— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139053
Oxyd sharpened the blades. Damn shit
moveton‣oxyd now a crumbled rod in the floor does not do a hole, but a slit?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139052
D: Let’s go to the concert of the group "Crematorium"!
M is NO!
D : Why?
M: I don’t want to be in the crowd of non-young people who, however, will be younger than me.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139051
I was driving to the sea somehow. The train, the car, the summer, a bunch of knockouts with children go to rest. I am on the top shelf, lying down, reading. And then I notice (in the evening it was, the appearance of itself) that in the placard opposite and diagonally on the upper shelf lies a thian and looks at me. He stares and even smiles cuddly. So I smiled. We began to look at each other and blink. I liked it, it was wine on her face. Half an hour later, I began to show her with gestures that when everyone is asleep, we will go to the tambour and sweat. She was not against. And when everyone fell asleep, I approached her and realized that I was flirting all night with one mattress, folded, and what I took for my face was a game of shadows. It was, and still remains, my loudest file and the most shocking success in my personal life (to break down on sex in half an hour, you don’t drop it from the first time to enter).

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139050
In the past, I became a computer genius because I knew where to look at the keyboard layout language on the password screen.

A delegation of important partners came to us, the entire headquarters sat down with them in a large negotiating room, and here Tony resorted:

Save me, everything is broken! Where to buy a new projector? Our old is broken! We connected it, the light bulb is burning, but it shows very bad! I see nothing!

Okay I say. Let us see.

I go into a conversation, say hello to important birds, remove the lid from the lens, say goodbye, go out. Behind the door I hear an admirable whisper.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139049
But the homophobes and those who consider the word “feminist” defamatory are the same people?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139048
Dan: If I’ve understood everything right, this year Hollywood promises us: a new Alien movie, a new Batman movie, a new Guardians of the Galaxy, a new Pirates of the Caribbean, a new Transformers, a new Force. and :(

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139047
Has anyone removed the horrors? :D

Watson tried it. But it was "Summer"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139046
xxx: So glad that the program has been thinking without mistakes for a week...
YYY: And what then?
xxx: It turned out that the report of errors was broken :-((

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139045
by Baikalvod

Water can be drunk anywhere. Some only once.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №139044
A writer – a fantasy

Here is a real case. I published a book at EXMO. Sales statistics are such that at the end of the month I received as much as 550 (five hundred fifty) rubles.

It would be interesting to read the text of the EXMO agreement with you. And also sales statistics in the coming months.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139043
In the UK, sailors report a decision by the Navy leadership that put an end to an era in the history of the navy. Military on ships were prohibited from watching porn films and holding erotic magazines on board.
“First they stopped giving us the daily portion of rom (this old tradition was abolished in 1970), then they cut the allowance for alcohol, and now pornography was banned,” a British Navy officer complained.

— — —
So this is what he is, "backbone of the Royal Navy".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139042
With Geektimes:

xxx: sterilized cream, for 2 years of standing in the safe they did not deteriorate in the microbiological sense but completely lost consumer qualities - the fat separated and the taste was unpleasant.

Why did you keep the cream in the safe for two years?

zzz: With a note for the robbers: “Congratulations, you removed the cream”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139041
Ukrainian oligarch Firtash, who is also linked to many Russian business groups, has been detained in Austria at the request of Spain and will subsequently be extradited to the United States as part of a case initiated by companies from India. What an interesting life for a man.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139040
I learned two things today.
1st The printer toner is very bad for drowning in water.
2nd Wiping out a worn toner in the toilet is a bad idea.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139039
I read the book.
There two aunts went to the barber shop and, if you believe the author, came out of there in 40 minutes, painted and shaved.
The Lord! I love fantasy, but everything has a limit.
No one has abolished the laws of nature.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139038
Good fools, they are their own everywhere.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139037
Create a database for an organization. One of the fields meant gender. Well, we determined the internal structure - 1 - men, 2 - women. The feminist programmers were outraged, as it is, the man again ahead. Suggestion that the number 2 was no more in the name did not help. To change places, confusion will arise because we are already accustomed to the designation. The results were 1 for men and 0 for women. And the order was observed, and no one will confuse.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139036
Hi baby! Is your dad at home?
I need to know who you are?
In what sense?
“If you’re from the tax office, then Daddy went to collect the bottles to feed us. If you are Jacob Moiseevich, to whom Daddy owes money, then Daddy was buried two days ago. And if you’re Mark Efimovich, who owes to his dad, he’s at home.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №139035
Tell me, to be sure, how to determine that this is propaganda of godless homosexuality? These are everywhere read lectures on the theme of the superiority of homo- over hetero-? Millions and billions of leaflets with texts describing the charms of homosexuality? Articles in every magazine that urge to urinate family heterosexual people? Flaming speeches with calls to join the movement in every kindergarten, school, institute? Forced homocysteine transfusions to healthy heterosexuals?
Help me to find out!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139034
Enteo is a former drug addict with heroin-burned brains. Most Orthodox people start scratching their teeth from one mention of his name. This shit has done more to discredit the RPC than all the atheists combined.

Well, "what pop, such and coming" If Enteo is held in the ranks of the pastures, does somebody need it?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna