— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128759
You will go out into a clean field, breathe fresh air with all your breasts, breathe quas, and life is good!
Of the whole list, we only have quas.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128758
Cultural people should go to the theatre. We gathered, we went. A beautiful four-hour show. During this time, at least 30 times people have phone calls (many have not received a call once, they do not try to turn it off, I can't see), about a third of them answered calls and talked. There were also girls with selfie sticks. And the ladies behind my back brought for a 4-hour performance for adults a 3-year-old child, who periodically nodded naturally.

I don’t understand culture.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128757
The cleaners

They smile and say that cleaning is their hobby, and the love of cleanliness is considered the best of their qualities. Coming home from the street, they dress up naked on the threshold, without touching anything, take a shower, and only washing off the "street dirt", go to their "sterile" rooms. Signs of misophobia include fear of any pollution, avoidance of public places, reluctance to touch surfaces that other people have come into contact with. Sometimes the fear is so strong that it causes nausea, panic, the desire to escape. People prone to this fear greatly exaggerate the possibility of getting sick, which is carried by microbes, and perceive any contact with dirt as potentially life-threatening.
Scientists have long proven that people who are constantly engaged in bringing their territory to shine are more likely to get sick. Passion for purity weakens immunity, making the body more vulnerable to bacteria. Purity obsession leads to the spread of various types of allergic reactions, in addition, "cleansers" are more likely to develop depression.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128756
I know at least two fields. One is the writer and the other is the transistor.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128755
What kind and kind people in this country! Announcement on Japan and immediately the first stone:

A cat came to us. Boy 1 month. I would love to leave, but in the house 2 adult cats. The third is not banal.

YYY: How you pull.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №128754
NegativeCreep: the star landing did not read?
NegativeCreep: if we find a highly developed species of ants, we have a puddle
Si_Key: The Current Watched
Si_Key: Serg, I’ll tell you more, whoever does not find us, we’ll have a shit.
NegativeCreep: I think XD

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №128753
Dear women, girls, girls and some men! How long will you pull your balls in your hands at the level of your knees?

Just before the time when the transport will stop cutting up the bags hanging on the shoulder. Unnoticedly pull out the wallet from the "bull", which is at the level of the knees, is much more difficult.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №128752
I am for the sign "Children in the car". You know why? Because children at a certain age to get off and get out of the chair have already learned, and the dangers do not understand and are listened to over time.
And you have to turn on an accident in the middle of the stream, come to the outskirts and engage in education.
And sometimes you will not immediately notice that your child has come out of the chair and quietly does his business in the back seat.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128751
No one word!
What horror

I saw, by the way, as in the car on the front seats are sitting two clusters, and from the back, looking between the seats, stands (!) The child. And all this at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour. So far I think it was their spare child was, or just the intersectional ganglion replaced by the sticker "Baby in the car"...

And I grew up in the 80s, when it wasn’t that there were no car seats, they didn’t need to be attached. Well, did not rely on the rear seat safety belts, the design is not provided. <...> How did he survive? But it’s just a mosquito, not a dumb one.

In the 1980s, this was a period when traffic was so furious (as opposed to the current time) that the MKAD could be crossed at the peak time and not get under the car. Try to float the MCAD at least in the deep night. to survive? Your words are simply "a systematic mistake of the survivor".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128750
Peter, you have a wonderful name. I have a lot of acquaintances with this good and glorious Greek name, and they are all great people. Do you know how the name “Peter” is translated from Greek? It is translated as “stone”. All of these people really have a stone in their soul. Someone has a precious one, someone has a glove of character... But here you have a strange stone. It seems to me that this stone is coprolite.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128749
The question of unhappiness.
When I, terribly afraid of tooth pain, treated my teeth under general anesthesia, I dreamed... that I was treated my teeth, in detail, in detail, with all the sounds, smells and sensations.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128748
Can a photon shine?
No, it cannot be. It lights - this means it emits photons, and the photon itself emits nothing, it only carries energy.
It can light any source, lamp, sun, and so on.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128747
As Herman Gref said, in a couple of years, Russians may not need bank cards.
In the last few days, this is the second statement of a senior official, reflecting the real state of the economic situation in the country.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128746
Not quite understandable:

A friend’s nephew found a suitcase with documents. I decided to earn a thousand. He came to hand over to the owner and... for half a year in court told me that he did not steal.

I want to earn a thousand dollars, how? He called the owners and said "Drop the thousand and your documents"? I don’t know what to be surprised here.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128745
Good luck to you, health, love and lots of money!
Can I have more brains?
Heart and Courage.)
I don’t give it all right away. and Goodwin.
Wow: Then just brains and the Emerald City.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128744
My faith allows me to have two wives.
What religion is this?
Belief in yourself!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128743
The prime minister on the grave to write: and you stay here

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №128742
I am now on the route, the one that runs between the cities. It is called Minsk-Bobruisk. About halfway the car stopped at the sidewalk. Around the forest, residential places and does not smell.

The door opens, I hear the voice of a 20-year-old man. I say, take it to Bobruisk, but there is no money.

She refused, “What should I do?” He closes the door and goes on. The woman after 5 seconds says, let’s take him, pay you for his road, and stretches the driver for 60,000. Brake the car, called the guy, went in, learned about the payment, thanked the woman. And here in his eyes the straight from the heart "thank you" is not at all.

I was sitting with a man and we decided to give my aunt back 20,000. The guy slipped. But it’s all mega-respectful! Even ashamed of myself that I didn’t even come to mind to do like her...

This is how we go! Do the good.

[ + 27 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128741
The answer is simple. Both were Jews. Extremely Right" was both the extreme right chauvinist of the Promised Land". Liberals are descendants of the Belarusian Hashids. But both were, I repeat, Jews. And this fact for both was infinitely more important than the polarity of beliefs.
Didn’t you think they were just good people? and :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128740
Being unemployed is not so bad.
and AGA. If you have a horse, a plug, a mansion and your name is Leo Nikolaich Tolstoy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna