— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №83005
From the bike forum:
The people are illiterate and the salespeople are very upset.
The husband of a cousin's sister was coupled a bicycle with a gas amortiser (wild). Brother to me: Mishan go let me show you what my son bought for 25 thousand...
I ask him: what kind of gas foam can air??? (What do I think of ourselves?)
Well, there is an ordinary Stells with a start-up level hydra and a PCT fork with an elastomer (a circle curtain is also the easiest). I’m like a roasted roast: and where is the gas? He is like this: well, I don't know, they said the guy immediately under your weight fill the fork with gas (damper), only you then don't touch anything... muddy... The hardness twist was twisted and the pump depicted a wild pump.
So I'm not surprised that people are stupidly coupled with these wonderful units under the appearance of professional-level veils, and when we all look at them as idiots, they think that we are just crazy and jealous of their self-made.)))

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №83004
Russian people: coco, in Europe, big wages, honest officials and the laws are observed! And we bribes even take lighting, salaries 10 thousand and eternal 146% * pulls out of the wallet the last penny for the next utility payment, shocks a fist *
The government: breathes up, looks at the sides in confusion, mourns, grumbles, but suddenly clarifies in the face of the gay marriage in France! The Swedish families. The disgrace! Growing up our children! The Propaganda Law! The penalty! The penalty! The Traditions! Say NO to European infection! Fight the gay!
Russian people: * wide clamps eyes and obediently hates homosexuals *
Tagged: o_o
The government: Fuchs legalizes slavery, sells the last Ryazan mud to extraterrestrial invaders and plunges into corrupt Europe.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №83003
Do you want to play the piano tomorrow? :)
2: Do you feel the irony, the crawler asks a simple programmer to drag a piano? and :)
Do you raise 60 kg?
I get up from bed at 2:64 every morning.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №83002
Here’s what I didn’t expect, including a porn video – so it’s to hear the "Palacho’s Bride" of the King and the Joke band in the background of what’s going on about___O

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №83001
Tyki Mikk: And when I studied in 1st grade I drank almost without drying... mostly vodka... like we drank about 1.5 liters of vodka per person... 3 hours I drank probably... then I first grabbed a protein... the next day I was dragged by the smell of vodka to embrace a white friend...
Tyki Mikk: After this incident there was another 3-4 drinks to protein...then I decided that vodka I still don’t like
Max Art for [Tyki Mikk]: what is Taras protein? How it affects you.
Tyki Mikk for [Max Art]: For the first time I had an obsessive idea that the computer was following me... according to the stories of the computers, I bite the wire from the key and threw it out into the window
Tyki Mikk for [Max Art]: I was still trying to escape from drunkenness, but the escape ended with the first door hole...why I tried to escape no one knows... say I stood up and ran
Tyki Mikk for [Max Art]: Well, and the last time after I was almost bound with vodka, I explained to the dwarf about an hour why he could have an advantage in racing...
Tyki Mikk for [Max Art]: Instead of a dwarf there was a dwarf statue that is put in the garden

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №83000
Oh yeah! The grandmother said looking at the strings in the market... something happened... and there is nowhere to go.
Here we had a coward, dishes and floors to wash and my grandfather was enough to wash the car... and now shame one

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №82999
Typical news on First: America in the ass, Europe in the fire, and we are in the best country in the world!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №82998
Epic trolling of girls: buy a underwear, and then give it to your best friend with the words "I am small, and you will definitely fit!".

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82997
Shop and Lunch. There is a young mother with a 4-year-old daughter. She lists the foods she needs:
“Give me two kilograms of sugar and three large mayonnaises.
My daughter with a complaint:
And the bread please.
My mother is surprised:
Why do you have bread, sweetheart?
Are we going to eat sweet mayonnaise?
The curtain.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №82996
I took Kiryush to work in the cafe two weeks ago, and he liked everyone so much that the mistress decided to buy another one, only a girl and a blue. I pulled an old cage out of the house. And here we went with the waitress Vika to the nearest zoo for a bird. Zoo near Lenin. We picked out the most beautiful, active and wonderful girl, put her in a box and we, in turn, kissing, brought her to the cafe. In short, when the puppy was transplanted from a box into a cage, it naturally flew out.
I flew into the kitchen.
He struck his head at the window glass.
He fell into the freezer.
Paul is
I thought I was just murdered and here...
This is a funny story 😉
Paul is
Geth is
The quick cook dropped into the freezer with his hand.
Paul is
It is the same
I pulled the animal out!!! to
Paul is
Did the cook get out?
All are alive
My bird for two days.
She is holding 😉
I’m glad that no one ordered the potatoes that day!! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №82995
It's and
I will show you where rar's zip's fun!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №82994
This feeling
When after a long stay on the Internet, you open a book, read it and realize that there is no mistake!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №82993
I bought a children's disc with cartoons. We read with my husband the description (orthography and punctuation are preserved): The good cat Leopold, constantly bothered by two mice, demanding reciprocity.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82992
The State Duma has passed a law banning gay propaganda. But there is one nuance: the word "homosexuality" has been replaced by the elegant term "non-traditional sexual relations". Let you know that oral sex is not a “traditional sexual attitude” like many other people’s bed hobbies. It is canonical and traditional to be in a missionary position on the bed, under the blanket, when the light is turned off (fubla!). Thus, the sellers and buyers of bananas, hot dogs, collars, belts, ropes, handcuffs, lubricants, sausages, cucumbers and other longed objects (in Kazan, for example, champagne) can be fined and chewed with phallic bushes. Because a woman who eats a banana in public promotes the most unconventional relationships, let alone a man. And now eat ice cream only at home behind closed doors, sitting in the closet.
However, for masturbation by crucifixion is now a penalty, so fuck with it, with ice cream.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №82991
If unexpectedly, just so, the father-in-law gave your family 10 thousand, be sure, you will work all 50.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №82990
Gif-animation "Lifehack of the day", which shows how to fold a T-shirt in almost one movement. Below are the comments:
The same thing for me, news :-) This focus was posted on YouTube many years ago. in different performances.
We’ve learned for a long time, and even found a easier way. I have been wearing these shirts for many years. :)
YYY: How is it easier?
NNN: You are not putting up :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №82989
Aglan: archive of Knight_00-01.7z
Aglan: inside two archives: Knight_00.rar and
Aglan: inside Knight_00.rar lies Knight -
Aglan: Who is it?
Aglan: Who has read the stories of Kashya?

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №82988
to this

Why not invent an epilation cream for men? I smelt my face, smoked, washed and finished.
It does not grow long.

Man, you believe, I did not consider this option for fun, but women explained to me that there is irritation and redness immediately after that. I wanted to try it for the weekend, but I was told that on such a sensitive skin as the face it is not recommended at all. I was sick and didn’t try. If you try - write - share the joy... well or sadness. How will succeed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №82987
From the point of view of the authorities, a person has the right to express any thoughts except the wrong ones.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №82986
The commission fell upon us unexpectedly, like snow on our heads.
It has been talked about since our purely civil factory was taken under its wing by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. We even expected a top ministerial chief to appear somewhere at the end of the month, but not in a week.
Everyone ran in the factory, from the chief engineer to the cleaner; endlessly something was rubbed, cleaned, twisted and lubricated.

Having seen the half-broken ventilation pipes in the metalworking workshop, the chief engineer demanded satisfaction from the same chief but mechanic. And my project on pneumatic removal of metal scraps and dust, which had been dusting on the desk at the chief mechanic for several months, was immediately launched.

On the appointed day, a thick ministerial official in a new shirt hat and his accompanying naked persons began a valley tour of the factory. The commission watched, smelled, and... grabbed everything she saw. Only it was heard - to change, paint, repair, etc. and etc.

In the metalworking workshop, the head of the commission saw new shiny pipes.
This is what? He asked strictly.
- This is our new extraction system., - unwillingly stretched on the stand "humbly" chief engineer.
“Hmm,” said the official with doubts, “she doesn’t pull the fuck!”
– It pulls... look, – and the chief engineer brought to the suction pipe a single metal pipe, which immediately disappeared in the pipe.
One shot is not an indicator. The inspector smiled and tried to look into the tube.
At the same time, the th. The inspector shone brighter bright tubes - the system pulled the hat off his head, for a moment delayed the expensive headscarf of the sucking patrol, greedy clutching, - and the hat disappeared.

Red, like a tomato, the inspector died as soon as he got back his memento, oily and metal-dust-covered hat. After a while, we were informed that the inspection went without notice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna