I tried our best, but the lid opened up literally 10-15 centimeters.
Unbeatable difficulties, I said. Run into the courtyard and bring brushes of varying length.
The grandfather of something in the courtyard and in a large pile of pile materials, a bunch of construction waste was rolled.
What length? I asked the wolf.
- Different, I clarified, large and small. Three or four pieces. I have an idea.
The wolf stumbled and brought four bulls.
So yes, we’re raising as much as we can now, then I’m shouting – let’s go! You catch this brush and squeeze in the crack while I hold the cover. I explained the plan to the wolf.
At three, we raised the cover again. I shouted – Come on! He strained like a stuntman and even struck. The wolf was small. He cleverly pushed the brush into the gap, I relieved the cover. The wolf roared.
You are what? I asked him.
“You went so loud,” laughed the wolf, “I thought you were crazy.
Nothing, I thought, it would be my turn to laugh.
“Now prepare this brokoli,” I showed the wolf, and we were ready again.
So we slightly raised the cover, replacing one brush with another, longer. I had to run after the brooks. Finally we opened the lid to a sufficient distance so that we could climb into the box. I put fireworks in the box and made sure there were preserves. And it seemed to me that they were the “First World War”. But they were so low that they couldn’t get out of here.
You’ll have to go down, I cheated again. I’m not going through, and you’ll just slip into that gap.
The wolf swallowed, but I promised him that I would let him choose a place for our campaign and the candy he would get more. For the wolf it was an argument, and I put it down. He cleverly slipped inside and... struck his foot with a brush. He jumped off the edge and the covers clogged. At first it was quiet. Then the wolf walked. I realized it was shit. There was a dilemma in front of me. Either to run for grandmother and grandfather, or to come up with something that would not be involved in this confusion and how to turn out yourself. The wolf began to scream. The sound was like from a crap. I felt as if he sounded loud, but it was as if the sound had been twisted quieter. I tried to raise the cover. It was a mistake. The wolf grabbed the edge, and I couldn’t hold the cover for a long time. The cover turned back, the wolf whispered even louder, but now because of the gap it became heard better. I pulled up again and raised the lid for a couple of centimeters, the fingers disappeared and the lid got in place. At that moment, I felt a bite coming out of the box. Whether the canned foods were unfresh, whether the wolf was overwhelmed, or worse, I thought, again there was the idea to call my grandfather and grandmother, but the instinct of self-preservation rejected her.
I understood that I would get a shaped shit for such an outrageous idea of cuddling canned foods. I just imagined what would happen. One day she stunned her grandfather with a grip, for he took out a slice of vodka from the shell. I unwittingly scratched my back, imagining what it was – a grasp and started to think of other ideas.
The wolf was already slightly whispering, apparently tired, I thought and decided to calm him.
Don’t worry brother, I’ll take you out! I lied to him, but that was the only thing I could promise him.
I was obsessed here. There were tools in the neighborhood. There was also the “Friendship” gasoline. My grandfather gave me a few times to hold when he was cutting wood and even a couple of times I tried to get it. Then, frankly, I didn’t even think about how to explain the dispersed box of canned food. I stumbled into the toolbar and found a gasoline. When I tried it, I realized that the idea was silly. Maximum, so that I will be able to pull it to the warehouse, but to start, raise and shave is unlikely. But the attempt was not torture and I put it in the warehouse. The idea turned out to be unsuspecting. Plus, I still imagined that I would suddenly crush the wolf unintentionally and then I would definitely be a universal shit. Or even worse, I’ll drink anything. My grandmother would kill me. The only thing that came out of it was that I lost my last strength.
It was approaching lunchtime and I realized that Grandma and Grandpa were about to return home. This prospect clearly discouraged me and shaken my child’s body. I really didn’t want to be caught up. But I firmly decided not to give up and lied to Wolf once again that the rescue process was ongoing.

After hearing the steps in the corridor, I mentally reduced to the size of a molecule and tried to completely disappear from sight. The capture was in front of my eyes. After a few minutes, I heard the roar and the grandmother’s screams. She called us and the wolf and ran all the way through the rooms, and didn’t want to believe that we went on a march. Then the grandfather walked through the hallway with a scream – I ran into the woods to catch them. Together with him, the grandmother, to run through the neighbors, to gather the people in search of two pets. Fuck, I understood that. Then it became quiet and calm. I was released and I mobilized. I pretended so much that while we are being sought in the march, I have time to figure out how to free the wolf.
I pulled all the tools out of the shell and tried alternately to squeeze, then to knock, then to smash the boards on the box. There was not much of the tail. Once the hammer jumped from the trunk and flew in the direction of the shelves. I felt the trajectory of his flight with my spinal brain. Because the zen was spread and the scented fat swept me from head to foot. I obviously lacked the strength to handle this box. The best thing I could do was to pierce the gap between the boards so that the wolf could look at me with one eye and breathe fresh air. Because my fears were confirmed, he went crazy. Here I remembered that it was my turn to laugh, but I felt some embarrassment. Laughing in such a situation seemed superfluous to me, and I decided to postpone it for the next time. Even though it did not smell very much. What came out on me smelled unpleasant. I poured sweets into Wolf's crack and reassured him with stories that I would now rest and raise the cover. You just need to rest longer and gather strength.
Later in the evening, the grandmother came back with a support group. She cried and thought that if we were to be there, and let it be. We will not scream, we will not scream. This information inspired me, and I was almost unable to give up. But the wolf asked not to leave the hole in order to see me, or he was scared. And my child’s brain suggested that my grandmother was pissing. She never missed the opportunity to mock us if we did something. And my intuition told me that this time we made something clear.
It was already dark in the cottage and I burned fireworks so that the wolf could see me. He periodically wondered if I did not get more strength and complained that my fingers hurt. His hands were lifted up, I thought, but I kept silent. The forces left me completely. When I was almost asleep, I heard steps in the hallway. Someone’s voice.
“Wall, where is your selfie? Behind them, a click of the switch and a sharp light blinded me.
God is mine! I heard the same voice. Val, go here - I understood that, the grandmother was called, closing her hand from the bright light, I didn't see who came in.
A few seconds later, the grandmother came in and shouted, “Oh, your mother!” And further non-memberly, but substantially. I heard a lot of unknown words and speeches. Someone reassured her and asked her not to histerize and calm down, so that no trouble would happen. My eyes became accustomed to the light, and I looked at the picture around me. A huge mountain of burned flashbacks, fantasy from candy, scissors, tools. And all this in a huge pit, in the middle of which I was sitting. The apotheosis of the painting was the “friendship”...
My grandmother was kept from the primary urge to give me puzzles and show me where the cancers are wintering. Honestly, I was not interested in knowing where the cancers are wintering, and will get puzzles, even less wanted. The wolf was rescued and taken to the bathroom, and I was locked in the room until my grandfather returned. He should have invented an execution for me.

The next group of rescuers went to look for the first with the grandfather. The rescuers returned from the forest only in the morning. I have already slept. I didn’t wake up out of pity, and that probably saved me at least from being caught. The wolf was considered the victim of my next outbreak and he got less. I was put on the belt by the first number. I didn't understand then, and here's the first number, sitting in the bench and pumping my ass. My grandmother read me again. I suggested that she dismantle the warehouse like the toilet so that no one would climb there anymore. Instead, she offered to dismantle my head so that no stupid ideas would come in there. I refused this exchange and I was offered to remain silent. The only thing I regretted then was that instead of us and Wolka, my grandfather and his neighbors went on a night trip. That was at least unfair. I enviously imagined them sitting in the woods at night, burning fireworks and eating delicious canned foods from the First World War.

Andrei Askovd (What it is)

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №67321
Dear smokers! Now in each pack of cigarettes one with a lethal outcome. The Ministry of Health has already tired of warning you, so decided to announce a joke.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №67320
C tape

About a thousand and a half of its inhabitants fled from the turtle farm, located near Sumerville, Georgia, writes The Chattanooga Times Free Press. According to the owner of the farm, David Driver, the escape of turtles was a big blow to his business.

0 to wtf?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №67319
XXX: What are you doing?
YYY: I have a job.
XXX: How is the mood?
You know this strange and unusual feeling.
xxx is?
yyy:I think it’s called "sleeping"

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №67318
Bionded: Long live it!
Bionded: The company called for a walk.
Bionded: And did not find any other fun than to play a goat (to hit the gates for failures, missed - one letter and so until the "Goat")
Bionded: Decided to complicate(More letters - more gambling))
Bionded: Played in Kerzhakov

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №67317
From the classmates:
I agree, I am a prostate.
Is it in Latin?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №67316
Google is
Question: What about CHO?
I’m ahead of Katya. A stupid question!! to
A stupid question!! to
Fuck to fuck!!! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №67315
From the article "26 interesting air secrets":
12 is In aviation terminology, there is no concept of "landing on water". This is called “fall into the ocean.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №67314
Oh, girl, I have something fucking...
You rarely fuck.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna