— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №129479
>> Is it called "Why do you have such a hollow memory?", is it "And who does not know how to google here?", generally somehow synonymous.

It is called "I am a boring boring". Do not thank.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129478
Pfff, head of garlic
and ==
XHH: The little things are all. In the army, in the midst of colds, we were ordered to hang garlic over the barracks and carry a piece of garlic on a thread on our neck. Part looked (and smelled) like a special unit to fight vampires. There has never been such a good smell in our camp as then. Any soldier could eat a head of garlic like an apple.
and ==
In two months, I ate onions like apples. You will make the shell with a piece of black bread in a snack. Vitamins to fuck. and :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №129477
"What to say here?
The main reason for the defeat of the Russian national team is that the footballers' legs grow from the ass"
Coach Leonid Slutsky said.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129476
XHH: I don’t know if this exercise works for memory, I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s like fun.

Wow: I also know the exercise one for memory. Or rather a spell. It definitely works.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh well?

A brick slips on the wall,
It is hairy like a tram.
This song is about love.
Do not forget her.

Wow: For 25 years I’ve been trying to forget, Anne wasn’t here.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129475
The client sincerely believed that our program only works during working hours.
Apparently after 18 hours, the little elves who worked for our company, and who hand-drawn the data packs, tired went home. The day is over, everyone wants to rest.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129474
Advertising at the shop door:

"There are some aquarium fish. They miss the owner. Contact the Zoo Department"

There are some speaking aquarium fish. :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129473
"The SF offered to give benefits to motorcyclists who agreed to posthumous transplantation"

XXX: Trolling crusts at the highest level.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129472
I’m in the subway and I don’t touch anyone. There is a girl sitting next to the seat. Take a passport from the bag. Opening the last page. It plunges into reading.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №129471
The fire today:
xxx: Ivanov, I have not seen a single student in my life who did not pour water into his diploma. But you swept them all. No, you did not pour water into the diploma - you sucked it.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129470
Please don’t start talking about pregnant babies.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129469
Oh oh! I believe

was postponed. after their death they left 14 000 000 r inheritance (currently 2010).

The Belarusian millionaires are equal to us.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №129468
The stupid females of the cock, whispering about the difference in age, want to crush the head with all four volumes of a lionicolaic. For those who instead of the lessons of Russian literature made mines on subwoofers, I remind you that Nataša Rostova at the time of the meeting with Bolkonsky was 15, and Andreush himself - 31.
Tom Sawyer stole an adult black man when he was 12. What now?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129467
and realistic:

You are surprisingly naive.
Separate home for bombers
There is a department for such
And about the hammer, it’s even more funny.


On the first point: you probably do not know what is "clean" nursery, and what is "infectious"? All unchecked women during pregnancy are automatically sent to the last category. Whether they are bombers or just ideological opponents of analysis – no one asks them. Infection in a clean nursery is a scandal and unplanned washing.

And on the second... I want to point out, not to mention the humility of medical staff, maybe it simply reflects the hatred of pregnant women in society? "Ovelia", "recreated", "why should I give up my place to a grandmother only because she doesn’t know how to protect herself", that’s all.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129466
From comments in YouTube videos
"Cinema - Blood Group - cover (in Korean)"

HHH: I hope it is. They mention that the author of the music is Victor Tsoi?! to
Do not worry, they are the authors of Victor Tsoy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129465
I thought vasectomy would help avoid my wife’s pregnancy, but it only changed the color of the baby.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №129464
At the lecture our prede: I was younger, I ran at all conferences like a white. And then one day I run to work, hungry as hell I run to the hospital buffet. What are they selling for sick people? Right, candy, cakes and lemonades. I take a cola and chips, open in the office and eat. I say “Come in.” The patient enters and sees the picture with oil - the doctor gastroenterologist in his glasses, all of himself intelligent, and on the table an open pack of chips and Coca-Cola. The eye has 5 copies, and I say, “Come in, soon you can.”

So why I am, your task is not to put the patient on a strict diet for the rest of his life, but to maintain his health at a level at which he can afford anything in reasonable limits.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129463
111: Sprinkled natural gas - are there experts on the subject?
222: Do you have a mistake? Or is that the real name of the subject?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129462
In Krasnodar, a girl, in order to avenge the guy, jumped on the Audi cap, and then hit her glasses.It turned out that she confused the cars and spoiled the car to an absolutely indifferent man.
This is a classic car! 😂😂😂😂
No, this is the Queen of the TPS!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №129461
Yandex regularly offers to install its browser and... Regularly changes the locations of the buttons in the pop-up type yes/no
NN: It is a deceit!
I remember exactly that a couple of days ago I pushed to give up, to the right, and today I had to go to the left.
nn: next time both will be "yes"
nn: and on the other side a small "yes, of course!"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129460
I am the daughter of a pregnant baby boy, I write from the nursing house, believe me, here everything is not so unambiguous!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna