— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139013
Funny story to you for the night) from the first mouth - the current that happened to me and my mother. Calls her a guy, grit I Alexander Korablev, Sberbank, our grit conversation is recorded, and we saw today through the cameras that you grit not themselves used your card. My mom was a little confused, right? He asks. He says I ask you to block the card. Mother decides that they are fraudsters and throws them away. He immediately calls back, I take the phone. talk away)))
Why do you throw the phone?
I: Hello, repeat, please, everything you said before and take into account - the conversation is recorded by me.
He... in the sense? to repeat?
I am in direct. Repeat everything you said.
How to repeat?
I: Repeat, I want to hear it.
He (the tone instantly changed from intelligent to ballt): and you are so intelligent?? to
How cute you are!
He: You don’t even know how cute I am.
I: I don’t want to represent. Happiness to you and health. Do not call here anymore.
He: and you good luck! here I now think... maybe it was still Sberbank?))))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139012
Weather in Novosibirsk

I was turned by the wind yesterday morning when I left the house and imprinted to the corner of this same house. And I couldn’t get away from the wall for a few minutes and feel good until I stopped. I wanted to already write an explanatory text to work: "I am late because of the wind".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139011
In my aquarium, the water is at the bottom. Some algae have already risen from this pit and have crumbled in the fresh air. Now I wait for the fish’s legs to grow.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139010
In essence, all our parties have one political program – a tough and uncompromising struggle for budget money.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139009
“Everything around Soviet, everything around mine.”
As I said before, during many of my investigations, things happened that were much more interesting than the investigations themselves. Here is one such case. I think he is something instructive.
In 2003 I was taken to the city of Denver, but not the one in Colorado, but the one in Pennsylvania. Regular inspection of the branch.
The place where we arrived was a complex for breeding animals for medical experiments (dogs, monkeys, rabbits, rats, mice) and also a quarantine for imported animals. The complex of buildings and offices was sufficiently large (no less than 5-7 hectares in the total area of buildings), for many thousands of animals, and the total area was over 50 hectares, and most of it was occupied by forests and fields.
Now a little retreat and a story about the customs and customs in Pennsylvania. Many jokingly refer to this state as "Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Kentucky in the middle", suggesting that there are "Kentucky customs" in the depths and many deaf corners between these cities. One of the customs of the depths of Pennsylvania is the devotion to hunting. This is not a hobby, it is a lifestyle. Children from 8-10 years old are taught to care for weapons, shooting, terrain orientation, safety rules at hunting, carcass cleaning, etc. Many boys, and girls, at the age of 12 (as permitted by the law) receive their first gun as a gift and go hunting themselves.
Of course, the rules are observed (at least they should). For example, there is a hunting season with a bow and a bow (during it with firearms to hunt most animals is not possible). There is a hunting season with bullet guns. There is a hunting season with cutting weapons (but semi-automatic is prohibited). And of course, respectively, the seasons for different types of wildlife: deer, cockroaches, salmon, bears, rabbits, phasans, ducks, ducks, etc. Of course, the laws regulate the seasonality of hunting at different times of the year, but the peak falls in October, November and early December. In these months, hunting for a lot of species is allowed.
Men (sometimes ladies) wait for this time of year and when the season approaches all the mass take a vacation and disappear for days and weeks in the woods. And at home, their families, under the guidance of wives, maids and mothers, bite, dry, roast, cook, steal the prey and prepare sausages, cocktails, steaks, etc.
The time of October – December for our client was archival. Almost all staff are on vacation. Not to let go, the most important time of the year for hunters. No one is going to miss it (from managers to garbage makers). If you prohibit the descent, people will just start to be fired (yes, everything is so serious about hunting), and in the deaf to find adequate frames is very difficult. Moreover, it is difficult even to organize as a substitute staff. All temporary workers are also hunting.
If you can somehow redistribute work in other companies, this is almost impossible. There are thousands of animals in quarantine and just in the squares and cells which need to be fed, treated, sent to clients, taken into quarantine, and just cleaned up for them, etc. They cannot wait until the hunting season ends, they require daily care.
The founder of the company in the distant 70s invented "Solomon's Solution." And what if people were allowed to hunt directly on the company’s territory. Forests and fields are private property of the company, the territory is a lot. Let people not take a vacation, but just come to work earlier for a few hours of their shift (well or stay after) and hunt for their pleasure, naturally following all the safety rules and the law.
The people made this decision on a hurricane. Everyone is very and very comfortable. I arrived early in the morning, hunted for a couple of hours and went to work. Two, strangers in this territory are not, only the employees of the company (well, and subsequently members of their families). Everybody has long since broken up, hunted together, helped with what to pull the carcass, divide, take away, etc. Yes, there are no strangers there, but laboratories with animals are nearby (and there is a risk that the angry Greenpeace will appear). Three, for hunting in the state territory or on private territory usually charge, and here such a very pleasant thread.
The people of course took such a gift of fate seriously. For their money they hanged signs of private territory, equipped towers for hunting deer, laid paths, equipped places for cutting bodies, built parking, places for picnics, etc. Forests and fields were cared for by themselves, without the request of the owner of the company, all year round. They themselves carved the grass where it was necessary, the tree fell - immediately volunteers appeared, sprayed and cleaned, were treated as their own. And how else, they themselves (well, employees and their families) hunt here. Outside the season to walk through a well-maintained forest, allow for lunch or after work, one pleasure. Scatters are placed. The soul sings.
And that happiness lasted for almost 30 years. The founder’s owner became old, sold the company to one corporation, the corporation to my client, but the tradition remained. People for the happiness to get a job in this complex considered, in the line to the vacant place became.
Every good thing ends someday. From the office of the head and chrom appeared a big boss and began to wave his head. Oh you are shit, oh you are shit, he says. Who allowed it, he said. You’re hunting here, he says. We don’t have insurance, he says. I will swallow and swallow, he says. I do not forgive. All fucking, finite la comedy.
“Where are you looking?“He is in charge of the complex. “You have the brains to be, what kind of hunting on corporate land. I will destroy this guerrilla at the root. I forbid to stop immediately.” And I went out. And after a day or two, an official letter with a ban was sent. And it says, if you will be hunted - dismissal on the spot plus criminal prosecution for violating the borders of private territory.
And this is just before the beginning of the season, nobody naturally took a vacation, all that was planned on the territory of the company is hunting (she is for them as her own, native) Managing the complex and says, "I understand all the men, the season. I am a hunter. This is an official ban. If you want to go on vacation, I will sign. But please do not go, for such a schedule we are not ready and the animals will be bad, we will not manage. So decide for yourself.”
The men are accustomed to the manager, yet they have worked together for 20 years, their boyfriend. They scratched their teeth and missed the season so they couldn’t get rid of it.
Of course, this did not save the manager. He went to the main office for Christmas holidays to look for the truth of the uterus, well, and he was not trained in the depths at his home. He did not know how to lick his ass in a large corporation, he said what he thought and was asked to collect his personal belongings (although he did not lose his earned pension, that is true).
Well, the second season in a row the men were no longer missing, they massively applied for a deserved vacation. I had to look for a replacement for a month. Where to get it from the deaf? I had to bring from other states, and transfer to pay for hotels. And the hourly tariff for temporary employees is not so hideous.
In 2005, we came back there, too, with a regular check-up. I was so surprised that the corporate spirit disappeared. We went out for a walk in the woods during lunchtime, and you can see how it started. Who will take care of him?
Then we arrived in 2007. The reason was to investigate one event, but it is horrible enough, so I will not spoil the mood and appetite of the respectable readers by describing it. In fact, there were no difficulties in the investigation, just the unfairness of the supplier multiplied by the negligence of new employees led to very sad consequences and huge losses. Most of the old skilled employees were fired, and recruited those who would not have been allowed on the threshold before. What a white rubbish.
After lunch we went to the forest for a walk. It’s all grown, a bunch of buryan, a bunch of shattered trees. Some kind of garbage, fireworks, some kind of waste. Turn and go back.
Last time I was there was in 2014. There are less than a dozen old employees. The forests and fields were finally grown, right behind the buildings began the "jungle". Surprisingly, wages have increased. And the managers divided, wherever they spit. The human spirit ceased to smell.
This is the whole story. There is morality, but what is morality? Make your own conclusions if you want.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139008
There was one family. They had an arrangement: the days of the week are the fault of Him in all troubles, and the days of the week are the fault of Him. On Sunday, for balance, Cat.
They did not argue at all.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139007
The controversy about homosexuals resembled an interview with a priest who whispered to women that they dress lightly, thus provoking rapists. Further, the father said that today specifically paid attention: everyone wears unfairly short shorts, shining with bare legs and not only. It was about Moscow and winter, and for a month the temperatures stood from minus ten and below. And I, unlike my daddy, have never met ladies in mini and naked legs.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139006
xxx: I walked through the websites of jobs and the question arose: is the green carrier a job or the size of the salary?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №139005
In his Twitter account, Dmitry Malikov appealed to his followers with a request to protect him.
“Today Kurt Cobain is 50! How long has it been, take care of me! I am also about 50,” the artist wrote.

Users of social networks called to give Malikova a gun and offered to "brain-shake."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139004
The Uncertain:

The woman became on electronic weights - 66.6,
I was 77.7
Buying a lottery ticket or calling an exorcist?

Wife from the Devil
You are from Portland.
Relax and accept as truth, this is life.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139003
A Question for Girls:
So for me (I am a man) the girl depicted in the picture with puppets is quite romantic (well, all that), and do women like such male faces as depicted in the picture?

YYY: I did a survey. What else to do at work?
The subjects admitted that appearance may not play any role if
"There is no man’s cheek!"
As such can act:

Horses on the cheeks (two voices)
- "Bad Look" (nine years ago)
The Voice (Thirteen Years) ) ;
- beautiful oppa ( seven votes )
Skill and ability to dance (8 years) ) ;
Tears when viewing the Titanic.
Lovely cattle (4 years)
A single grandmother!) ;
- reading poetry of the silver age (one );
Unusual – sense of humor (one aunt – I)
I don’t even know what exactly... (all fifteen).
Smart and sensitive (all fifteen)

In general, if you can crack nuts, have curly hair, have a magnetic look and a charming low voice, love poems and dance, and, of course, have a "chick" - congratulations! You are the average ideal man of dreams. Appear to the people, miracle!
Added one more:

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №139002
We sit in several departments in one open space. The head of the neighboring department since mid-January has been looking for a man for the place released. For a couple of weeks, he acted as a canonical sexist of feminist horrors, discussed with all the subversionists that candidates who do tasks well, completely unsuspecting, he will not take such in life to work, because the husband for the tone must work with beautiful and sexy... And it would be nothing, but this Monday a boy went to work. The subversions of the female part of the collective on the topic of the inflatability of the boy offend him terribly for some reason.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139001
Shower thought: the cosplay of three inquisiteurs can go to absolutely any festival

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139000
No, men’s salad is cold peelings with mayonnaise. Individual gourmets can add green onions there.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138999
My name is like everyone else! Alexis is a lot. I want another!
A: What is what?
X: Like the Vikings type, nickname or name.... I am in battle!!! to
A to silk?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138998
xxx: Blade, as symbolically...I took out of the house not the stump that I had already stumbled...
YYY: What is it?
xxx: Well, I have a package of these stickers for strength, vitamins, and so on. And I greatly randomly pulled out a weight-loss with a laxative effect.
XXX: I’ve done it all.
The day will be a fairy tale.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138997
> some Ralph Fiennes, widely known in narrow circles for the role of Wall de Mort.

Oh yeah Here and lived Reef Feins (this is how his name is read) to the titles "some" and "performer of the role of Vol de Mort". Look at the "Schindler's List"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138996
If you catch the bars, then you are the devil.

The BOBs are expressing a strong protest!!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138995
I know, of course, that Google machine translation is not perfect. But the little phrase from the product name on one Chinese website brought me into a stupor: in-ear headphones inserted in the back of the head sports run.
I have long thought about the Chinese anatomy.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138994
The encyclopedians were overwhelmed. "Any cook can install a screw". Many start to panic that the computer does not work, I go into the office and say "Documents remove from the keyboard" and you know what a popular answer: "I have no documents on the keyboard".
I send a repeat request "Documents remove from the keyboard" and then a miracle happens: "And, the documents lie on the keyboard"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna