— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128819
About Stellaris:
xxx: The game is somewhat very strange scientific research arranged, roulette somewhat. I have to explore colonization and rockets, and I’m getting some shit. The ship's editor is also sad.
YYY: The same thing in life.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128818
I took a day train from Moscow to Belgorod. With me in the coupe a woman of 30 years with a son (in appearance - 10 years old, although I can be mistaken, in children not especially sick). He almost immediately fell asleep, so I realized that in Moscow they were in transit and were driving tired. Well, I, then I read the book, then I throw into the nard on the tablet. And a conductor walks on the car and offers everyone who wants to move to SV for a small fee. I thought about myself at the time: “Hah! Look for fools. A new comfortable car, cleanliness, silence, inadequates are not observed. We are not bad here.

And then the boy begins to have severe diarrhea. He slides between the couch and the toilet, holding the bottom with both hands so that it does not break down the road. After a couple of hours he seemed to be humbled and fell asleep, but trouble came to him in a dream. In general, he sprinkled deliciously with the "dirty", woke up, then, naturally, confusion, tears. I also have tears in my eyes – I felt at that moment that my mom was feeding him exclusively with car tires.

In the end, I took advantage of the generous offer of the guide and moved to the SV. I decided that it was not necessary for the guy to add extra complexes and in general to somehow focus on the events of the last couple of hours. So I picked up my stuff and pretended I needed to go out at the nearest station, said goodbye and wished a quick recovery. The rest of the road solitude and fresh air, for which he thanked the ubiquitous corruption component.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128817
One day, my sister and I were driving home from one beautiful southern city of our country, not close, three days. Our parents, of course, thought of us in advance, and we got our seats from below, both. I was 12, a sister of 15 (I don’t know why it could have been without an adult escort).

And now it’s time for the road, we sit on the lower shelves, we wait for our neighbors to come, we’re ready to change, I’d drive up, my sister down (on the top she was always afraid). And then half of us.

A minute before departure comes 2 well very full women, "fat bone", kg of 130 each. “Yes, you both get up and we are down to get up.” Their tone was blurred and the sister did not like it (she decided everything. I have had 12 years of their great inclination. The demand was rejected, despite the further cuddling "the youth has gone", this warmed our rejection even more, this is a matter of principle!

In the end, we stayed on our seats and the aunt on top.

Everything would be fine, but every night we slept badly, afraid that the shelves would fall on us. The car is big, the car is old. We imagined that if the shelves could not withstand, we would be crushed. It happened, neither yours nor ours.

It ended well)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128816
On the backdrop of posts-remembrances, I remembered how my father entered the university. He was 83 years old, he was from the village. After finishing school with a friend, they began to think about where to go. There were no specific goals, the choice was difficult. After leaving the bus stop, they decided that "which way the bus will go, to this city and we will go to enter." The first bus went to Ulyanovsk. Both finished the UGC. Located in Ulyanovsk.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128815
Today my cat right in the veterinarian’s office attacked the mops. From fear he stood right in the hands of the veterinarian. It was a shame until the owners of the mops told me that they had brought the dog, because she could not go bigger for the third day. Finally went.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №128814
Are you using drugs?

I: We both know very well that I don’t make enough money to make drugs a problem.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №128813
Translation of:

“When I was about 9 years old, my neighbors asked me to take care of their fish and cat while they were on vacation, and I kind of gladly agreed, and when they left, the FISH WAS DEAD, so when they arrived, I apologized to their mother for what she said like ‘Don’t apologize, I turned off the filter to let them die because there’s too much with them. You’re not to blame for anything” and she gave me 20 backs – that’s the story of my first ordered murder.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128812
Dear people people!I have a birthday today, I wish you and myself less gossip and more good, good humor!Smile to you!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128811
thx (15:38:29 30/05/2016): chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, sausages, strawberries
thx (15:38:30 30/05/2016): thx*
Mu (15:38:42 30/05/2016): sickness and sickness
hgh (15:38:55 30/05/2016): the wicked is the evil bread
Wow (15:39:11 30/05/2016): and the hdeb is the lost bread?)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128810
From comments to the article"We extract platinum from road dust":
I already imagine this DIY in Russia. In the case of illegal trafficking of precious metals. From the indictment: "...why he maliciously collected road dust."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128809
Within the framework of the “Night at the Museum” campaign, 2 excursions were planned in the local museum – the first started at 17:15, the second at 18:00... at 19:00 the museum was closed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128808
Xxx and Hi! I can’t... I’ve got the viruses out in chrome again((((((( Can I remove it at all? Now that’s out, I won’t even talk about it (cwl)
YYY, we are adult people. Let’s show it on the dolls.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128807
xxx: I put a brick with a note on the cover yesterday. I, a bad person, have taken the place of good people and for that they are prepared to make my life much worse.
xxx: on the back of the note was scanned the page of the passport with a signature
xxx: there was no disagreement, but I have a persistent desire to seek from them in court to return my faith in people.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №128806
I walked near the river in the bus a aunt with a folded hoodie and other stuff in a bag. And I stumbled on her all the way, and she became angry, thinking, apparently, that I condemned her for her unfeminine enthusiasm. And everything in my head was turning: "Normal spinning, a non-zinertial coil, with a haircut, a load, a hook-s-nook and a float. She has a spinning and does not flash, why live like that?and "

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128805
I read on the cover of the magazine the title of the article "What to do if you are a carrot". I thought, and really what to do. And who has such problems that even the articles write. It turns out, "carrot" is a type of figure

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128804
In the courtyard for the fourth time in a few hours, the same woman walks a diving
Someone seems to have diarrhea.)
What a nightmare
WOW: In my opinion, "diarrhea at Newfoundland" is something from the opera "good that cows don’t fly"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128803
20450: Fantasizer next, or a fool? The landing lasts 15 minutes, during the flight to the toilet, the turn, if of 2 people, no more. Which airplane is in the toilet line??? Get up early from the chair to pass passport controls faster? Thank you, I shrugged from the heart. And to the same. I often fly abroad, nowhere else to stand on passport control. Where are you flying for 2 hours? In the same Peter, where aircraft arrive every 2-3 minutes, and then control is free. Do you lack room for hand luggage? And don’t go up with the bull that I fell into the luggage to hand over. Under a small bag of space in the niche above the seats is more than enough.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №128802
Lyck: I looked yesterday on the beach at smoking mothers and climbing like horses ten-class girls and realized that seeing grandmothers covered with tattoos does not threaten us: they will not reach old age.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128801
The last one is out... Primadonna, fucking. Because of this, people are late on flights. Next time you will get on the flight such a "star" - personally with his elegant female pen will give you a moustache!

First, the buses are usually served two or three (unless it is a corn farm for 15 seats, but there are all discharged very quickly), and nothing interferes with those who did not provide a normal time gap between flights, get into the first bus and fly like a wounded rush. Secondly, five extra minutes (to get up, pick up hand luggage, go down) are the reason for delaying on another flight? seriously? I never encountered.
I always get out of the plane one of the last - while everyone is crowded in the passage, you can put yourself in order, turn on the phone, sign off who needs, check the mail, order a ticket for aeroexpress or call a taxi. I come in the last bus (where the people are not filled, like a bowl in a bowl, but normally and freely standing) and get careful at the moment of unloading the luggage on the tape, which saves me from fifteen minutes of nervous waiting in a hall full of people, in the absence of any places to sit. The Profit!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128800
The wife takes a note at night, saying, "I need to write a course!"

Judging by the history of the browser, the theme of its course consists of several parts: "Cats drink milk", "The Terrible Secret of Anna Semenovich", "How to pump the press quickly" and a bit "History of Roman Law".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna