— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139873
A gambling geography teacher lost his son in the city.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139872
A dispute with his wife:
HH: Okay, I agree with you.
No no wait.
Do you want to argue with me?
No, you want to argue with me.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139871
xxx: harassing her on the internet is not at all a male act, which you are here, probably, but it is not certain.

What are you, a sexist? He is a man, at all! It can be poisoned equally with others) Ppc bioweir would judge you for such words.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №139870
Discussion of the fitness tracker:
Yyy: There is love on the training list. and :)
XXX: In other words, will the bracelet recognize it?? to
Yyy: There is no sense in the beginning of the workout to turn on the mode and it will tell you how many calories you spent and what your pulse was at the same time. But I am sure that you can collect the desired primary in this way and configure the classifier.and :)
xx and give advice.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139869
The Parental Forum.

I read that breathing potatoes is harmful. He breathed all his childhood. without a result.

It helps mine. And can eat. Someone wrote here: put children to breathe - they ate everything. without salt. Very pleased were... My elders would also lubricate mushrooms...

- Reminded, the older one a couple of years ago also put my grandmother to breathe, and he covered out of the floor: "Ba! Don’t you have a swallow?"

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139868
In general, what is the way to appeal to the lost science fiction (which the snobs of literature do not even hold for literature, and, in principle, reasonably), which was written by people who did not manage in life even a team of twenty people and in the theory of control also do not understand?

I do not know how many subordinates Heinlein commanded, but in general he served as an officer on the aircraft carrier.
So, yes, the mind and the army are two things incompatible.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139867
A good job if the work does not burn.
YYY: It is burning! It burns very!
YYY: but let her go in the ass and burn there.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №139866
xxx: One time a student made an extraordinary brain extraction to me, because I forgot how in French “meat” was, and with little doubt wrote this: myaso. Yes, I wrote exactly that. And I could not get in for five minutes, what a jerk: it is written in Latin and means exactly what it needs to be.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139865
Q: What do you think about dismissal?
YYY: What is "dismissal"?
Zzzz: Probably the UW.and the deer.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139864
The usual IT resource.
"Fresh living brains", "dead mothers on organs", "fresh living brains"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139863
Judging by how the country is impoverished, we must fight not against corruption, but against the corruption fighters.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139862
My girlfriend is a pathologist. Every time somebody is angry with me, throws me off or drives me down at work, and I’m nervous, she hugs me and quietly says, “Don’t be sad, dear, they’re all going to die, I’ll spit them, I’ll break my gut, I’ll be paid for that money and I’ll buy us wine and snacks.”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139861
Another advertisement: "Yandex browser understands you from half a word!" What if for a year he couldn’t understand that I didn’t want to install him?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139860
The case was so...
In our family there has always been a tradition - to put a real tree on the NH, lining it with guirlandes and other scissors. Moving from my parents, I took on this tradition, but only the tree I have usually stands not only on the NH holidays, but a little longer - until March.
And here I decided recently to intrigued a new girl by the fact that I have a straw at home and she is even burning (I meant a guirland).
What was the surprise of the girl when I turned on the girland (I had not tasted it for a month without need), and it really burned (the rumor dried up).
What was next I do not want to tell, until the actual fire the matter did not come. And the new carpet and wallpaper and curtains and the repainted ceiling even slightly adorned my apartment (until the next NH).
PS A girl when she came out of the studio said that I had fun and stayed...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139859
Fifteen years ago, we were willing to pay to post our photos on the internet.
15 years later, we will pay to remove our photos from the internet.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139858
I recently asked a very silly question: what do you do if the world around you collapses?
And received a striking accuracy and strength of the answer: to find the nearest building of the arch structure and hide under it.
It helped.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139857
I don’t even know what a grant is.
UUU: a grant is when you have 5,000 rubles, you go out to a group of drunk student girls on the stairs and say, "Who is the best of all - to the money of the ladies!"
Q: Are we drunk students?
UUU: Most of them are undermined to dance, and you give a thousand the most plastic, the most sick, the one who turned funny in the staircase, the girlfriend of your sister and the smallest, because it's a pity.
Yes, in the case of the BFRT - drunk students - we are
Only a report is needed - where they fell, what they danced and whether it can be printed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139856
/ is great! I hope that applies to housewives as well.
and those who play tanks for 24 hours, sitting on their parents' neck - regardless of age.
And why not, let us drive to the concentration camps all those who irritate you: housewives, retirees, mommies with ugly crap children, disabled people and others who are still angry with you there. Just by what criteria will you hate the rest?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139855
I read about the prohibition of the Spanish website for the sale of chamomile roscoma
When he told a familiar chef, he replied, "Chamon now comes from the Tambov region, but here he stands as if he had been taken across several borders from Spain."
Tampov wolves are not chic, import replacement up to the import price

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139854
Two news in Yandex:
4 is In a hotel in St. Petersburg a guest was beaten, a man died
5 is St. Petersburg included in the list of the best tourist destinations of 2017

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna