— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128779
I stood next to the club and a couple came out. He is a slope of a metre under two, all in gold, on pants, in sunglasses (it's at 2 o'clock at night). She is a fifa in fear and with lips on half the face. The straw approaches the flower, begins to pull flowers. A smoking boy approaches him:
I’t touch those flowers.
The bread is broken, you are not asked.
Dry up, he said!! to
Zhlob pulls a huge grasp of his passion, and with enthusiasm whispers something like “You are so romantic!!!” and bury in the flowers with their destruction. Then he turns to the boy:
You don’t understand romanticism. Do not lie down! The flowers are sorry!! to
- No, I just tried to say that there is constantly being removed from the doorstep...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №128778
In the pharmacy:
My husband has problems with erection. Do you have any pills?
This is a great tool!
These are the pills for weight loss.
- You drink these pills and your husband gradually improves erection!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128777
The unrespectful rush from 20450. In a plane, the toilet should never be closed for an hour before landing. This is not a train from which everyone runs on the rails. Everything is hermetic on the plane. You can go there while waiting for an invitation. could have. If someone like you did not deliberately block the passage.
And as for the luggage shelf, I have never encountered a situation that someone did not have enough space there. In the extreme case, call the stewardess, and she will find a place for you, even if not above your head. Although not, then you will not be able to get your luggage in the first 20 seconds after landing. Because again your friends have already blocked the passages.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №128776
Where are all the old comic books? Why do comics only appear from Lin?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128775
Hello, how did the date go?
YYY: It was, more precisely, a very unexpected pitch...
XXX: What is it? She said she was an athlete, a beautiful woman. We also communicated via Skype with video.
YYY : Heh Smart, fun – really great! Beautiful is unrealistic. But here the athlete... On Skype, only the face was visible.
XXX: Is it fat?
YYY: the opposite.
Xxx :?? to
yyy: She turned out to be hard-working in bodybuilding and powerlifting. It should have been seen! Her shoulders are wider than mine, her hands thicker than my leg, with a thin waist and a gorgeous buttock. And all this relief like the bodybuilders, the press cubes even through the dress were visible!
XXX: Have you said goodbye?
YYY: It is not. First, she is really cool. Second, she kissed almost my soul and said after that that with her strength can do something that guys can not even dream of ;-)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128774
Are there anyone in the studio?
I drink beer at home.
Alexey: Pasib, Ilya, was very helpful
The mood has improved.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128773
Morte88: Yesterday I went to a friend next to my former school. I see two boys on a hockey pitch with... clothes. I play hockey at the end of May. I was without glasses, so I approached closer, I watched the picture: 2 boys with cloves, a piece of square-shaped linoleum, about 2x2 meters, a few shades on it. And the guys in turn train the throw...Shaiba slips apparently well and they throw in different ways: then from the brushes, then from the mock, etc., from place to place..I stood and admired..just beautiful...Well, I left to find lenoleum = )))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №128772
by 20450
He jumped first in the plane. He wants to be the first to get a passport check. Or you are also a sidewalker, constantly cutting and playing chopsticks on the road. Well, the majesty has no rules written, he is the fastest of all. There’s a lot of something in Russia about pidaras (I’m not about sexual orientation) like you with a swollen ego.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128771
The > difficulty literally.
More accurately
I remember under the store we constantly implemented crowdfunding projects:
> Will you be the third?

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128770
There is a bunch of cluttered products and a package of ultra-pasteurized milk. The boy gets milk, poured into a bowl. He smells and drinks pleasantly. The following is the slogan: "TradeMark* is not Masha, "TradeMark* will wait".
by : : :
Often there are a series of advertisements of one product on the body.
The series 2.
The thief is released after 15 years. When he comes home, he sees milk in the refrigerator, reads the label, opens, drinks and says, “You too have lasted all the time.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128769
<D-general> When I was a kid, my parents often said I would understand everything when I grew up. I grew up, but I didn’t understand anything.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128768
* must answer the question of
Question: What about your potency? How they are angry.

Not a hero. He will respond so "with the potency I have great! Do you want to check it out?" And it’s a big deal. Next is only meaningless dialogue in the style of "nu and fool"- "nu and fool".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128767
The issue of cleaning. I remember two of my fellow servants sitting down and condemning their acquaintances.
The first: - I came to a friend at a visit, while she was cooking something in the kitchen, I picked up the carpet at her in the room, and there is dust!
The second: - And I was here at the snail, I feel the urine smells (there was a baby-splash), I looked for it, I moved the desk away - it definitely smells! Under the toilet she is dirty.
Would you see me (with a family of 4 people) rushing around the apartment before a second lady’s accidental visit! There are no spots on the plate? Under the toilet? The carpet no longer started to lift, I decided - fig with it!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128766
hurt the knee. I can walk, but a fixing bandage is required. The leg in this bandage does not fit in the jeans, so I walk in a wide shirt almost to the floor, which somewhat does not fit with my usual not feminine way.

My colleague made a compliment:

You are so unusual today! Such a flying air! Like a badminton carpet.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128765
Today I stumbled on a beautiful: In the section "Audio Books" placed the magazine "Penthouse 2016"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128764
12:56 < dsmirnov> the glass is always full
12:57 < dsmirnov> because part is water, the rest is air
12:58 <+tomfarr> dsmirnov: brilliant!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128763
The weekend. at home. I hear, a child that there is strength for something heavy colostrum on the balconies. I explode with the thought "how many neighbors have already slept on their balconies?And I immediately sit down with devil’s satisfaction. It is my grandmother!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128762
by 20450
I don’t know whether to support you or beat you for being the first to jump out of the plane. Probably to beat. T-shirts like you confuse luggage, carrying someone else’s luggage instead of your own. Fortunately, I took the documents out in time and put them in my jacket pocket. I found my baggage only on the other side of the border, because a rush like you has the intake of everything and all that needs to be held.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128761
Beginning of 2000. One day, my husband and I went to a cafe with live music. The location of this establishment was not the most prosperous. We are young students, slightly relaxed and in a good mood. We were lucky to sit in this cafe with two beautiful ladies. Overwhelming conversations and joint drinking of hot drinks, dancing under live music. Here my companion went out to smoke and came back quite overwhelmed. It turns out that the citizens came to him from the neighboring table (there were 5-6 young people) and very polite asked to pick me up and pull me out of the cafe, because of the fact. The girls looked at them, they sat down before and were going to meet them, but we broke them all the raspberries. Otherwise, the comrade and I were promised to break my legs, arms, and other outputting limbs. Retirement in good and healthy was not part of my plans, throwing out ladies or arranging a fight also felt meaningless. I walked to the musicians and asked to congratulate my comrade on the award of the extraordinary militia title and put a good song. As should have been expected, after congratulations from the chancellor, our loud cries of congratulations, the ringing of glasses, the hugs with the ladies (the ladies, by the way, were terribly delighted with the acquaintance with the organ workers), our offenders quietly rolled away. We spent the evening mentally and morally, getting acquainted with the organs, you know.

P.S After this incident, my comrade abandoned his studies and went to law. He has long and successfully worked on a new specialty, and our country has lost one engineer radio instrument maker.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128760
The sign "children in the car" was invented in the wretched West. It is needed in case of a car accident to give a signal that there is a person in the car who can not help himself, pull himself off and get out even if alive - and more likely to have suffered in an accident than an adult (that is, doctors are absolutely needed, even if the driver got off with a bleeding). Children, unlike adults, are not always visible through the glass, and their bones are more fragile.
In addition, rescuers, seeing the sign on the glass, but not finding the child, understand that he could have flown out of the car and need to look for him.

But in our country, where no one wants to help anyone and even considers it a personal insult, if they ask for help, where healthy men hang a sign of disability for the sake of benefits, where it is inappropriate to insult and humiliate children in the name of politics - in our country this sign is depreciated and no one needs a naphyg.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna