— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №128939
It is discussed news about the possible imposition of sanctions on Poland by the European Union

XXX: It is so bad. This is how you live, you rusophobic with all your strength, and according to the command of the soul.
Then Russia and Germany divide you.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128938
It is not humanitarian:
I am a mathematician:
The translator:

<<I may not understand something, but "furniture polish" out of context translates precisely as "Polish furniture" ( "polish furniture" would be more correct). "furniture polish wax" - no longer "polish">>

You do not understand something. In English, the order of words is important outside the context. Google "substantial in the meaning of the adjective". What is before the substantive is almost always an adjective, except for articles, etc.
So furniture polish is furniture polishing, and polish furniture is Polish furniture (or polish, if it is a verb, here yes, the context will tell).

That is "furniture (from) Poland" is not an option at all?

Furniture from Poland - furniture from Poland, furniture from Poland - furniture of Poland, or Polish (with the big letter, aa) furniture. A furniture polish is precisely furniture wax for polishing. Nail polish is a nail lacquer, not a Polish nail. Don’t worry, mathematician, it’s better to find proof of Ferm’s theorem or what you like there.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128937
In the chat:
A: I was fired from work, 25 May reason I am not adequate I laughed at them
B: and escaped at sunset

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №128936
Harsh day of protection of children in Chelyabinsk. The children were given balls, and then forced to solemnly release them into the sky. First, the children were offended, and then the older groups. A strange celebration.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №128935
Conversation at work:
A teacher at school told me that if I was studying badly in the future I would have to unload the cars at night.
Why exactly at night?
zzz: Because, apparently, during the day they are unloaded by those who have studied well.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128934
Thirty-year-old Vova surprised to discover that he has not yet become a businessman, was upset and signed off from the publication VKontakte "Secrets of successful people";

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128933
50 hackers arrested for stealing money from bank accounts
Best commentary: Skolkovo Raskatali

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128932
- Many requests are received from your address, similar to automatic requests. Prove that you

Not a robot.

Bite my shiny metal ass!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128931
The average man does not consider childcare a job.
He thinks it’s like splashing and the grandmother is resting all the time.
If such an average man in business, he will not pay a babysitter.
This is not work by definition. This is a rest and you can save money.
The average businessman will better invest this money in business development, and this can mean the purchase of a new car.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128930
I went to the bank today and heard something wonderful.
The young couple is advised on consumer credit. Take to wedding. They leave the application, wait for a decision, sit on the couch.
She is:
200,000 is not enough? On the other hand, Uncle Elshit from Kogalyam will come.
He is:
We counted everything. Without Uncle Ilshata – one hundred fifty, with him – two hundred.
I want to see Uncle Ilshita! :)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №128929
He went to the quarter and shared his impressions:
"It is terrible there. It was really terrible!) they stood three! Three dumb men stood in a drawn "magic circle" in which the "demon does not touch" and thought about how to run to another room, because this demon stood near the door with a squad.
The cock.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №128928
<1> How long do you have to go?
<2> In the seven.
<1> How much is it now?
<2> em.. six hours and seventy-three minutes

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128927
xxx: I have a former here asked, something he has on the phone I recorded as Bambi
XXX: He arrived in 10 minutes
Isn’t it an elephant?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №128926
I have a married girlfriend, let’s call her Catherine. In April, Catherine and her husband went to Thailand and visited the XX show, yes, on the very place where the girls from their genitals in the spectators bullets, and such a admired, enchanted and at the same time concentrated look of her husband Catherine had never experienced on herself, she wanted to experience it on herself.

Upon arrival in her hometown, our Catherine firmly decided to her goal, read a lot of literature and came to the conclusion that first the muscles need to be trained, bought two metal balls in an intimate store, moved into herself, trained all day without regretting herself, then switching to housework. By the evening she went to meet the faithful from work, on the way looking with him into the store, walking along the shelves, Catherine sneezed and heard the sound of forgotten balls that fell and turned to the feet of her husband.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128925
111: Imierok indicated in the resume that you can give him a recommendation.
222: I don’t remember anything like that.
He writes that he worked as a translator with you last summer.
222 I remembered. It was such a name. Well, I will not tell all, but we said goodbye to him after he "furniture polish" translated as "Polish furniture"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128924
XX: Yes, it can be spent a lifetime to understand the coding in Python.
yyy: ah, and on the tombstone will be written "Ћ­­ in Є Ё­Ґ ᬮJ";

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128923
In the apartment.
At the end of the 1980s, I was a young specialist at a large defence enterprise (in Soviet times, only companies directly manufacturing weapons were included in the defence industry).
The loudness. In the hall, a kilometre-long list of rows for housing was hanged, and separately changes in the rows for the past year. I came out of curiosity to read, ohh.
The apartment received 1 (one) person - a veteran of war on a preferential line. Several people resigned, several for some reason changed housing conditions, and they left this line, 1 rookie died, and also left. and all.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128922
At 9 p.m., December 31, the whole family prepares salads and other apparitions for the New Year, and here everyone is aware that the bread is over! They sent the head of the family, so he went for the bread for a long 14 years... A friend at that time was not 2 years old, their subsequent meeting took place at his funeral... By the way, he never found a full family, there were no more children, and he died of drunkenness. This is the turn of fate.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128921
Dear, I am filled with you in the throat: let me eat at least calmly.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №128920
Once the students noticed the passing fat Ivan Andreevich Krylov and, deciding to joke about him, said loudly enough: "Look, the cloud is coming out!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna