— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128879
A private person who doesn’t marry girls, you’re so funny.
You don’t take female workers. Okay well. You decided it for yourself.
So why are you stumbling?? to
Does someone force you? ......
Or... no, it can’t be! Or even conscience?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128878
xxx: in clothes she adheres to a free style. This time she was wearing a shirt, a valley.

and Sombrero

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128877
“I got caught up in the saleswoman like a clover. He was silent as a partisan. But I was more encephalitic.” It is a metaphor!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128876
No any problems. As long as the male has a grandmother, there will always be a desired breeder.

Dick and vice versa. As long as there is a bubble, even very small, there are always hot students kissing my cellulite and wrinkles ;)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128875
Astrologers announced a week of ambulance.
The number of ambulatory patients has doubled.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128874
Every time I read a quote here, about the fact that astrologers announced a week of something there, the memories are flooded, and I am stuck in the heroes all night)))) thank you, man reminding us why we are here!!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128873
Father’s friend is called by advertisers on mobile. The mobile phone on the site of arrival is displayed. The case in Omuri (which is important). Then the dialogue in translation, at that end judging by the accent - the black aunt (which is also very important).

Hello, can I talk to Mr. Panteleimon?
YYY: On the phone – no, not.
XXX Why?
YYY: He is dead.
XXX How?! to
yyy: He was caught, imprisoned, tortured and killed.
XXX in jail! Who is!! to
What does "who" mean? The government of course.
XXX: It can’t be.
YYY : Believe me. In the year 305 of our era. In the bondage. It is saint. The Martyr. You call the church.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №128872
My aunt has three grown-up sons, and with all three sisters, if you listen to her, it’s not lucky. The elder’s wife at the time of the wedding was a student and “didn’t imagine anything.” The younger's wife - "Of course, it is good that with education and her apartment, but old-fashioned, all 25 years!" (Tanya's aunt herself gave birth to the first child at 32, but who cares in particular). When about the upcoming acquaintance with the bride announced the average, the whole clan with curiosity died. She just defended her diploma, worked in her father's business, worked on a model.

- There is no good light in the eyes, - summed up the aunt and went to suffer from the lack of perfection in the world.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128871
I always like to hear about forensic-linguistic examinations) I always present a dozen clever eye-bearded uncles at the table, a dictionary on the table.

So let’s start?

* Press the dictionary button, there is a loud "Gone Naked"

What do you think of that, colleagues?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №128870
I was flying in my dream today.
You are growing.
At my age, they no longer grow.
They grow. In the width.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128869
This is like people are invented very competently, such a complex system of organs, and everything works! I think this is still a beta version. Several bugs are thrown into the eyes. There are nails on the legs, for example, a nail is not needed. You don’t go down the trees, you have to cut them all the time. And the appendix also doesn’t need toughs... And the teeth of wisdom... And the fools also:

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №128868
I once was a biker.
with a horse untouched,
with a head shrinking,
With a leather belt.
Now I am married,
I have a mortgage.
and two sprinklers,
Puzzles and passes.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №128867
We are in Vladivostok. Often there is a misunderstanding about the time zones with the Moscowis. A colleague during another quarrel with the head office in Moscow:
“Yes, I understand that you think of yourself as the brain and that we are the ass of the world. But if the body begins to work while the brain is still asleep, it usually leads to sad consequences.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128866
XXX: It is time to build data centers on the moon for backpacks.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY And send a daily backup there with a pack of disks using a catapult.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128865
Diamond: Until I got married, I didn’t know that it was possible to remove milk from the refrigerator incorrectly.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128864
In Ufa revealed a religious sect of treating with cloth and healing water. This sect is called "The Legacy of Ancestors".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №128863
Wrong like a butterfly, miserable as a bee. Be like a puppy! ))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128862
To this:...I begin to slowly remember: the realtorcha works in Peter, in the Petrograd district...

There is an old Peter’s joke:
The inhabitants of the Petrograd side walk only on large and small, and the inhabitants of Vasilyevsky Island also on the medium.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128861
Notice from Habra on the most interesting articles. Two titles in a row:
Yandex employees will represent Russia in the C++ standardization committee
"Why I no longer use modern C++"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128860
I will answer :)

The question has been tormented for a long time...
Girls with poor vision, how do you paint your eyes without glasses?

How and how. Close to the mirror(( Before I finally bought contact lenses, I painted my eyes, practically leading my nose through the mirror (vision -9, so it’s not an exaggeration at all)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna