— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №5175
Commentary of the goalkeeper about his standing in the frame:

Despite the fact that I keep my legs stretched, the point is one of my strongest places.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №5174
I searched in the net Prodigy and when I found on the museum site in the section =retro=....I understood, I got older

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №5173
Talk about quality products with modified genes.

Eat this sausage, then the bodies are broken down for 20 years instead of 10 for everything.
222: And I will eat it for the harm of all, and my corpse will occupy a place in the cemetery for centuries.
333: It seems to me that you, stucco, are going to rise again...

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №5172
WOW: it hurts(( I thought it would hurt only the first time, and then I get used to it, and the shake has been two weeks and still every time some discomfort... especially the first few minutes( but most importantly, I like it!!! Fuck her with the ass.)
zzz: I still hope you are talking about bicycle again now...or am I wrong? O_O

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5171
I want to shine, and besides naked, nothing.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5170
Have you ever tried drinking vodka in an airplane? If not,

Definitely try it. Failing inside is wonderful. Me is

The knowledgeable people taught.

We built a kindergarten in one of the Ural district centers.

Sadiq, by the way to say, was wonderful – at those times such

It was little. Swimming pool, sauna, winter garden, computer class HP

Completed and other.

Here is only the French water heater for the swimming pool with local

He didn’t want to be electrified – he burned all the time. We decided for him a trip.

In Moscow for repairs. Sensor of water flow

received at the request of the manufacturer. Here, I have a reason.

Home flying appeared – birthday happened, we and a friend heater

We were also taken to the airport. And this heater in the appearance of the PZRK

"Stinger" reminded, especially those who have not seen these Stingers. immediately clear

There will be questions on inspection. I have a separate heater.

so that it was more convenient to show, and the flow sensor was moved into the bag.

We arrived at the airport a little late, and the inspection was the last. friend

I walked forward while I was digging near the metal detector. I watched, asked

He told him about something, he replied, two police officers twisted his hands behind his back and

led to. I knew that there would be questions and those mentions would say, “Wait, say,

I have a second part of the heater.” I said when I also

led to. He was taken to the local airport department. Our things in

to the chamber, and to the colonel. When asked by the police officer:

"What is it in your bag for a pipe with wires," - my friend his

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I forgot the detonator at home.”

He added that the “second part” is mine.

We explained to the Colonel that our mood was raised in connection with the day.

My birth and we joke, and his subordinates have a sense of humor.

is absent.

Colonel, for some reason, we immediately believed, but finally figure it out.

commanded the officer. He returned things to us, brought them to his office and

He asks:

What is your birthday today?

Yes, I say, here’s the passport, it’s written there.

- Yes, - he pulls the time, - but here you when you fly to Moscow, as

Would you note?

- Cognac we will celebrate it, - a friend in the conversation intervened and in the bag

Show the cognac.

What am I, Red? The boss says, and climbs to the table behind the glass.

We drank a little and we were late on the plane.

“Don’t worry,” the chief reassured, “it won’t go without you.

And. He took us to the summer field and set up an electric car so that we could

The plane arrives. In the electric car was a police officer.

Some kinds of shit in the covers hanged. I go in with the sergeant.

In the plane – he went to the pilots, and we went to the salon. We are, we are

We can't go, we can't go, we can't go, we can't go, we can't go, we can't go, we can't go, we can't go.

He sits and looks at us. Everyone’s eyes are tight like a wire.

Their shoulders are such that when they are sitting straight, they pass by.

There is no salon. Among them, there are two free places.

We stood up and ate through their shoulders, looking at their places. The Village.

They look at everything carefully. A friend could not stand it and asked the men:

What happened?

- No, no, - the healthiest of them turned to us - interesting

Simply, you are who?

And you are who?

- And we from group "A", the exercises here were conducted with the locals, they taught them.

to fight terrorism. And who are you? Not even on a plane with weapons.

They let.

We understood what the sergeant gave up to the pilots for the "chicks". Weapons there

It was. And the pride immediately appeared - the builders are allowed, and they are not.

We met the men, we got the cognac, they also had them with us.

They taught me to drink. It simply fails inside.

It is wonderful. Terrorism then appeared, and it did not yet exist.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5169
Our justice is on average just, only half of the convicted

It was better not to plant, and not to release the other half.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №5168
Deflector is fucking fucking!! Elijah went to work. As usual, we boarded the bus. This is an ordinary carousel. As usual, all places are occupied. I went to DNS. Somewhere on the road was a brake. All such: "What happened?" Drivers: "They broke a little. Now 5 minutes and we will go." Takes the mounting and the key of the hook and goes out of the bus. He enters the front, bends and that it does there begins. Well, we sit, I hear the driver knocking that it’s there. Everything is fine, the people are calm. But suddenly, fucking... The bus on the hill stood, and the driver did not put on the handle, nor on the transmission. Carroce, the bus left a little back. And what do we see? She sits, fucking drives on the back to the bus, knocks on the montage on the crane key and sits... Suka, in Karos, almost the glass did not fly from the explosion of laughter. Fuck you know how we will go home, who will be lucky. 50 km is...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5167
This is about my former love!! I want you to read and remember about me! at least I would understand how bad I really am without you!There is silence in my apartment, only the rain is knocking at the window so hard. The sorrow of hope plagues me. spring is in the yard and I am still alone. Maybe I’m waiting for you, but you don’t come and you’re silent. What else do I need to do so that you recall me sooner, I know it’s a problem. You are happy with another and indifferent to me! how can I now heal my soul? But the feeling for you is still very alive!I hate you and I love you right away!I can't tell you about it anymore! It is my fault and I ask forgiveness. I don’t want to let you go for it! forgive me if you can and don’t keep the evil! at any time you will know all the horrors of love! Please bring to the top of the abyss, this is my last chance! Thank you in advance! ???

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5166
Are you pulling from torrents?? to

† Black Jack †
56 kilobit fucking modem - torrent killer...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №5165
The paper trees will grow.
With aluminum fruits that mature will fall on the blue carpet of rubber grass.
Yippidy yi yippidy yi yippity yay
They are filled with plastic animals.
They are the victims of wood predators.
and the grain of the plush birds will be clotted.
The pork grain, yes
Silicone snakes and titanium worms.
They will hide in the nurses, crawling through the pins.
Chernobyl’s health ministry warns last time...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №5164
Kirill ‎(14:23):
Give up!
We live in an anecdote:
He handed over the documents to the signature of one of the directors of the stores, knowing that the man is not beautiful (blonde) of the place where her signature should stand, marked with a sticky Post-it signature (a piece of color, the sticky part is transparent), and wrote her name with a pencil on it.
I get the documents back, so you think, my pencil is thoroughly wiped out and there is a signature on the top of that label, that is. You can stick it off and paste the signature elsewhere!!!!))))))))

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №5163
She works in a textile factory. And when her little daughter in kindergarten was asked, "Who is your mother working for?" She replied, “The noise...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №5162
1: yes, it was the case I entered one of the best universes of the country...but I did not! Failed in the delivery of documents! and :)
2: How is it? O_O
1: How did he not give up! and ?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №5161
GT: Here is the referee
GT: and he was stuck on 30 sheets.
Stewart: I understand
GT: Something to be removed from US history
Baseball and flight to the moon

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №5160
A phone call...
She: Do you pump my classmates from the computer to the phone?
I: emmm... you understand this site is like that, bla bla bla... What phone do you have?
She is: 8918823...
I wanted to die! and ((

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №5159
I met her fun. When they were at sea with the Kents. The Virgin is not quiet, but decent. On the second date we sit in the evening on the beach. The shootout in the sky blinked like a meteorite or hz. She grits, asks for a wish. I looked at her in her swimsuit and thought... The week!! She replied to me quite real and with a smile so sweet: guess another.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №5158
Chapter 4: The Love? O_O
sHkipeR: ah, sexas... with a cover
4ipolina: give her a baby, take her ;)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5157
[20:41:23] * Comes to: lhotski
[20:41:57] <lhotski> Hi everyone
[20:43:08] <all> hi

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №5156
Recently there was a meeting of classmates. One of us, while we were all in the kitchen, scattered the bags and spares a guy a few thousand rubles from the wallet and a girl a thousand rubles. Let us explain everything to him that it is not good to do so - his name is Dima Kostrov, phone - +79217596840, home - (812) 7427854
Please bring it to the top!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna