— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №84065
from JJ:

At the zoo, my dad was waiting for me. He is trading with oranges and I immediately had an association from my childhood... In general, it was a mistake to bring Inna to him and say:
No, this is not going! An unknown animal. They don’t know where to plant...
Dad was roaring, and Inna was complaining, apparently she didn’t look at Cheburashka (((

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №84064
xxx: I received satisfaction from my profession only once, when at first two copniks pressed off my mobile phone, not responding to conversations on concepts, knowledge of the criminal code and local authorities, and then the mother of one of them came to me in the law firm, help the boys to fill the case...
xxx: And it all went well, the menta increased exposure, in the siso fillability, and I have a feeling of profound satisfaction.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №84063
The Affordable Quotes:
Xxx: 10 years ago, when I was playing dendy late in the evening, my parents came and pulled out the food block, saying, “You go to school to get up early.”
Yesterday, I’m sitting in the kitchen, playing MacBook in a Dendi emulator, using the iPhone as a joystick, a girl comes in, closes the MacBook with the words: “You’re hot, you have to get up early at work.”
Xxx: What does not change in this life..."

Pont is counted!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №84062
He went to the City Court of SPB.

XXX: but the most striking - all polite that pps. seriously. At the guard at the entrance, they explained to me in a very kind manner what I should do for the purpose of my visit, where to go, who to ask, what not to leave in my pockets when passing through the metal detector... He climbed to the second floor - stuck in the guard. He says "Please go here to the end of the corridor and right"... Oh... Fuck, how did you know where I needed to go? Race what they said. He looked closely at me and found the right room. “Hello, please pass, sit down, you are on what issue?"... O_O.... The visitor chair is obviously purchased where the chairs are purchased for the board of directors of an international mega corporation... O_O... With three moves of hands they made me a piece of paper for which I came everywhere without leaving and even without raising a cup of tea. "Here, please do not lose, all goodbye"...O_O...The shock coefficient is scaling. I pass by the same guard on the floor. Goodbye and goodbye and goodbye! Kashmar, he knows where I’m coming from and he knows I’m leaving. Finally, I passed by the guard post in the hall - the guards up to the third: "Have you found the right cabinet? No reason! All goodbye, goodbye!"... O_O... Ppc has experienced a shock, so far the heart is beating. I doubt that this is a Russian government.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №84061
Insurance does not live from the individual customer but from the turnover. Thus e. Investment of attracted funds. Investment income allows you to pay customers, conduct business and the owner to ride on the cayenne and to snack the altar with omars. And non-payment for 1 insurance case - if there are grounds for it - for even not the biggest SK - a drop in the sea.
Congratulations to the Actualist.

And this is why insurance payments for OSAGO, for example, amounted to 55.7% of the funds they collected in 2012.Moreover, a significant proportion of these payments are the result of the work of not insurance companies, but courts, which, because of the fact that insurance companies do not bother themselves to seek legitimate reasons for non-payments, take the side of customers in the overwhelming number of cases.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №84060
From the entrance, the man took out a chair. He pulled his back forward, crashed into a car parked right on the passage, dropped a chair, and shouted "what a pidaras is parked!" After which I looked around the car, something whispered embarrassed, dumped a chair in it, sat down and left :-D

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №84059
I searched the internet for how to fight cockroaches. On one site, before writing the most sophisticated ways of seducing them, they described their lives and lives with such love that if I hadn’t had them, I’d probably wasted.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №84058
The Ldev:

This is:
Guy, I will reveal to you one secret: this is the meaning of fishing: to buckle and to hunt, to catch fish is not necessary.

Guy, explain what fucking thing are you crawling about this all over the internet and uncovering our little male secrets? After reading your quote, my, approaching the already assembled backpack, asked a question that I could not answer her: "Where is the backpack???". I went in the garage for half a day!! to

Admit, you are just an alchemist. The same, nihya not able, reasoning under the shell like all the shit.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №84057
Stanislav: Genna, why are you constantly offended?
Evgeny: I am not offended. Tanya, it just seems to you.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №84056
X: My work is like Doom.
Y : Why?
X: Arcade planning of buildings. Monsters in every office.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №84055
When the Russian Emperor Paul, in connection with the differences between the two countries with respect to France and Malta, declared war on Spain, the Spanish government refused to recognize the state of war, saying to the Russian authorities that due to the huge distance the armies of the two countries would still not be able to meet on land, and the navy - at sea, and therefore war is impossible.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №84054
Alina: So far

The wet tuber:
So far what?
Until death separates you?
Everybody at home?
Still hanging feathers on the hat?
Don’t answer Tom!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №84053
I thought here how wonderful it would be if you hit your head and suddenly forgot the passage of the fallout of the second completely...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №84052
Humans are strange creatures: first they stubbornly rush where there is no entrance, and then they look for a way out.

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №84051
The Caribbean countries host an international football tournament called the Shell Caribbean Cup.
So, in 1994, the most surprising event in the history of football happened.
A lot of people don’t believe it because it’s hard to believe.

So the Group 1. In the group gathered the teams of Barbados, Grenada and Puerto Rico.
Rico, and only one team according to the rules should leave the group to the next round of the final phase. The Grenada team won the first round.
Puerto Rico scored 2–0, while Barbados lost their match with the Puerto Rican with a minimum score of 0–1.

Grenada 3 points ball difference 2:0
Puerto Rico 3 points 1–2 ball difference
Barbados 0 points 0:1 ball difference

Consequently, to the last round in the group Grenada came in the first place, and it was necessary not to lose to Barbados. To take the first place
Barbados had to beat blood from the nose in the match.
Granada, with a difference of 2 balls. Everything would be nothing, if not the strangest rule of the tournament, according to which the golden goal in the added time was equal to two goals.

The last match of the group is Barbados-Grenada. Two fast goals.
Barbados led the match with a score of 2-0. This count, which satisfied the Barbados, lasted up to the 83rd minute. Unfortunately for the latter, the autogol virtually wasted its efforts. The score was 2:1. And the Grenadians stood up at their gates, defending tightly against the opponent – because a third goal in their gates would be a disaster.

Seeing that time is flying, the match is approaching the end, two defenders
Barbados (Seely and Staut) exchanging passes between themselves realized that their team would not be able to score a goal in the remaining minutes, and Seely changed orientation and deliberately scored a goal in their gates. “Chukcha is not a fool!”
After all, in this way he earned for his team a whole 30 minutes of added time, during which you can score one goal – “golden goal” – which, equal to 2 ordinary goals, will help bring the team to the first place.

Hurried by this development of things, the players of Grenada almost fossilized.
Everything got off the head: now the Grenadines have to score a goal. and then,
It doesn’t matter which door to hit the goal. And they, of course, chose the easiest way: they ran to score a goal in their gates! The comedy has just begun.

"And Chukcha is not a fool!" the Barbados, like Karpov in his best times, calculated everything in advance. They rushed to the opponent’s gate, and... began to defend the gate of Grenada from the autogol of Grenada. Behind the goalkeeper of the Grenadines stood the defender of Barbados Seely – he embodied the last line. To the great pleasure, delight and fatigue of the crowded spectators, in the last two minutes of the main time plus four minutes of added time, the Grenadians tried to score a goal - without a choice - in any gate, and the Barbados - defended both at their gate and at the opponent's gate. Just imagine yourself.

Barbados has survived. Grenade failed to score a goal. Even at your doorstep!

In the added time, the brilliant plan of Barbados worked. Player of Barbados
Thorne scored a "golden goal", which automatically stopped the game and made the score 4:2 in favor of Barbados. And by the difference of balls, Barbados won the pathway to the final phase of the Caribbean Cup. at the stadium
The National Stadium in Bridgetown was full of fun and fun.

Grenada coach James Clarkson was angry after the match:
“I feel overwhelmed. A man who intended to adopt such rules is a straight path to a psychic. The game, in which so many scared footballers ran on the pitch, should not have taken place in the logic of things. “Our players didn’t know which way to run to attack the goal: our goal or the opponent’s goal. I have never seen anything like this in my life. According to the rules and traditions of football, you have to score a goal in the opponent’s goal, not in your own goal, in order to win the match.

Well, if you still doubt the truthfulness of this story, then see it all with your own eyes: Video clip.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №84050
All of the channels seem to have come together. There is only negative news on TV.
Well why then? Recently it was that a member was beaten.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №84049
How to learn to read text twice as quickly:

stretch out your hand in front of you and take the imaginary mandarine. Do it right now. Imagine the color, texture of the crust, and possibly even a sweet, sharp smell. Then put it in your hands and feel the weight.
Place the mandarine in a position just above and behind your head. Imagine a mandarine hanging a few centimeters above your head. Lower your hand and completely relax your shoulders. Imagine that this magical mandarine is always there, no matter how your head moves.

“Doctor, what’s it with me – a mandarin is chasing me!”! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №84048
From the forum:
We need a programmer! Work is separate. Establish the program.
Details in LS.

Just below the stone: You need an architect, work a single time, paint the battery.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №84047
SkaN: Do you know the power of the columns is determined by the power?
The power – yes ?
See also: Oh
MrJeos: I can even write a formula)
Power = power = power

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №84046
In Japan, a cafe opened with a car park for goats.
I also have news, our courtyards have long been equipped with such parking lots.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna