— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136661
XX: By the way, in the Americas-Europe, too, those are still scattered. We regularly came from the German warehouse in such a form that yeah yeah. The net weight is greater than the gross weight, the positions are confused... And the Belgians in general have been regularly amused: you write them a long, sensitive letter in business language, say, you could not, as a responsible participant in the process of trade, speed up timely shipment... And they answer you: “Okay, guy, don’t get scared!”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136660
XXX: I always have respect for people who can be persuaded in a dispute.
YYY: There are no such people, you won’t convince me of this :)
YYY: But maybe you are right.
Yyy: Okay, I agree with you, here I got hot.
XXX: I’m always very cautious about people who talk to themselves

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136659
XXX: I sat in the electric car. The seats are cold!
yyy: What I’ll help brother: Destiny is the best cooperative shooter on consoles, the new mass effect will be as good as the third part, and I think to take credit and buy an iPhone instead of xiaomi.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136658
I go to the office yesterday, I see the boss sitting on the couch and contemplatively looking at the inside of his hat. I come to say hello, he says:
I have a hat made from the fur of a dead rabbit. It is written on the label.
I read: "dyed rabbit fur".

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №136657
The older cat has been alive for a very long time, and I have forgotten what the cat in the house means. A couple of months ago, I picked up an eye on the street. The little thing has grown a lot, has mastered it all, and ruins the apartment. Today, a new cat ownership rule has been introduced - anything you throw into the garbage can be used against you.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136656
Nothing makes you hold the plank so smoothly, pulling your buttocks and stomach, at group fitness classes, as the desire to crack. And even when everyone has been allowed to rest, you continue to stand like that. If you relax, terrible things will happen.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136655
MaD_PiT: To be honest, sometimes I get embarrassed by everything that happens. I have lived in Khakassia since 2009, as soon as I moved, there was an accident at the hydroelectric power plant, then an earthquake, then flooding, then fires, now here is a meteorite. It feels like if the apocalypse begins in the world, it will begin with us.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136654
Once in my youth, when I still lived with my mother, coming back after another walk under the cockpit in this form to get in the eyes of my mother was a shame, so I arranged a whole exam for myself in the entrance. He walked on a straight line, touched the tip of his nose with his eyes closed, spoke all sorts of terrible phrases, such as "Sirenovsky", "Ingeborge Dobkunite" and so on. After an hour of training, I did all these things on the machine and satisfied with the result, a snack with a gum got up home. Opening the door and entering the hallway from the room, my mother’s voice heard: “Drank? I replied, “Yes,” and went to sleep.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136653
by Viktor
Today on the local radio listened to how precious or semi-precious stones affect the signs of the zodiac... each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain stone, and if he will wear another then will feel uncomfortable, may headache and you can get sick... you Lena follow these rules hope?
by 23:03
Well of course! I do not wear stones.
by 23:03
by Viktor
If you have a headache, it means that you wore not your stone, or you stood next to it.
by 23:04
What if it is in the kidneys?
by 23:05
by Viktor
Then you need to sell the kidney and you will earn money and the head will stop to hurt.
by 23:05
Well, for the buyer to choose a kidney with his stone

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136652
I ask Google Images for the word "gay". Google asks for my location. and suspicious.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136651
I just fell back into Skyrim... like a drug addict.
Yes, I played all night too! I usually pump heavy warriors.
YYY: In magic it is lazy to understand, to be a thief is somehow not permitted by morality.
xxx: that is, to run and tear all the tail you morality allows :D

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136650
Greetings from East Prussia.
ANKO: Are you doing something there?
Serega: Arbaiten) Mom said, you are a quarter German, fuck yours)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136649
As I did not try to endure, and from the next bottle of oriflame-faberlik-euroche still a rash.
I use it as a refresher. But the aunt who gives them to me is happy as an elephant: as soon as she does not come in, her favorite perfume smells in the apartment.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136648
One of my acquaintances idiot on the smartphone was a tariff on the Internet 20 years ago, paying almost for kilobytes, 100 rubles could fly away in a minute of surfing. We were sitting in the apartment and consuming drugs, he was sending me to the terminal to throw money to change the tariff, I was throwing it, and while I was going home, this fool was spending it on the internet again.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136647
The talk about television addiction began in the time of black and white TVs on two channels that worked less than twelve hours a day. But the older generation had no such, so regularly for fifteen minutes to watch - guard, addiction.
And taking care of gaming is not a disease but one of the symptoms. In the family, everything is bad, a person is beaten (no matter, parents or mistress, equally willing to dedicate every minute of a person to a beautiful one) - he unconsciously finds a way to get away from them, so as not to scandalize. Screaming about “dependence” simply replaces the relationship between cause and effect – not the relationship is bad, because with the gadget, and the gadget is scented, because the relationship is bad.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136646
Diamond: at 19:20 children are already in bed
Then, indeed, 12 more times to the toilet, 23 very important questions, 15 times to drink and 74 times to have a quiet night.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №136645
A little about the weather and feelings.
XHH: I went to work. has slipped. has fallen. I slept.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136644
XXX is Hi. Is the fire alarm false or not?
YYY: I don’t know
XXX: How do I know?
YYY: to wait
XXX What? The first bodies?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136643
Some die by being filled with life, and others by suffocating.
(The Apache)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №136642
The commander of our unit, Colonel Poltorabatko, was a typical personnel officer of the Soviet military school. Small in height, but shouldery and strongly shattered, at his fifty-two years, he easily ran with us on Saturdays a dozen crosses, coming to the finish one of the first. Usually on such a day he walked out on the doorstep of the barracks in a sports suit and announced with a loud rocky bass:
Paddles to build!
And after a few seconds, everyone stood up and looked at him with some fear. We were terribly afraid of him, for he was a man in his own right, and his hand was heavy. And he also had a Colonel's "Volga" chief, the driver of which was my root, the euphrator of Orehov, a penetrating pearl, with whom we agreed that Saturday to arrange for ourselves a little rest. In principle, we did not have any far-reaching plans, we only wanted to go to the cinema and buy halves with spices in the village gastronomy.
For this, they thought to hide me in the luggage compartment of the Volga, and after Orehov takes the colonel home, do all this. The Colonel's car was not checked at the KP, and it was only a quarter of an hour to the village.
They did so. As soon as the guard called the garage, I got into the trunk and Oreh picked up the car to the headquarters. As I hid, I heard the colonel, who was going to the car, talking, judging by the voice, with his secretary Olga Petrovna, who was sitting with him in his office. Before that, I spoke to her a couple of times when I carried a correspondence there. Olga Petrovna possessed a lush perhydrole headhead and a large chest, rising above the table by the ravelins of an inaccessible fortress. With us, the soldiers, she stood harshly and, taking the letters, only shrugged her head silently.

Opening the door, the colonel sat Olga Petrovna on the rear seat, after which, shortly bursting, - Free until tomorrow, - took the keys from the jumping Orehov and sat on the driver's seat. The nuts confusedly replied "yes", I in fear stumbled in the trunk like a mouse under the wreath and the car touched soon onto the track. Under the shocky tires, I occasionally heard the bass of the Colonel and the ringing laughter of Olga Petrovna.
Ten minutes later, we turned from the asphalt to some ground, and the car clearly smelled of a needle. Obviously, we walked into the woods that stood halfway to the village. For a while, the car trembled on an uneven road, then turned and stopped. In silence, the sound of the door opened and the back of the Volga slightly passed, from which I realized that Poltorabatko moved to Olga Petrovna. For a few minutes, a silent conversation was delivered from the salon, then everything shrunk for a short time and a little before me was delivered by their mutual arousal, leading to the most bold thoughts. And a couple of minutes later, Poltorabatko, apparently, went into a full-scale offensive and a light thunderstorm was heard from the salon in tune with the dissatisfied scream of Olga Petrovna. Probably, the colonel could not handle her socks, as a result of which he simply shrugged and broke them with his hands.
In response to her protests, the colonel again rushed into the attack, and soon the outraged cries of Olga Petrovna began to acquire some rhythm.
I barely breathed in the posture of a Pacific crab, convulsively guessing what awaits me in case of discovery, namely, our unit commander will cut me off or immediately on the spot and shoot me. For some reason, I turned to the last option.
The Colonel, meanwhile, as a babouin in the period of marriage, continued his difficult work in good faith. Just like in the cross, he chased the backward, counting loudly - once or two, the left! - he and here loudly counted his progressive movements - once, two, two, two! Every time it makes me shake and shake my ears.
But nothing, as is known, lasts forever, approximately five minutes after this action, the speed of the colonel's account increased noticeably, and the most responsible moment came when he cried out as Tarzan, and Olga Petrovna screamed.
The car was walking on the sidewalk, and I, in horror, sat even stronger in the trunk, holding my head and praying that the colonel would not open it out of need. Fortunately, they didn’t need a suitcase. There was silence in the cabin again, then the smell of cigarette smoke came, they talked a little more and we finally moved again.

The colonel first arrived at the house of the officer and landed Olga Petrovna, who lived there, then, rather swirling, passed a few more streets, parked at his house and left.
And I remained lying in my prison, trying at least somehow to shake up the tortured body and not to think about what awaits me next. And there was nothing good to expect, I was threatened, at least, by a hauptwachta, or something worse. And then, in the very moment when I was almost saying goodbye to my young life, there were voices, the sound of the opening of the castle...
In front of me, our colonel and his wife stood with bags in their hands.
Something had to be done urgently and I, not finding anything better, kneeled before them and, giving honor, boldly reposted:
This is the baggage baggage!
The Colonel’s wife whispered out of surprise, and Poltorabatko himself, having opened his eyes, stood on me like a ghost. Then, scrolling something in his head, he thoughtfully stumbled and, touching his wife, sneered:
Free to you, soldiers. Follow in the part, report to the officer that I have released you. Are you clear? “When I put the emphasis on the word ‘everything’,” asked the Colonel.
So exactly! - I shouted in response, got out of the luggage compartment and stepped back into the part.

I have to say that there were no punishments for this wolf then followed me, and Colonel Poltorabatko until the very dumbel when I saw me always smiled and whispered hiding a smile in his thighs.

by robertyumen

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna